Indiana Pizza Shop 1st to Publicly Say It Would Deny Same-Sex Service


Would you lose sleep if a gay business owner refused to serve a cake with "God hates gays" on it and christians threatened the owners lives and threatened to burn the business to the ground?

How about if an atheist refused print a shirt that says "all who deny Christ are going to hell" and they did the same?

Would those things bother you, or would you sleep just fine and think they have to support anything and everything against their own conscience?

Since you extreme liberals lose no sleep the other way, lets put prayer back and school and force everyone to participate, ok?

It's the sacred cow entitled the "market system" and it's power is shifting in a secular direction. The friction is simply causing you pain.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's the sacred cow entitled the "market system" and it's power is shifting in a secular direction. The friction is simply causing you pain.

The market? The market now burns business to the ground, leaves reviews about food they have never eaten, trashes an establishment that they have never walked into, threatens the family of the owners and threatens to burn the business to the ground?

Wow. Now tell me about that antibullying campaign by the gays... ill believe you (not)


New member
Hall of Fame
Just treat them equally and respectfully... a painful process I know.

Right, like serving them dinner in your restaurant, which they do. They have done nothing to anyone, except express their thoughts, fascist.

You dont believe in treating everyone equally, or this would bother the hell out of you.


The market? The market now burns business to the ground, leaves reviews about food they have never eaten, trashes an establishment that they have never walked into, threatens the family of the owners and threatens to burn the business to the ground?


Kinda like those Furgeson riots you don't seem to understand either.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:plain: Probably because they spend most of their time running their business and as such have not been paying attention to media over the past decade or so. I'm willing to bet they had no idea what a hornets nest they were opening for themselves.
Or, to be somewhat cynical, they saw the groundswell support and patronage for Chick fil A in markets where the locals were similarly opinionated and, being a local business that doesn't need to care about national response, saw a brighter upside.

I have a feeling they'll be okay though....I just checked their Gofundme page. Well over $300K...It hasn't even been a full day yet. I wouldn't be shocked if they came out of this millionaires. :)
I doubt they will be either. The local wind is something local, established businesses have always known better than tourists.


New member
Hall of Fame
Or, to be somewhat cynical, they saw the groundswell support and patronage for Chick fil A in markets where the locals were similarly opinionated and, being a local business that doesn't need to care about national response, saw a brighter upside.

False - a local reporter went to them. Then lied about what was said, which article is missing from the web now. It claimed that they had actually denied a gay wedding under the new law and that they were the first to do so, it was a LIE.

They have scriptures all in the place, and it was no big mystery why the local reporter chose them.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
False - a local reporter went to them.
I didn't say anything about who went to whom. And they did say something and that something resonated with their base/patrons.

Then lied about what was said, which article is missing from the web now.
They said they wouldn't cater a gay event but they'd serve a gay patron, right? That would play well here too.

It claimed that they had actually denied a gay wedding under the new law and that they were the first to do so, it was a LIE.
Apparently, though it's a slim lie given they would actually refuse if ask. Still, whoever falsely reported it should lose their job.

They have scriptures all in the place, and it was no big mystery why the local reporter chose them.
I'd bet that's true. And no one from the business had to say anything on the subject. Anything at all. As simple as, "I'm in the pizza business, not the controversy/news business. You'll have to find your story some place else."


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Kinda like those Furgeson riots you don't seem to understand either.

I believe we all know full well how the propagation of lies & a false narrative can incite mob mentality...I know you lefties love that sort of thing.


New member
Should they be receiving death threats? Absolutely not. Bad press? You betcha! Isn't that what the free market is about? He had a right to SAY what he did, but there are consequences to speech. It was a really really bad PR move and yes, he was probably targeted. He should have seen that coming honestly, but everyone slips up now and then. Do I hate him? No. I don't wish him, his family, or his business ill. That being said, of course the business will suffer (well before the gofundme page), and investigate every and all death threats if possible. If this restaurant was local to me, I personally would never eat there again, although given that it was stated that the religiousness of the owner was in plain site, one visit would probably have been enough for me anyway.


Well-known member
Than you also noticed I did not post in that absurd thread at all...what a stupid red herring by you...Got any more zingers there Einstein?

No, it's not a red herring. Out of one side of their mouths, right wing Christian extremists here are complaining about being persecuted by "Nazi homosexuals" and out of the other side of their mouths, they're hissing that homosexuals be executed. Out of one side of their mouth, they're whining about how they need protection from the law, and out of the other side, saying they want to legally execute homosexuals.

I'd noticed you didn't seem to have the conviction to answer the simple yes or no question about whether or not you think homosexuals should be executed.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, it's not a red herring. Out of one side of their mouths, right wing Christian extremists are complaining about being persecuted by "Nazi homosexuals" and out of the other side of your mouths, they're hissing that homosexuals be executed.

Is that right? *I* made this thread, not rocketman, care to post what my answer was to that question in that poll? Lets look:



New member
Hall of Fame
Kinda like those Furgeson riots you don't seem to understand either.

You mean those based on a lie also? :doh:

You guys just dont care how your lies destroy people if you think it gains you your own end, do you?


Well-known member
Is that right? *I* made this thread, not rocketman, care to post what my answer was to that question in that poll? Lets look:


And did I mention you? No.

Besides, the point is that it's dishonest to whitewash these laws and pretend that they're just about protecting poor Christians from being forced to serve homosexuals pizza.