In love


New member
What else do you got, worker of Satan?

I have more than you could possibly imagine, but you'd never understand.

I used to guide a guy who is blind from birth hiking and climbing in the mountains for days at a time. I had more success explaining things to him in the physical realm than I do with you in the spiritual. Even in his blind from birth state he was able to grasp my explanation of what a beam of light looks like and how colours enhance a landscape.

Nothing penetrates the darkness in which you exist. You are surrounded by all the means of salvation, but are a stranger to them. You are atheist without realising it. The saddest judgement of all...

May the Eternal Almighty have mercy upon your soul.

God's Truth

New member
I have more than you could possibly imagine, but you'd never understand.

I used to guide a guy who is blind from birth hiking and climbing in the mountains for days at a time. I had more success explaining things to him in the physical realm than I do with you in the spiritual. Even in his blind from birth state he was able to grasp my explanation of what a beam of light looks like and how colours enhance a landscape.

Nothing penetrates the darkness in which you exist. You are surrounded by all the means of salvation, but are a stranger to them. You are atheist without realising it. The saddest judgement of all...

May the Eternal Almighty have mercy upon your soul.

You have exposed yourself. You have an exact description of yourself.


New member
Yes. Their lives show the reality of their love :reals: or lack thereof for him (Ex 20:5, Mt 7:20, Lk 6:48).

Are we in agreement that Ex 20:5 is still valid and that the New Covenant has not diminished or invalidated the wrath and judgement of the Almighty against sin and unrepentant sinners? I've just been reading Matthew Poole's commentary on this verse. He expresses how I understand it far better than I could.


[Thinking, doing, saying] You are full of errors and distortion, as witnessed by what you say here:

According to your silly ideas Paul was an atheist because he taught that a man has to do something to be saved:

"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"
(Acts 16:30-31).​

We give him all (2 Pet. 1:5–11). Not doing that? You're a reprobate :juggle: (Matt. 21:19).


Are we in agreement that Ex 20:5 is still valid and that the New Covenant has not diminished or invalidated the wrath and judgment of the Almighty against sin and unrepentant sinners?
His law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). He never nailed do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross. Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14

I've just been reading Matthew Poole's commentary on this verse. He expresses how I understand it far better than I could.
Ex 20:5 Poole, M. :thumb:

We :straight: don't live like them :reals: (Eze 44:23, Jud 4, Re 3:9). :burnlib:
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