In case you were wondering why Rap refuses to go away ...


Well-known member

Outstanding find. This needs to be upvoted again and again. These are people colluding against their own country for nothing more than money.
Our Lord told us that the root of all evil is the love of money. I have no reason to doubt Him in my life experience. I suspect that learning to avoid this pitfall is one of many lessons we came here to learn. We see the same thing happening now in politics and pretty much any endeavor in life. An unfortunately large number of us make any and all compromises in order to lay hands on so much green paper with butt sweat on it. A poor trade I would suggest in relation to the reward offered those who would resist this inclination.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Our Lord told us that the root of all evil is the love of money. I have no reason to doubt Him in my life experience. I suspect that learning to avoid this pitfall is one of many lessons we came here to learn. We see the same thing happening now in politics and pretty much any endeavor in life. An unfortunately large number of us make any and all compromises in order to lay hands on so much green paper with butt sweat on it. A poor trade I would suggest in relation to the reward offered those who would resist this inclination.
It isn't quite what the English reading of Jesus' words would seem to suggest in regards to the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil.

First of all, almost everyone leaves out the word "kinds" and turns it into much more of a blanket statement than it was ever intended to be in the first place. Also, the phrase "love of money" is often misrepresented and misunderstood to mean "any desire to have money whatsoever" and leaves the listener with the impression that money is evil. The teaching is often followed up with a plea for the listener to place what money he does have in the offering tray and the question, "If I shouldn't want money, why does the church (or God) want it?" is never asked and wouldn't be answered if it were asked.

Jesus' comments were about ill gotten gain. It is avarice, the unreasonable desire for unearned money for money's sake and for the power that comes with it that is the root of all kinds of evil. Money itself is not evil at all. Indeed, money is one of the greatest inventions ever and by nearly any metric you care to talk about. It is only when one desires that which he has not earned, that which is not his by right, that evil comes into the picture. In fact, there can be no conflict of interest between men who do not desire that which is not theirs by right. The truth of which is shown most starkly when talking specifically about money.