I'm seeing these sorts of videos nearly every day, now!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's very likely correct.

What makes it even more worrisome is that it's considered acceptable, even video documentation changes nothing, and many rank and file Americans fully support and cheer on the brutality. I mean...that's game over, man.

assault a cop and get handled roughly?

when did you think it ever played out differently?

patrick jane

he pushed her down into a chair and she kicked out at him

how did she think it was going to end?

oh definately by getting slammed teeth first into a concrete floor. I think you're trying too hard to be a left wing fanatic and a cop lover to the point they can do know wrong, it's pathetic. You use comments that are ridiculously extreme to stay far left.


New member
oh definately by getting slammed teeth first into a concrete floor. I think you're trying too hard to be a left wing fanatic and a cop lover to the point they can do know wrong, it's pathetic. You use comments that are ridiculously extreme to stay far left.
Well said. :up:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
:rotfl: You are reaching in a desperate attempt to justify this. I remember why you were on my ignore. Back you go.

too bad

i really would have like to hear you describe how this was going to end non-violently

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
post #4, still unanswered:
more to the point - what do you think the cop should have done?

1. tased her?

2. pepper sprayed her?

3. punched her in the face and knocked her out?

4. took out a billyclub and clubbed her unconscious?

5. asked her to pretty please stop kicking him?

6. cry like a little girl?

patrick jane

post #4, still unanswered:

she was already cuffed and thrown into the chair sitting. As an officer with that harmless little flutter kick, I would inform her that I can restrain her feet as well, and if the kick hurt I would restrain her tiny little feet and legs. She probably weighs 100 lbs

It is worse than pathetic that you defend that cop's actions from that video; shameless and brainless.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
she was already cuffed and thrown into the chair sitting. As an officer with that harmless little flutter kick, I would inform her that I can restrain her feet as well, and if the kick hurt I would restrain her tiny little feet and legs. She probably weighs 100 lbs

It is worse than pathetic that you defend that cop's actions from that video; shameless and brainless.

so you choose #6


i prolly would have gone with 3


Obviously TOL's bleeding heart liberals aren't aware of the term "Wall to Wall Counseling", which throughout history has helped many a criminal think twice about their actions.

wall-to-wall counseling

A behavior correction method, in which a superior shows a subordinate the error of his or her actions by means of physical violence. Verbal abuse is optional. While primitive, it differs from blind, drunken battery in that it is initiated with the objective of eliminating undesirable behavior. Used correctly, it is utilized only when all other methods of communication have failed.

Applications of wall-to-wall counseling vary, ranging from a simple slap to prolonged sessions ending with a trip to the hospital. Like most counseling, it is of an intimate nature and usually takes place between counseler and counselee in a secluded place, though the counseler may opt to include assistants for physically fit patients. Blunt, hard objects such as baseball bats, 2x4 wood, and walking canes are occasionally included as teaching aids.

Named for the dynamic nature involved, in which a counselee is tossed about from wall to wall during a session.

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wall-to-wall counseling