Illinois Snowflakes on Verge of Nervous Breakdowns!


"Quick! Pass my meds, Mommy!" Can you believe what follows? In 2016, and coming out of Chicagistan, at that. (Knowing academics, one must strongly suspect these academics are running a severe fever... Snowflake rights violation? Possibly something the, otherwise, idle Obama DOJ may see fit to act upon?)

University of Chicago Tells Millennials to Suck It Up, "We Do Not Condone 'Safe Spaces'"

Aug 25, 2016 4:40 AM

In a refreshing and stark contrast to other universities that have seemingly tripped over themselves to accommodate every silly request from America's pampered Millennials in their never ending quest for "safe spaces," the University of Chicago has sent the incoming class of 2020 a letter making very clear that they will find no "safe spaces" in their intellectual journey at Chicago. The full letter is presented below but here are a couple of the best comments for your reading pleasure:

You will find that we expect members of our community to be engaged in rigorous debate, discussion, and even disagreement. At times this may challenge you and even cause discomfort.

Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called “trigger warnings,” we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual “safe spaces” where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.

Just when we thought all hope had been lost, an establishment of higher learning finally steps up to interject some rational thoughts into the public discourse surrounding freedom of expression.




It's ultimately their parent's fault. I fail to see any reason why a young person would ever turn out to be the way these kids are in college if not for their parents never giving them any hard lesson about life.

They grow up in easy living and never find out about how life really is. They never experience societal complexity, or offense, or anything. They're spoiled and opinionated on matters they know nothing about, and that's why they do as they do when they get a taste of independence in the city.

And unfortunately, these kids grow up and then they put it on the generation behind them to be as asinine as themselves. That's where it's at right now- a lot of them end up working with universities and influencing others, and now we have a proud generation of snowflakes.

I can't explain it any other way except to say that it's weeds which have began to tree out because parents decided to let the field run rampant.
It's ultimately their parent's fault. I fail to see any reason why a young person would ever turn out to be the way these kids are in college if not for their parents never giving them any hard lesson about life.

They grow up in easy living and never find out about how life really is. They never experience societal complexity, or offense, or anything. They're spoiled and opinionated on matters they know nothing about, and that's why they do as they do when they get a taste of independence in the city.

And unfortunately, these kids grow up and then they put it on the generation behind them to be as asinine as themselves. That's where it's at right now- a lot of them end up working with universities and influencing others, and now we have a proud generation of snowflakes.

I can't explain it any other way except to say that it's weeds which have began to tree out because parents decided to let the field run rampant.

Maybe some parents have become over protective for all the well publicized crime, kidnappings, etc. When I was a child, nobody thought twice about children being outside, unsupervised, all day, the neighborhood safe, us kids the greatest danger to it! It seems technology has a lot to do with the problem, also, a lack of socialization. I visited some relatives a few years ago, and we were commenting how quiet the neighborhood was. I said I imagined all the children had grown up and moved away. I was told no, there are plenty of children, a number of new and younger neighbors, but their children don't go outside. Children are too sophisticated now, too adult-like in some ways. I sometimes wonder if they've ever been kids, as I remember being a simple child, who liked simple things, and other children the same, no complex video games, no exposure to the likes of what's on TV now, simple toys and an innocence about adult things, spent most of our time socializing and playing games that would be too boring to the children of our day. Do children even play marbles anymore?

When I was a child, we played and did all sorts of things outside, sometimes got in fights, had to learn to deal with all types, including bullies. Even if you lost a fight, as long as you made the person who won know he wouldn't want to win that one again, you gained respect, and people learned boundaries, but also not to have a thin skin and to be tough enough to stand on your own, without crying to some authority figure, which would have been tantamount to being a rat and a crybaby: in other words, a target thereafter. There was a social system, and a child became socialized to mixed types of personalities, good and bad, and learned to simply deal with it.

A lot of children today are being raised by video games, computers and TV sets. They're not getting that socialization, but they are going to run into the bullies of childhood as adults, in their work or whatever. I can't imagine what it would be like, to have lived so insular as some must, then to go out into the real world with no critical coping skills. In essence, grow up, without ever having grown up. They must be like dinner for predators, one can imagine will make great slaves of any type-A personalities of authority. Was just thinking maybe this is the up and coming Hitler youth, of the liberals who can marshall the snowflakes under their thumbs? These same snowflakes are liberals, who believe in nanny government. They'd like political correctness enshrined into criminal law.

There was this poll where millennials were asked if they'd like laws against hurting peoples' feelings, and I forget the percentage, but an appalling number of them said yes, at the expense of free speech. Just trash the First Amendment! All I could think is that they're so clueless and history challenged. (Were they taught no civics, nothing about the scourges of totalitarianism, the sanctity of the Constitution?) This was never what I was taught about America, rather the opposite, that it's freedom that must be protected from history's creeps, that we put up with speech we don't like, because this is who we are, free, that men even died for these rights and to maintain these rights.

There was even that common childhood saying, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me." We were taught not to be thin skinned, that it's not a virtue, rather a weakness, to be ashamed of. I actually feel sorry for these clueless and fearful youth, though, as it's a psychological slavery they're under, that thin skin. Like getting back to childhood bullies, it's a bad position to live in fear, and it's a most liberating, valuable experience, when you cease to fear them and pop them back in the nose. You become free at that point, and the bully learns he's not as free as he thought, and the world becomes a little better a place. You don't learn this sort of thing from a video game.

The bottom line is it's a worse situation than simply a psychological problem. When people are willing to surrender their rights and are so weak and sensitive, it creates a vacuum for evil to exploit. If anything is to be learned, it will have to be learned the hard way. There are very evil demagogues out there that would love to take away peoples' guns, criminalize free speech and make slaves of people to a politically correct, terrorist state, have been doing much to try and destroy America's sovereignty. Their success thus far is primarily due to the dumbed-down and weak in the knees being AWOL to protect their freedoms, and Lord knows how somebody who would cry, if you look at them sideways, is of any use in maintaining freedom. It's a worse sign as to the state of affairs than many may see, if there's a generation of cowards being raised.


Well-known member
When I was a child, we played and did all sorts of things outside, sometimes got in fights, had to learn to deal with all types, including bullies. Even if you lost a fight, as long as you made the person who won know he wouldn't want to win that one again, you gained respect, and people learned boundaries, but also not to have a thin skin and to be tough enough to stand on your own, without crying to some authority figure, which would have been tantamount to being a rat and a crybaby: in other words, a target thereafter. There was a social system, and a child became socialized to mixed types of personalities, good and bad, and learned to simply deal with it.

Remember when parents would say, "Get outside; don't come back in until dinner!" ?

Also... Some of the most satisfying childhood memories are the times when the bullies got some "socialization" lessons.