ECT If you want out of the deceptions of MAD read the rebuttal of Bullinger by Ironside.

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There you go again, assuming you know what other people think. Danoh the great mind reader! Have you ever considered we keep our cards close to our chests for a purpose? Not strut and blither and lecture and boast, while we sit back and wonder what in the world happened to you. Were you dropped at birth, perhaps? :chuckle:

And yet that is exactly intojoy's point about you and yours.

Pray tell, sister, where is this grace of yours in your words to those you view as being without?

And why do you condone the grace-lessness of your pals towards anyone who disagrees with you and yours?
How did you like that grace you just got handed to ya, Glory?


What? You think that means you are to ignore them?

If you knew the Power of the GOSPEL to save, you wouldn't be reading that verse as you do. You'd know it wasn't something that is in our power to do, but is what will come upon them if they do not believe the Gospel of Salvation. Let them be cursed. They will be eternally cursed if they remain in their unbelief. Preaching the Gospel of Grace to the lost is exactly what we are called to do. Since you lean toward the Tulip, you miss that.

1 Cor. 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

2 Cor. 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

Galatians 1:7-9
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.​

Why da hell is tambora thanking this?
Paul said they are anathema. Don't you know by now what that means? It means let them burn.

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The best we have is our spiritual discernment based on what they preach. Only God can see into the hearts of man.

Wrong. It is based upon asking key questions of them and then we have to take their word for it.

Goat Meal and Rosenquitter can both preach great grace sermons. But they do not believe in the deity of Messiah and are lost as hell.

Determining if a person is saved is simple.
Do they trust Messiah's death burial and resurrection for their personal sins?

If they do we have to take their word for it.

Yet we are to test the spirits to see because not all that preach Christ are of the faith. One way of testing the spirits is asking do they believe in the Trinity? If they can not then they are not. No man can say that Christ is God incarnate without the Holy Spirit. It's not that they are trying to outwit you by saying that the triunity of God is not possible, it is because they are unregenerate and can not accept the truth, they are counterfeits.

Truster, no need thanking this.

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Well-known member
And yet that is exactly intojoy's point about you and yours.

Pray tell, sister, where is this grace of yours in your words to those you view as being without?

And why do you condone the grace-lessness of your pals towards anyone who disagrees with you and yours?

You're assuming you know why I post what I do. You're wrong, and if that's intojoy's point, he's wrong.

I may speak grace-lessly, according to you, but I speak truth as I see it. I don't namby pamby around. These are not babes in the woods, they are putting forth all kinds of errors and claiming they are truths. Just as our Lord was not gentle with those who were putting out errors claiming they were truths. Gentleness only works on the meek. Not many meek here on TOL.

And your idiotic "you and yours" tells me you are just plain stupid.


You're assuming you know why I post what I do. You're wrong, and if that's intojoy's point, he's wrong.

I may speak grace-lessly, according to you, but I speak truth as I see it. I don't namby pamby around. These are not babes in the woods, they are putting forth all kinds of errors and claiming they are truths. Just as our Lord was not gentle with those who were putting out errors claiming they were truths. Gentleness only works on the meek. Not many meek here on TOL.

And your idiotic "you and yours" tells me you are just plain stupid.


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New member
You just keep proving you have no idea what is the grace of God to usward.

Sort of like your hateful comments to me in the thank you comments option - you really show your understanding of grace then :chuckle:


Well-known member
Why da hell is tambora thanking this?
Paul said they are anathema. Don't you know by now what that means? It means let them burn.

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Really? Then why was Paul preaching the Gospel to unbelievers? Why didn't he just tell everyone who didn't love Jesus to just burn? :chew:

1 Corinthians 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.


New member
Really? Then why was Paul preaching the Gospel to unbelievers? Why didn't he just tell everyone who didn't love Jesus to just burn? :chew:

1 Corinthians 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

"...that's THE LORD JESUS CHRIST..." - JohnW



Really? Then why was Paul preaching the Gospel to unbelievers? Why didn't he just tell everyone who didn't love Jesus to just burn? :chew:

1 Corinthians 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

You are showing that you don't take Paul's terms the way he gave them. Paul is very technical with his choices of words like the charem curse from Achin of the Joshua times. The charem curse made the person under it untouchable and set apart for destruction.

A similar problem is a person who God gives over to a reprobate mind because of their immorality.

The charem curse is not given to a sexual deviant but to an outwardly religious individual that changes the gospel from grace alone to a mixture of works and grace for salvation. Paul says they are to be untouchable because they have been set aside by God for judgement.

You are violating a NT commandment by continuing to argue with gT and Meshak tubal Cain.

Plain as the day woman.

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Well-known member
Wrong. It is based upon asking key questions of them and then we have to take their word for it.

Goat Meal and Rosenquitter can both preach great grace sermons. But they do not believe in the deity of Messiah and are lost as hell.

Determining if a person is saved is simple.
Do they trust Messiah's death burial and resurrection for their personal sins?

If they do we have to take their word for it.

Yet we are to test the spirits to see because not all that preach Christ are of the faith. One way of testing the spirits is asking do they believe in the Trinity? If they can not then they are not. No man can say that Christ is God incarnate without the Holy Spirit. It's not that they are trying to outwit you by saying that the triunity of God is not possible, it is because they are unregenerate and can not accept the truth, they are counterfeits.

Truster, no need thanking this.

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You're wrong. They can say anything they think will tickle your ears. You're just plain gullible.


New member
You are showing that you don't take Paul's terms the way he gave them. Paul is very technical with his choices of words like the charem curse from Achin of the Joshua times. The charem curse made the person under it untouchable and set apart for destruction.

A similar problem is a person who God gives over to a reprobate mind because of their immorality.

The charem curse is not given to a sexual deviant but to an outwardly religious individual that changes the gospel from grace alone to a mixture of works and grace for salvation. Paul says they are to be untouchable because they have been set aside by God for judgement.

You are violating a NT commandment by continuing to argue with gT and Meshak tubal Cain.

Plain as the day woman.

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Yeah, but who would Club Hybrid "MAD" be left with to prove how all knowing they each are above others?

And remember the party line - "in Matt. thru John, the Lord is not for" their "example" - well, except for whenever they find it convenient to use the Lord's dealings with others as a means of justifying their ever grace-less "grace" towards anyone who disagrees with them.

What a wonder to behold this TOL Club Hybrid "MAD" is :chuckle:
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