If Lucifer is a Cedar Tree in the Garden of Eden, Then Who is the Serpent?


If Lucifer is a Cedar Tree in the Garden of Eden, Then Who is the Serpent?

We all know the verse...

Isaiah 14:12
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

Lucifer was 'cut down' because Lucy was a Tree... a Cedar to be precise.

In fact, the other Cedars were glad to see Lucy get chopped down...

Isaiah 14:8
"Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us"

The Bible even says their was ENVY in the Garden of Eden!

Isn't that a Sin?

I didn't know Sin had already existed in the Garden...

Ezekiel 31:9
"I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him"

So again I ask...

If Lucifer was a Cedar Tree... who was the Serpent?



Lol at the snake pic.

And Serpentdove, I agree with you.

I was taught that the Serpent was Satan and Lucifer.

Seems they are two different Entities all together.

In fact...

How do we even know that the Serpent in the Garden was Satan to begin with?

Just because the Book of Revelation calls Satan 'That Old Serpent', doesn't mean we can assume it's the same one in Genesis.

I could sure use some Wisdom here...


Seems Satan is more a Dragon in the Sea...

Isaiah 27:1
"In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea"

... and not a Snake in a Tree.

What's going on here?

Doesn't Michael slay the Dragon?



Serpentdove, I agree with you. I was taught that the Serpent was Satan and Lucifer. Seems they are two different Entities all together.
Lucifer is a name applied to Satan [Is. 14:12] (also alluded to in Luke [Lk 10:18]).
How do we even know that the Serpent in the Garden was Satan to begin with?
Satan is a spirit being. He disguises himself in different forms (2 Cor. 11:14).
Just because the Book of Revelation calls Satan 'That Old Serpent', doesn't mean we can assume it's the same one in Genesis.
One in the same. The church has always known that the antichrist would come out of Rome. Daughter hoes
returning back to mama Rome
confuse individuals (Ps 137:8).
I could sure use some wisdom here.
And you ask a snake? :skeptic:



Genesis 3:1 Morris
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Lucifer is a name applied to Satan [Is. 14:12]

Uh... Yeah, OK.

Did you already forget I just posted that verse as the main question showing that Lucifer was a *CEDAR TREE* in the Garden... NOT the Serpent?

(also alluded to in Luke [Lk 10:18]).

Lucifer being cut down as a CEDAR TREE is not the same as Lightning falling.

Not even close really.

Seems I've already 'stumped' this forum with this simple question that has yet to be answered.



Ezekiel 31:9
"...all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him"

Can't imagine the Tree of Life having Envy... yet there it is.

Too much Truth to handle or what?



Am I going to have to rustle some jimmies around here to get people's attention?


Hey look everyone!!!

God says you were all conceived in HELL!


Ye are all of your Father the Devil.

Did you know that?

Of course not. Too arrogant to see yourself for who you truly are.

Oh look...

The "Sides of the Pit" is the Biblical term for Uterus...


Bet you didn't see that one coming!

No wonder they worshiped the Golden Calf...


Now then...

Let's see how these brilliant Theologians 'worm' their way out of this Revelation.

Did someone say Worm AKA RNA/DNA?


Oh the predictable responses I will receive.

Talk about YAWN!


So THAT'S where the Lake of Fire leads to...


The Bull/Uterus God... Molech.

And your Pastor taught you that people 'burn in Hell forever'... Lol.

Where is the LOVE?

Where is the MERCY?

God gives those not saved another chance in the Sides of the Pit via the Worm that Dieth Not...


Yes, that is a picture of a Uterus above during the Moment of Conception.

How are those Jimmies doing?




Did you know the Bible gave a name to the Lake of Fire?


Yeah... that 'Born Again' symbol.

I doubt any of you geniuses can find it though.

Too brainwashed.



Another joke...

What did the Derp say to the other Derp?

Mystery Babylon is the Vatican!

Then another Derp came by and said...


It's The United States!

Then another Derp came by and said...


It's Europe!

On and on they went. Arrogantly pointing their hypocritical fingers at someone else... NEVER themselves... for that's how the Devil works!

Then one day, the Derps eyes were opened...



Seriously though...

When are you people going to wake up?

Nothing nut knowitalls that don't know SQUAT!

WAKE UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You think this is a game?

You think a bunch of stupid cavemen wrote the Bible?

How can the Tabernacle be a picture of a Biological Cell?

Those stupid cavemen that wrote the Bible didn't have Microscopes!!!

That's what most of you are thinking too.



New member
Hi, I am writing a book on this subject and discovered your post in a search for related material. Would you like me to email you a copy of this book once it is finished? If so please message me your email address. Thanks Andy


New member

I myself , for many, many years thought and believed and i even said - that the Word Lucifer
was referring to the Devil - Satan.

However upon researching and studying this, I have found that the Word Lucifer has nothing to do with Satan or the Devil. As Far as Being The Bible . I was completely shocked.​
In The Bible Lucifer is a Latin / Italian name. And the King James Version Translators Borrowed this Latin Old English word Lucifer for the KJV.

And Lucifer - The Word - is only Mentioned 1 single Time in the Bible.

And i found that Lucifer has nothing to do with Satan or the Devil - Anywhere in the Bible.

The Catholic Church simply used this Latin word in the bible to simply translate from the Hebrew. - To Italian

the Hebrew word Allah and or HAL - LAL

These two Closly related words are - Hebrew 1966 הילל and 1984 הלל

Pronounced as - Allah - Halal or hêylêl / hay-lale'​

Meaning brightness) - Light, To Shine. Glory, Praise or Make a Show. Bright color); to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causatively and to celebrate.

Lucifer is only mentioned one single time in the Bible and the Author was saying that here in Isa 14:4 That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon is the oppressor

the king of Babylon is the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.

the king of Babylon - He smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger,

Hell from beneath caused the king of Babylonis to be removed

All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also ( the king of Babylon ) become weak as we ? are.

the king of Babylons pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms covers Him.

the king of Babylon is fallen from heaven, ( Shining Brightly - Lucifer, ) son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

The Word LUCIFER is simply describing the KING Of Babylon as a Glorious, Shining Figure of the Early Era. Who was raised up early , quickly and suddenly and eventually was destroyed.

The king obtained Power Symbolically - in the Morning. Referring to Early in Time.


New member
Through the World Allah and Lucifer Are words that Refer to Light.

Halo, Hologram, Halogen, Aladdin, HALLAL, Halley's Comet, Hallucination, Haloid, Haloscope, or Halometer, Halogenation, Halite, Haliograph, Heliography, Hallucinogenics, Hallucinating, Hallucinator, Hallucinatory, Hallucinogen, Hallucinogenic, Hallucinoses, Hallucinosis, Halesia, Luculent, Lucis, Lucifugous, Lucerna lamp Luzerno, Luciform, Lucid, Leucine, Lucite, Lucent, Luscher, LUSCA, Lucien, Luminescence, Lucentis, Lucifer

Halo........A luminous circle, usually prismatically colored, round the sun or moon,

Hologram......Illuminating AN object with coherent light Halogen..... lamp...LIGHT

Aladdin......ONE WITH a magic lamp OR LIGHT OR FIRE



Hallucination.... visual~ illusion,- images.

Haloid.....Form of a halogen Haloscope or Halometer.... Instrument to read bright spots of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo Halogenation....... Creation of Halogen substance

Halesia - A tree with white bright flowers. Halite - naturally occurring crystalline shine

Haliograph - using mirrors and light for communications Heliography - photographic process in relation to exposure to light

Halothane....... A vapour fluorine that is unstable in light

Haloing....... A circular band of colored light around a light source

Halon-......carbons used as fire-extinguishing agents.

Halation.....tricks of lighting. Hallucination.... visual~ illusion,-


Lucent.......Giving off light Luscher.....light-absorbing testing

LUSCA....... Italian.Baby name.... Meaning: Bringer Of Light. /

Lucifer Lucifer...... an Italian word meaning Light

Lucien.........Italian.Baby name. Lucent....... .Giving off light;

luminous Luminescence The emission of light Lucentis....... Loss of light.

Luculent - bright; shining Lucis - light Lucifugous - light- shunning or avoiding

Lucerna lamp) oil lamps Luzerno - glowworm (the plant was so called in allusion to its bright seeds);

Luciform- Having, in some respects, the nature of light; resembling light

Lucid- suffused with light

Leucine- a white crystalline essential amino acid Lucite - rings -a synthetic organic effected by light

Allah & Lucifer are the same IN HOSTORICAL meaning & definition..


Lucifer / Halla

Allah is in the bible

Halal ~~Hebrew 1984 ~Halal- To shine give [light~ LUCIFER./

German pagan God of Death / Underworld Elli / Alli

God from African Mythology... ALA: Earth Mother Goddess of Fertility and Death.

God from Native American Mythology... AHLAUMEL: Thunder God.

God from Norse Mythology... HELLA Goddess of the Inglorious Dead OR ELLI Goddess of Old Age.

God from South American Mythology... AL-LAL Heroic killer of Giants. OR HUALLALLO: Volcanic Fire God.

God from Celtic Mythology... ALATHA: God of the FOMORII Sea creatures.

God from Mesopotamian Mythology. Allatum, Ellat God of the Underworld.

God from Arabian Mythology. Alilat God of Earth / Fertility Al Uzza Arabian A goddess of the dawn.

OR Al-Uzzá worshiped as one of the daughters of Allah the Arabian MOON GOD.

God from Egyptian Mythology Hahl God of the deserts and underworld.

God from Kassite Mythology Hala. The God of healing.

God from Nigerian Mythology Ala goddess of fertility, morality & of justice.

God from Polynesia Mythology Ala Muki A river goddess who takes the form of a dragon.

God from Polynesia Mythology ALALAHE Goddess of Love.

Gods from Hawaii Mythology... ALA-MUKI : A Dragon Goddess who protects a in Hawaii.

Gods from Syrian Mythology,,,, El or Al A storm god,

Al'eb Canaan A primordial god

Alais Greek God of Oenotropae

Elel Puelche Argentina A malevolent demonic being

Alena Russian A goddess of fire

Aleos Greek A goddess of peace & mercy

Aljon Syria A god

Allel/ Ellilus Hittite A god

Alli Scandinavia A goddess of wrestling

Ellil.... Babylon/ Akkadia A creator & air god

Halahala...... Buddhist/ Mayhayana A god of poison

Haili'la / A plague god associated with small pox.

Haltia.... Finno / Ugric A goddess of healing ...