[Still stuck on shellfish :freak:] Poly-cotton blend shirts are a sin
When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? :dizzy:
Recommended reading:
The Plot (an overview of the Bible) by Bob Enyart
[Still stuck on shellfish :freak:] Poly-cotton blend shirts are a sin
If a sexual act is intrinsically opposed to either the unitive or procreative aspect of sex, then the act is immoral.
I'm not sure about a marriage, itself, being immoral. Invalid, possibly.
It is possible for two people in a valid marriage, to engage in an immoral sexual act. Is that what you mean?
Seems awful convenient that the laws you don't want to follow just happen to be the ones no longer in effect.
and nothing says love like rape
Talk about mincing terms. If - via morally speaking - you believe that homosexuals may not marry then you're making an obvious moral judgment upon their legal marriage..especially so given your moral view against the specific brand of sex that will inevitably incur between such individuals. You're semantic dance is fooling no one.
Which introduces an ever diverse secular morality which finds it immoral to refuse to acknowledge same-sex marriages based upon a narrow-minded, bigoted, exclusivity premise.
zero-sum..except for that legal thing.
[Still stuck on shellfish :freak:] How are the two even comparable?
A sin covered in innocent blood.
Why would anyone follow laws that are void?
Only to a rapist, "mister" Dante.
I understand, inconvienent sins are no longer sins
For an infertile couple any sex would be immoral.
So the law about rape victims having to marry the man who assaulted her was not founded in love?
For an infertile couple any sex would be immoral.
For an infertile couple any sex would be immoral.
For an infertile couple any sex would be immoral.
FTR - there is nowhere, in the original languages, where the OT mandates that a woman, raped by a man, is required to marry her rapist. Re: http://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/ot_and_rape.htm
Your words.
Ritual and Ceremonial laws from the Old Covenant have been done away with under the New Covenant.
The moral Law still stands.
FTR - there is nowhere, in the original languages, where the OT mandates that a woman, raped by a man, is required to marry her rapist. Re: http://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/ot_and_rape.htm
Not necessarily.
Being infertile, in itself, does not make someone's actions immoral. Similarly, being fertile, in itself, doesn't mean every sexual act a person engages in, is a moral one.
If I were to purposely seek out a sexual partner (whether she is fertile or infertile), just for the sake of satisfying my own sexual desires, then yes - that would be immoral. I'd be using that person, no?
Please always insure you leave things out of quotes so the context is lost. I appreciate it. I'll answer you when you quote me correctly.