If its just love, why shouldnt incest be ok?


LOL. Your ignorance is a bottomless pit. Being baptized as a baby does not a Catholic make, moron.

Are you a catholic ?? I think not !! How do you think the pope counts those catholic's out there ?! Hitler was raised Catholic he attended church, the pro- nazi pope commanded mass to be celebrated every year on hitlers birthday which it was until his death...... You imbecile!!

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
TH is as honest as the day is long.



I'm a godless anti-religious spokesman...


great - another retard

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
No she's not. She's a pretty wonderful human being.
She is and so are you. I see CC is busy being an assumptive idiot on your count having nearly exhausted that supply with me. Back to our present angry young man/woman...

It's too bad you won't be here long. If you'd used a little self-control, you could have stuck around to make an interesting argument related to the OP.
Doesn't appear to have anything to say, just wants to say it loudly. We already filled that quota, so no real loss. If she can't abide by the rules agreed to and respond to fairly gentle nudges with that sort of thing then she is only here to make noise and tell her buddies about the time she "blew up" that Christian site.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see you are up to your usual standard of ignorance and lies.
You say something silly like that, but you never will quote me telling a lie. :nono: And being called ignorant by you is like having my acumen critiqued by an illiterate.

But it is entertaining to watch all you leftist

Nope again.

I was actually pro-life long before I came to the Christian faith and my friendship with the founder of this joint began after I debated the pro-life side of things with the tragically mistaken people on the other side.

If this was a baseball game you'd be weeping into your rally hat by now. :plain:


like marbles on glass
It's good to see more of this sort of thing on the site, even if it has to follow that other sort of thing.

Honesty compels me to admit I'm capable of both ( with varying degrees of ability). :eek:

Also, "friend of mine" is one of my two favorite forms of address, with "beloved" being the other. They're remarkably gentle expressions of affection, don't you think? :)

Yes I do, friend of mine.

Just don't tick me off again.
