If I ran for President

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Well-known member
It bother me that some 'Christians' think that government can fix their perceived problems.

The best course of action is to vote for someone that will get out of our way and give us the freedom to worship and abide by our interpretation of scripture, providing it does not physically harm anyone else.

Vote? Why vote? Other than that I agree with this post.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
So you'd be a dictator. You guys really seem to hate democracy whenever the subject comes up. Constitution, too, for that matter. This whole bit's a little funny--unintentionally; I mean the "other than that" part was a heck of a punchline--but also very depressing.
The weird thing is how clueless some people are of their own wildly irrational and contradictory ideas about themselves and the world. I've been visiting TOL for a long time (and other similar sites) and I'm still stunned by how completely irrational, illogical, and blinded by allegiance to ego a lot of people really are. I honestly don't see how they get through a day without causing a disaster of some kind!


The no prisons and no standing army are excellent ideas. ...

Tell us why.

“Old Whig” stated that “the unlimited power of taxation will give them the command of all the treasures of the continent; a standing army will be wholly at their devotion.” And waalaa, just as predicted.


And in the event of a foreign invasion?

Mainland invasion of the United States

Have a military similar to a volunteer fire department?

Oh, I forgot: According Libertarian theory, if we leave evil alone (Nazi Germany and Japan during WWII and currently Islam) evil will leave us alone.

And prisons?


Well-known member
And in the event of a foreign invasion?

Mainland invasion of the United States

Have a military similar to a volunteer fire department?

Oh, I forgot: According Libertarian theory, if we leave evil alone (Nazi Germany and Japan during WWII and currently Islam) evil will leave us alone.

And prisons?

Notice how he just sidestepped what the quote said. Leaves two questions then decides to leave a non sensical opinion. Typical AcW.

And in the event of a foreign invasion? Having trouble with thinking about what would happen if that indeed happened?
Have a military similar to a volunteer fire department? Silly AcW, thinking the Army is the only branch.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
So you'd be a dictator. You guys really seem to hate democracy whenever the subject comes up. Constitution, too, for that matter. This whole bit's a little funny--unintentionally; I mean the "other than that" part was a heck of a punchline--but also very depressing.

I do hate democracy and I'm not a huge fan of the constitution.

Blasphemy is subjective. Homosexuality isn't. So under this system of yours, you will execute all non trins? They firmly believe as the Jews. They can quote scripture in the attempt to justify what they believe. Yet it is blasphemy. Or is just those that use a crucifix inside a jar of urine. Kill all atheists too?

Non-trins, not necessarily but if they preach their false gospel yes. Crucifix in urine, yes that's blasphemy. "All atheists"? No. Those who admit to non-Christianity shouldn't be punished beyond non-citizenship unless they blaspheme.

I don't think dispensationalism has any bearing on this discussion. But then again, maybe it does.

I think it does, but then, most dispies don't want to punish homosexuality with their hermaneutic either.

The Horn

The kind of government outlined in this thread is anything but "smaller government " or "limited government " .
This shows ZERO understanding of the constitution . What part of "Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion " don't you get ?
The founding fathers are spinning in their graves !

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
The kind of government outlined in this thread is anything but "smaller government " or "limited government " .
This shows ZERO understanding of the constitution . What part of "Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion " don't you get ?
The founding fathers are spinning in their graves !

Well, first of all I disagree with the 1st amendment, but second of all, the founding fathers wanted states to be able to establish a religion.


New member
Just a "for fun" thread as I would of course never get elected with this platform, but what the heck:

I would do everything in my power to amend the 1st amendment so as to add an explicit mention of Jesus Christ to the national constitution.

I would do everything in my power to also add a basic statement of faith that generally covers reformation-ish Protestantism (at the very least requiring affirmation of the Nicene Creed and the 5 solas) as a prerequesite for holding public office.

Those who would not take an oath that they believe such would be denied citizenship. They could still live and work in the land, and do anything else a citizen can do but vote or hold office, but are bound by the laws of the land.

Those who do take the oath but subversively break it (by preaching false gospels or false gods) would suffer execution. This would not apply to those who did not take the oath to begin with, though as mentioned they would be sojurners in the land.

Furthermore, blasphemy of the one true God would be a capital crime whether one is a citizen or not.

Adulterers, those who engage in homosexual sex, murderers, rapists, incorrigible rebels who cannot be brought to repentance by any other fashion, those who falsely accuse others of capital crimes, and violators of any other Old Covenant death penalty law not specifically repealed in the New would be executed.

Thieves would always pay resitution. No prisons.

Those who commit assault could suffer flogging or pay resitution to the victims. No prisons.

Government would have no legislature. Only local courts to apply the law to specific situations.

Reactive police force only. Call them up like the fire department, and they will come to help you. No patrol cops allowed.

No standing army. navy and air force supported by armed citizenry.

Destroy graven images that are publicly displayed, including pictures of any person of the trinity, or idols, no matter who owns them.

Taxes strictly limited to 9% or less. I'd also like to have a further limiter, say 3-5%, during peacetime.

Other than that I pretty much want to leave everyone alone. Repeal all laws not justified by the laws in God's Word. This includes most economic regulation, drug laws, gun control, etc. Government can repress grave evil but it cannot fix all of our social problems. Families, churches, and markets need to pick up the slack as the State shrinks back to a manageable size.

Well, that's what I would do if I were President, if possible.

Have you thought about where exactly you would hide when the the citizens of the US take up arms to depose your regime?


New member
CL must be up to something. Or he's mentally ill. No sane person goes from anarchist to theocratic dictator in a matter of mere months.

I know one day he will find the middle road. And he will be glad when he does.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Have you thought about where exactly you would hide when the the citizens of the US take up arms to depose your regime?


CL must be up to something. Or he's mentally ill. No sane person goes from anarchist to theocratic dictator in a matter of mere months.

I know one day he will find the middle road. And he will be glad when he does.

I bet I still support less government than you :p

And no, I don't support "theocratic dictatorship" but rather theocratic libertarianism


New member
Your idea of "liberty" entails taxing and regulating every part of life,

Whereas you've invented a system that will require no taxes and no regulations. Oh, except those that you listed at the top, I guess, right? Of course, somehow you're going to have to pay for that, so maybe just a few taxes...

... and murdering unborn babies,

aka: not babies.

... so why the heck should I care what you think about this?

You definitely shouldn't. There's really no chance that I'm going to permit you to set up a Caliphate here, nor would anyone else, thankfully. But the fact that you want to really says it all.

Citizenship wouldn't mean nearly as much in theonomy because the State is much smaller.

And yet, you still feel the need to reserve it just for yourself and people who think like you. Strange, when it doesn't really matter, isn't it?

But you blaspheme God and yes, the State should execute you.

...because you think your god is so feeble that he needs that kind of protection.

I used to wonder how people could be so stupid as to be lured to joining ISIS, but you seem to think their main mistake is following the wrong god. You've demonstrated perfectly how it could happen.


New member
CL must be up to something. Or he's mentally ill. No sane person goes from anarchist to theocratic dictator in a matter of mere months.

He's just young and looking for an identity. He needs something to hate.

I know one day he will find the middle road. And he will be glad when he does.

It seems like he's been raised in an environment of fundamentalist Christian extremism, which really could prevent him from ever growing up.


New member
I bet I still support less government than you :p

You support less government in some areas (i.e. defense) and more in others (i.e. my personal life and speech). Too bad you're completely backwards on it.

And no, I don't support "theocratic dictatorship" but rather theocratic libertarianism

That reminds my of David Gilmour's roadie who used to tell him, "I'll give you whatever color guitar you want, as long as it's black."
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