No I haven't forgotten.
He is the geneological Son of David according to His mother, Mary.
Just like Paul has brethren/kinsmen according to the flesh:
Rom 9:3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
Was the Lord Jesus a spiritual man when He ministered to Israel in the flesh?
Was He a spiritual man when He told His disciples after His resurrection that a spirit does not have flesh and bone as you see me have.
You can't have a son reigning over the father. That's crazy.
You've gotten nowhere.
Which gospel?
Which gospel? :chuckle:
They've suckered you into this nonsense? I remember you saying you weren't a maddist once.
I can't make sense of that.
Sounds like an allegorical imposition, to me.
You won't be able to make sense of it if you're thinking turns mad.
Basically, David is talking about spiritual worship. The Levites were the closest that people could get to God, but David says, "I'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever". This means that he saw a way into the literal presence of God that surpassed the ceremonial restrictions.
It's actually scripture.
Heb 9:7-8
But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance; the Holy Spirit indicating this, that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing. It was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings, and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation. But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.
The flesh was a reminder of the inadequacies preventing people from entering God's presence. Ceremonial washings and cleansing could temporarily cleanse the flesh, but not the heart. However, with Christ cleansing the heart, it allows man to enter the literal presence of God unhindered in order to worship him in Spirit.
Though the Lord Jesus is GOD, He is still man and still has a physical body and promises that believers will, as well.
1Cor 15:47-50
The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man. 50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
Flesh is what we inherit in Adam, and Paul says that flesh cannot enter heaven. Jesus had a celestial body, and like wise so shall we when we enter heaven.
We know that there will be a physical resurrection of believers. The nature and abilities of that new body is the sense in what John was speaking of.
Spiritual is not vs physical.
It's 'corruptible' flesh that can't inherit the kingdom of GOD.
Flesh is nothing other than corruptible, which is why it cannot enter the kingdom of God.