Do you know the definition of 'accused'?
Or are we an inquisitorial state now, where we're guilty until proven innocentlain:
No it actually has more to do with this....
Cruz Didn't Win So aCW Pouts and Acts Out...So Sad
View attachment 24479
Do you know the definition of 'accused'?
Or are we an inquisitorial state now, where we're guilty until proven innocentlain:
this catholic is more worried about abortion than homosexuality
-does that surprise you?
No comment?
No it actually has more to do with this....
Cruz Didn't Win So aCW Pouts and Acts Out...So Sad
View attachment 24479
Do you know the definition of 'accused'?
Or are we an inquisitorial state now, where we're guilty until proven innocentlain:
I'm familiar with the word "accused", as opposed to convicted (OJ Simpson was "accused" of the brutal murder of his ex wife and her male friend, he wasn't convicted).
The statute of limitations has run out, so accused child molester Donald Trump can't be brought up on criminal rape charges. He can however be sued civilly, which is being done now.
Sued for allegations of rape. Yeah, that's definitely justice- and not trying to get money from or slander someone![]()
There are two kinds of people that support Donald Trump:
1) The democrats and Libertarians that helped him get to where he is now, and don't care about his immoral stances on homosexuality and abortion, nor do they care that he very likely is a child rapist, i.e. they'll continue to support him for their own twisted reasons.
2). Predominately good people whose hatred of the Democratic Party blinds them so much that they'll overlook what kind of moral degenerate liberal Donald Trump really is.
I won't sell out God by voting for this sleazy moral degenerate/accused child molester.
Boy rocketman, with brilliant posts like that you're without a doubt a prime candidate to be:
The winner of the 2016 Truthsmacker of the Year Award
Anyway, I'll be spreading the truth about accused child molester Donald Trump on numerous forums and throughout social media.
I hope that doesn't mean that we can't be friends![]()
Sued for allegations of rape. Yeah, that's definitely justice- and not trying to get money from or slander someone![]()
In case you Trumpeteer's didn't see this in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread:
June 21, 2016
A new lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court alleges that Donald Trump repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl a little over 20 years ago. According to the now-adult woman’s filing, the sexual assaults took place at parties held by Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire former hedge funder who pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges involving soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14.!-Part-4&p=4749491&viewfull=1#post4749491
What You Should Know About The Child Rape Case Against Donald Trump!-Part-4&p=4749491&viewfull=1#post4749491
Who'll be the first to step forward and defend this scum of the earth child molester?
Well I guess if they had a "Spammer Of The Year" you would be in, no?
Who gives a damn what kind of tripe you post on internet forums or social media, the allegations are as believable there as they are here.
Get off your pity party dude, Cruz lost...decidedly so, and all this nonsense you are engaged in is just sour grapes. I supported Cruz (financially) through his entire campaign but, now it is time to move on, and beating Hillary is the focus not internet nonsense you are engaged is fruitless & unproductive.
Friends to the are my BFF. :chuckle:
In case you Trumpeteer's didn't see this in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread:
June 21, 2016
A new lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court alleges that Donald Trump repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl a little over 20 years ago. According to the now-adult woman’s filing, the sexual assaults took place at parties held by Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire former hedge funder who pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges involving soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14.!-Part-4&p=4749491&viewfull=1#post4749491
What You Should Know About The Child Rape Case Against Donald Trump!-Part-4&p=4749491&viewfull=1#post4749491
Who'll be the first to step forward and defend this scum of the earth child molester?
American knows what he is. :listen: They don't care (Heb 13:4).I don't find this the least bit surprising ...
No doubt Donald will come up with some catchy name to call her ...
American know what he is. :listen: They don't care
I'm not convinced there is going to be a conservative Congress next year.Hopefully Trump will be ousted at the Republican convention, if not, my strategy is to allow a Democratic President for 4 years that will have to deal with a conservative Congress, and then in 4 years elect a real conservative.
I don't find this the least bit surprising ...
No doubt Donald will come up with some catchy name to call her ...
I'm not convinced there is going to be a conservative Congress next year.
There are enough conservatives in Congress to slow down the vehicle rushing towards the cliff right now. Next year that will not be the case.I don't think we have a conservative Congress now.
:yawn: bandwagon...His comments about women are very common for working class men of whom Donald really identifies with.
He has one wife and several adulterous affairs (Ex 20:14). :dizzy: But this is America. We make it up as we go along (Is 5:20, Heb 13:4). :BRAVO:His marriages...
The same people who judge him for his divorces see no problem with raising kids with two homosexuals...