I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

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I really don't expect any better, especially from the guy with the grudge. The fact is ... I walked the walk ... which means that even though my ex-husband cheated on me (while I was pregnant and taking care of our infant son), I did not do the same. Even when the paperwork was filed and my divorce was pending, on the occasions I was asked out, my response was "Though I am going through a divorce, I am STILL a married woman".
You remain under the law of marriage if he's alive (Rom. 7:2, 3).


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Look at all of you "Christians" baying hounds dragging Rusha's character and reputation through the mud...........
......just like the both of you have done to Trump, his wife, and many of us here.

And now, Boo hoo... ...look who pulls out the "victim card" now, hypocrite.

You're just a sack of dung. Go vote for your baby-killer and shut up, moron.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison



Almost a dozen FBI agents raided the Hillary Clinton Campaign Offices inside the union hall of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) in Philadelphia Sunday.

The FBI executed search warrants at several locations throughout Philadelphia but no one would say what the Search Warrant sought.

This is an ominous development for the Clinton Campaign; after all, how will American voters view a Presidential Candidate whose campaign offices are raided by the FBI?


Federal authorities executed search warrants at more than half a dozen locations in Philadalphia and in southern New Jersey over the weekend, including Hillary Clinton's Campaign Headquarters at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 98 Union-hall at 17th and Spring Garden Streets in Philadelphia.

Agents removed at least a hundred boxes of paperwork along with several computer hard drives, loading them into a yellow Penske rental truck shortly after 3 p.m. Sunday, as boxes, computer hard drives, and a laptop were carried from the Campaign Headquarters.

Seized were bank records, invoices, credit card records, and tax forms, a person familiar with the investigation said.

Authorities also searched the City Hall and district offices of Councilman Bobby Henon, the City Council's majority leader. He holds an untitled position with Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in which he reports directly to Union boss (and Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice) John J. Dougherty, and has lose political ties with Hillary Clinton.

A person familiar with the investigation said it focused on the union's finances and its involvement in political campaigns.

The FBI declined to comment on the raids, and declined to say why the Search Warrants were executed.


Look at all of you "Christians" baying hounds dragging Rusha's character and reputation through the mud.

You're sick and twisted, the entire lot of you.

You all do that all the time, and have been doing it for a long time. Some of the most practiced slanderers and mockers I've seen, actually.

But then comes out the same old recycled platitudes when it goes back around, getting back in your sheep outfit and pretending to be saintly.


like marbles on glass
Poll: Clinton leads by 13 points among likely voters
Hillary Clinton’s post-convention bounce has been amplified through the weekend, giving the Democratic presidential nominee a double-digit lead among likely voters, according to a new poll released Monday.

The Monmouth University survey shows Clinton leading the flagging GOP nominee Donald Trump, 50 percent to 37 percent, among likely voters. Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson is at 7 percent, and Green Party nominee Jill Stein is at 2 percent. Only 3 percent of likely voters are undecided.

In a poll conducted immediately before the two national party conventions last month, Clinton only had only a 2-point lead among likely voters, 45 percent to 43 percent.

Clinton has consolidated her party’s support, winning 92 percent of Democrats surveyed. But Trump captures only 79 percent of Republican respondents. Trump (32 percent) and Clinton (30 percent) are running neck-and-neck among self-identified independents.

The poll result’s significance lies both in the magnitude of Clinton’s lead — the 13-point advantage is larger than most other surveys — but also the timing: The Monmouth poll was conducted last Thursday through Sunday, more recently than the other polls showing a Clinton bump, like Sunday’s ABC News/Washington Post poll, which was conducted last Monday through Thursday.



Hall of Fame
Sounds like you and I went through similar circumstances, Rusha. Although, when I was asked out, I said no because I was afraid of men at that point. It took me three years to get over that.

I didn't immediately start dating either. As I have mentioned before, I had taken my infant son out of the house in the late evening due to my ex-husband's erratic behavior with his loaded .44. My first priority was to get my son to safety. That was on a Saturday evening. I waited until after he went to work Monday afternoon to go home. Upon arriving at home, I found that he had used that opportunity to bring a woman to our home and sleep with her in our marital bed. That, for me, was it.

Being that I understand firsthand how hurtful it is to have your spouse cheat on you, it's something I would never participate in OR condone anyone else doing it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Once more for the sluts who vote for baby-killers
(whoever that may be...)


Almost a dozen FBI agents raided the Hillary Clinton Campaign Offices inside the union hall of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) in Philadelphia Sunday.

The FBI executed search warrants at several locations throughout Philadelphia but no one would say what the Search Warrant sought.

This is an ominous development for the Clinton Campaign; after all, how will American voters view a Presidential Candidate whose campaign offices are raided by the FBI?


Federal authorities executed search warrants at more than half a dozen locations in Philadalphia and in southern New Jersey over the weekend, including Hillary Clinton's Campaign Headquarters at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 98 Union-hall at 17th and Spring Garden Streets in Philadelphia.

Agents removed at least a hundred boxes of paperwork along with several computer hard drives, loading them into a yellow Penske rental truck shortly after 3 p.m. Sunday, as boxes, computer hard drives, and a laptop were carried from the Campaign Headquarters.

Seized were bank records, invoices, credit card records, and tax forms, a person familiar with the investigation said.

Authorities also searched the City Hall and district offices of Councilman Bobby Henon, the City Council's majority leader. He holds an untitled position with Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in which he reports directly to Union boss (and Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice) John J. Dougherty, and has lose political ties with Hillary Clinton.

A person familiar with the investigation said it focused on the union's finances and its involvement in political campaigns.

The FBI declined to comment on the raids, and declined to say why the Search Warrants were executed.


Look at all of you "Christians" baying hounds dragging Rusha's character and reputation through the mud.

You're sick and twisted, the entire lot of you.
:yawn: "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mt 19:11

I really don't expect any better, especially from the guy with the grudge. The fact is ... I walked the walk ... which means that even though my ex-husband cheated on me (while I was pregnant and taking care of our infant son), I did not do the same. Even when the paperwork was filed and my divorce was pending, on the occasions I was asked out, my response was "Though I am going through a divorce, I am STILL a married woman".
better? Lying to you? Jer 5:31 GWT You're going to approach a holy God without your heir of the grace of life? 1 Pe 3:7 Here I am Lord, ready for my grace now. Do you understand what oneness is? Matt. 19:6. Fire of life + fire of life = life. Fire of life - fire of life = consuming fire. :burnlib: I realize that I am speaking to the victim of his crime in this case (Lev. 20:10–12)and he will be judged for his sin (Prov. 2:18, 19, Heb 13:4); but, the solution is not to become an adulteress yourself (Rom. 7:2, 3)--if you can't beat 'em join 'em. If you've already committed adultery, you can be forgiven. You are in covenant while he's alive (Rom. 7:2, 3). Do not pass go. Do not collect $200--repent now! This is not the time to be playing church. If he's left you no choice and you must go on to glory without him, then so be it (1 Co 7:15). The Lord is your bridegroom (Ps 68:5)--and get the adulterer the hell out of your bed!


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper


like marbles on glass

Once more for the sluts who vote for baby-killers
(whoever that may be...)

You're the fringe who now makes up the Republican base who worships Trump because he's given you the green light to behave like a bunch of animals. That's what populist, nativist, nationalistic, sexist, racist rhetoric does, it inflames the most prehistoric part of your brainstem. It's not from your rational mind that you're talking, you're talking from the part of your brain that drives your primordial tendencies.


Hall of Fame
I realize that I am speaking to the victim of his crime in this case (Lev. 20:10–12)and he will be judged for his sin (Prov. 2:18, 19, Heb 13:4); but, the solution is not to become an adulteress yourself (Rom. 7:2, 3)--if you can't beat 'em join 'em. If you've already committed adultery, you can be forgivenr

Uh huh. I haven't ... and never even considered it, so this is something I do not need to be forgiven for.


You're the fringe who now makes up the Republican base who worships Trump because he's given you the green light to behave like a bunch of animals. That's what populist, nativist, nationalistic, sexist, racist rhetoric does, it inflames the most prehistoric part of your brainstem. It's not from your rational mind that you're talking, you're talking from the part of your brain that drives your primordial tendencies.

Oh, put a sock in it. You have the green light to be an over privileged, unaccountable, man bashing, contemptibly immoral moron.

You're talking from your subtle misandry, and trying to make it about something else- there's only one reason you females on here hate Trump, and it has nothing to do with four of the five things on that list you made. It's what you all scrape the bottom of the barrel for when the rest of your argument crumbles.


like marbles on glass
Feel free to continue is this one-sided conversation with ... yourself.

I'm sorry for the way you've been treated here.

There's no reasoning with animals, and I'm not going to waste another minute of my time on these cretins.

I'm looking forward to the debates where Hillary is going to show Trump for the poser that he is, and I'm looking forward to voting in November for the only candidate left who has the credentials to be president.


[Rusha] She thinks that having sex while with someone is adultery, but it's perfectly fine to leave them and then have sex with another. In her mind, it's all a technicality- women have no problem sleeping with another man as soon as they leave their husband.

If that's true, then she's an adulteress (Rom. 7:2, 3). The woman at the well was forgiven. She can be, too if she repents (Lk 17:3).
...The solution is not to become an adulteress yourself (Rom. 7:2, 3). If you've already committed adultery, you can be forgiven. You are in covenant while he's alive (Rom. 7:2, 3). See: Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper

I haven't ... and never even considered it, so this is something I do not need to be forgiven for.

Then Crucible lied.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I begin to suspect that conversation with Cruc, at least or especially if you're female, is a lost cause. He seems to enjoy the opportunity to say insulting and childish things, to take any opportunity to decry, demean and misstate the object of his unfortunate obsession.
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