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You can continue to think so.It take much more than being "approved by consensus" to make a scientific theory.
You can continue to think so.It take much more than being "approved by consensus" to make a scientific theory.
If it looks like a finger bone,
has joints like a finger bone,
why isn't it a finger bone?
If it's not a fingerbone, what is it?
The arm has arm bones like ours, a humerus, radius and ulna, wrist and . . .fingers.
When the American Association for the Advancement of Science calls it "a well supported idea" and some random person on the internet calls it nonsense. I think I'm going to go with the AAAS.
The contemporary theory of biological evolution is one of the most robust products of scientific inquiry. It is the foundation for research in many areas of biology as well as an essential element of science education.
Scientific laws are descriptions of observable natural phenomenon.
Scientific theories are scientific hypotheses that have been approved by consensus.
It takes much more than being "approved by consensus" to make a scientific theory.
You are confused.No, Scientific laws are not observations. Observations are what scientists call "facts."
Theories are predictions by scientists, about what will happen under specific circumstances, which have been validated by repeated tests or observations. Scientific theories not only predict, but explain why it is so.
You have yet to address this:
The evidence shows that the evolution of this feature occurred because the muscles existed before there were vertebrates with crania, and the route of that muscle was though the same tissue, in an entirely different position.
The ancestral configuration of the vertebrate head has long been an intriguing topic in comparative morphology and evolutionary biology. |
One peculiar component of the vertebrate head is the presence of extra-ocular muscles (EOMs), the developmental mechanism and evolution of which remain to be determined. |
Oh the irony!And we have a winner. :first:
Here's a simple guide to terms. Not strictly definitions, but a guide to how to conduct yourselves in a rational discussion.
Hypothesis: An idea.
Theory: An idea that has not been rejected. Essentially a glorified theory.
Fact: Things both sides agree to.
Law: Unprovable, but nonetheless essential rules.
Ah, The Stripe Alternate Dictionary.
Have you ever taken a science course in your life?
Ah, The Darwinist idea of a discussion.
Have you ever engaged in sensible dialogue in your life?
Are you saying you're just here to troll? Because there's a remedy for that...Thousands of times, but never with you.
Evolution is a well supported scientific idea attested by a wide variety of scientific data and Jesus Christ is a singular figure in human history with strong evidence of being different from every other person that has ever lived. His death burial and resurrection are unique and leads me to believe His claims of Godhood. I believe both of these things are true, and it is unfortunate that many Christians insist on rejecting science. This creates a stumbling block for many Christians where there need not be one.
Science is simply the study of the natural world that God has given us with the minds God has given us. Evolution is supported by four major types of evidence:
DNA evidence
Anatomy and Development (Evo-devo)
So here's a piece of evidence here:
A Gray whale skeleton. For those that reject evolution, why do whales have fingers in their flippers?
Dorudon skeleton. Why do fossil whales have hind legs?
Note that the title of this post is also the title of a book I have enjoyed:
I Love Jesus & I Accept Evolution: Paperback – March 4, 2009
by Denis O. Lamoureux
Also of interest: Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the Light of Evolution.
Are you saying you're just here to troll? Because there's a remedy for that...
:rotfl: So true.Thousands of times, but never with you.
Let's try again . . .