Listen Jacob, how about adding the word "faith"? If you declare that every thing you have said in this post is by faith; that you believe by faith in all that you have said above, I might agree with you. Paul himself said that he believed by faith in the resurrection of Jesus. That, if his faith proved a failure, and Jesus did not resurrect, he said, "let's eat and drink because tomorrow we die." (I Cor. 15:32) By saying that, he was only standing by his own word that Jesus had resurrected. If fact, he revealed that secret to his disciple Timothy that Jesus' resurrection was according to his own gospel. (II Tim. 2:8) Paul either did not know any thing in the Tanach or he would not give a damn to what the Tanach said. In fact, the Tanach says that, once dead, no one will ever return from the grave."
(II Samuel 12:23; Isaiah 26:14; Job 7:9; etc.