I have been asked for personal information before.If you don't know what a computer is then it is obviously a huge huge lie that you have "a degree in computer science" and if you did have a degree in computer science then you would know how dangerous it is to post your full name, building you live in and any other identifying information. I pray that EVERYONE has good intentions but they do not. Anyone on this site, if they read all your posts can walk right up to your front door of where you live and ask for you by your full name - First middle and last - (I won't say it here but anyone can find it if they look) and is why IT IS DANGERIOUS. you should at the very least take an internet safety course or at the very least look up safe internet practises online. because as of now anyone can show up at your front door and ask for you by name that is why you don't give out your full name or a dress on the internet. Yes it is good to give some info so it is not completely anonymous but NEVER EVER give out person identifying or financial information online. come on Jacob you know better than that!
However, a person is free to disclose where they live rather than live in fear. How else would a person's word be substantiated? I mean, what are people hiding? Something if they know or have the love of God? It is not necessary to share financial information online. This is part of why it may be illegal for a bank to require online banking. Did you know that some people have to learn about what is safe to do online? What a farse!