I have an Idea for a new Christian Branch.


New member
Not necessarily though Huckeberry. For all we know, it is true and not fallible. But On our goal to building His kingdom, we would discover it to be false, if it was and adjust accordingly, thus giving us a better understanding of the blueprint He laid out for us.
Show us some stuff that been proven false.

James Shepard

New member
Look up Freud a lot of his theories are wrong. look up John Dalton's atom model. Both were proven wrong. And I still believe Adam and Eve as a metaphor. As I am a Created Evolutionist. I believe God set all the dominoes up and knocked them down letting everything fall into place (for the most part).

James Shepard

New member
Science and laws of nature. Want me to prove some things the Bible was proven wrong on? The Earths age, the story of creation, the Dinosaurs, the world wide flood, the location of Jericoh, oh and Tyre never being rebuilt yet it is still around.

James Shepard

New member
then again though, everything else is difficult to disprove the Bible with just science alone, history is a much more adept field for doing so.


New member
Science and laws of nature. Want me to prove some things the Bible was proven wrong on? The Earths age, the story of creation, the Dinosaurs, the world wide flood, the location of Jericoh, oh and Tyre never being rebuilt yet it is still around.
You're really hanging in there. I think you'll make a great addition to the forum. :e4e:

So, okay. Pick one and start a thread on it, to educate the fundies around here about scripture being proven false. I bet you a buck it'll be a popular thread, and make for a very entertaining and educational debate.

James Shepard

New member
I dont want to debate just for the sake of debating. That is not the point. People will very rarely change their opinions and/or beliefs through argument alone. My idea is just to have a better understanding of our place and a way to become closer to God. As I said, no religion is more right than the other in the eyes of my idea for a religious sect.

patrick jane

Of course not :) that is actually recorded and happened by the Romans. It is difficult to explain but I will give an example to try and help you understand what I mean.
The story of Adam and Eve did not happen (at least not as the Bibe describes it). The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is...a metaphor or a symbol for how we as humans got detached from God.

Well, I'm afraid your branch has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible, so you should stop mentioning God's Word, because you have no interest in it, and you will only distort it and blaspheme.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
And as a scientist, I do not believe science is wrong. Too me science is the direct word of God and not second-hand like the Bible. The only error in science is when we misinterpret it or do not know how to use it. Us coming to understand and it and learning to interpret it is what would be us striving toward perfection.

Well, that makes you ignorant then.

James Shepard

New member
Oh and to get to your point Angel4truth. That is not exactly true. People have used the Bible, Torah, and Quran for very devious purposes from mainly interpreting the collections too literal.

James Shepard

New member
Gronsnick, the Bible is a second hand source of God's word. Told by God, written by Humans and not God Himself, that is the literal definition of a second-hand source. and for you Patrik Jane, I have no interest in distorting the word of the Bible, just because i have a different interpretation, does not make it Blasphemous.


New member
I dont want to debate just for the sake of debating. That is not the point. People will very rarely change their opinions and/or beliefs through argument alone. My idea is just to have a better understanding of our place and a way to become closer to God. As I said, no religion is more right than the other in the eyes of my idea for a religious sect.
Yeah, okay, but that brings up the point yet again that you're not responding to.

What special revelation can you cite that establishes your "christian branch" as a religion in the first place? So far, all you've done is dismiss anything that would lend your religion validity. You seem to be trying to say your religion is based on science, but still you offer nothing concrete.

You can call whatever this is a religion all you like, but if you can't cite something outside your own brain that lends it validity you can't expect anyone but lunatics to sign on.

James Shepard

New member
ah yeah sorry I will make it clear now. It is using the basis of Christianityand a lot of its teaching (i.e. Christ as the savior) and trying to figure out how to make it apply to the science, math, and laws we have discovered. And not using those to make people not believe, but to use them to show how those things are the true word of the Lord and using them to better make the universe as how he intends us to make it and become closer to him. Does that make a little sense? It is difficult for me to put to paper.

Desert Reign

I believe God created the universe imperfect on purpose. That we are supposed to build is kingdom here as best we can and build/fix the universe in the image he wants. Us striving to making the universe perfect will bring us closer to him as we will be using His language to guide us (science). And my idea is that no religion is more right than the other, and all are welcome to worship and discuss their interpretation of the blueprint. Not only that but He does not directly intervene. But unlike deists, I don't believe he does nothing but observe. I believe he gives us hints to better interpret and apply His blueprint.

Now I will be happy to discuss this with anyone as I believe in what I have just stated :)

You keep mentioning perfection/imperfection. Almost like a fixation. What makes you think the world is imperfect? What makes you think the world isn't what it is supposed to be? What makes you think the world is supposed to be anything at all?

James Shepard

New member
Thank you Desert Reign, I have been waiting for that question :) look at everything. We have disease, defects, pulltion, non habital planets, Back holes, anti and dark matter. Why would the Lord leave those things in if not on purpose and for us to fix? You can argue "well because sin," but no, that is not exactly true. Why would sin have anything to do with the weather or with life and occurances outside of Earth?


New member
ah yeah sorry I will make it clear now. It is using the basis of Christianityand a lot of its teaching (i.e. Christ as the savior) and trying to figure out how to make it apply to the science, math, and laws we have discovered.
Okay, cool.
And not using those to make people not believe, but to use them to show how those things are the true word of the Lord
Well, discounting scriptural events as impossible out of incredulity isn't a very productive method.
and using them to better make the universe as how he intends us to make it and become closer to him. Does that make a little sense? It is difficult for me to put to paper.
To the point, where are you getting your knowledge of how God wants the universe to be, that we are to accomplish that and that it will bring us closer to Him? These are things you cannot expect converts to your religion to accept without evidence of some sort.

There are loonies on the street corners of major cities proclaiming the end of the world, but no one listens to them. Because they offer no evidence and simply proclaim it is so. That's the very least benchmark you'll have to surpass to be taken seriously.

James Shepard

New member
My evidence? Just look at all the imperfections on Earth alone. Disease, defects, weather. Look at how much they used to kill and destroy, but with the advancement of our society and science and math, we have been able to find cures, treatments, buffers and saved millions and are able to rebuild even after massive destruction (I.E. Katrina, Iwojima, Hiroshima, Germany, polio, the flu, the Black Death etc.)