The Answers in Genesis (AiG) organisation tends to represent Christian fundamentalism thinking imo. This following quote is from their "Statement of Faith:
"By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record. Of primary importance is the fact that evidence is always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information."
The point here James is that it won't matter how rigorous, well evidenced and factual scientific conclusions may be, a literal interpretation of Genesis is all that matters to fundamentalists, come hell or high water (so to speak

Your first goal imo is to persuade ToL fundies that science just could nevertheless be right, that the Earth actually is 4.5 billion years old, that heavy elements came from dead stars, that the geological column is strong evidence that over millions of years life adapted and evolved in response to whatever environment existed at the time. That while there are many evidences of localised floods and ice ages but of course there is nothing to show that any global flood ever took place.
You are dealing with fundie folk who happily believe that bunny rabbits were much stronger swimmers than diplodocus, leaving their remains only in the upper strata layers after the supposed flood.
But this is where the more usual level of argument typically ends, a more scientific based more rational Christian religion really doesn't imo have a snowballs chance in hell around here anyway where wilful ignorance too often prevails. :nono: