In other words you do not believe that the concept of justice can be rightly applied to God.God isn't a man, so the comparison doesn't hold water.
You can't have just intentionally suggested that God THOUGHT something but was wrong!Its more like, you are conducting an experiment in a petri dish that you thought was sterile before you inoculated it... as a result you have some contaminated colonies growing in the dish... so you pull out the bad ones and keep the good ones and hope there is no cross contamination. Then you have to maintain it like a garden to keep the bad stuff in check.
Or, you could have just thrown the petri dish away and started all over again.
As I said, the concept of justice doesn't apply to your god. The God of Scripture however....God has his reasons... and they are his own, and he is not accountable to any of us.
This is interesting!TULIP is a logical chain. The assumptions are flawed but its interally coherent as a system. That's why reprobation is demanded by TULIP's own logic and Calvin knew it...if few other Calvinists do.
This is question begging to start with but ignoring that, I am basing my judgement of YOUR god's work (not the God of Scripture) on the basis of the principles of righteousness and justice as taught in Scripture. A god that sets your house on fire so that he can rescue some of its occupants while stating that the one's who he left to burn deserved to die is not a just god. He is a sick sadist!"Rushed in" did God rush? "Someone set the house on fire" you presuppose innocence in humanity before birth? All humanity is conceived and born spiritually dead do to one man's sin. Your question blames "someone" other than self for the state of separation from God, that is error.
The problem with your question is you base your judgement of God's work of election on human emotions from a created being's vantage point.
You misunderstand the analogy!An additional thought brother Clete,
The fact that you present a house on fire denies the fact or the truth that we were already condemned and already dead in trespasses and sins prior to the fireman showing up. I can't let that go since it is an obvious scriptural truth.
Total Depravity: the belief that man not only will not but CANNOT believe unless God quickens him to be able to do so, which then saves him. Everything else flows from that. And from that false foundation, the Gospel is rendered a sham and God is reduced to a liar and unjust judge. Hence the belief of many, myself included, that Calvinism is a literal cult with a false gospel and a blasphemous view of God.
I agree with the thrust of your post but submit that the doctrine of Total Depravity is itself logically predicated upon the doctrine of Absolute Divine Immutability. The entire system has A.D.I as its bedrock foundation.
But still - Great point! We can quibble about which doctrine is more fundamental all we like but the main point is the same. There are probably half a dozen points that one can focus an attack which wields a death blow to the entire Calvinist system.
Resting in Him,
Well, in a lot of ways they are indeed separate issues but the arguments for the doctrine of total depravity have to do with the result of sin and the notion that sin corrupts or kills the whole person (i.e the emotions, will and intellect) and thus we are incapable of doing anything good.Maybe I'm missing the point (feel free to explain it to me) but I don't see how Total Depravity is dependent upon Immutability. They seem separate issues. God's absolute unchangingness, per Reformed theology, is independent of a sinner's purported inability to believe unless and until God wills it...know what I mean?
This is question begging to start with but ignoring that, I am basing my judgement of YOUR god's work (not the God of Scripture) on the basis of the principles of righteousness and justice as taught in Scripture. A god that sets your house on fire so that he can rescue some of its occupants while stating that the one's who he left to burn deserved to die is not a just god. He is a sick sadist!
You misunderstand the analogy!
The house represents your spiritual condition! If you are lost (i.e. if your house is on fire) its because God caused it to be so for you are entirely incapable of doing other than what God preordained that you would do.
“The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, nay unless in so far as he commands, that they are not only bound by his fetters but are even forced to do him service” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11)
Resting in Him,
So where's the sudden hostility coming from?
I've read it many times as I've also read the Canons of Dordt, The Smalcald Articles and probably any other document you care to name. They are all quite easily available on a number of websites, my favorite of which is which is the website for the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics. They used to have a web forum similar to this one where I had the pleasure of debating many different points covered in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Yes, it's clear what you meant. Just to be clear: I'm assuming that you were already aware of the difference between a supralapsarian and an infralapsarian?On the contrary. I make it a habit to explain why, although there are exceptions depending on the context. It is I who is seemingly always stating to the Calvinists that saying it doesn't make it so.
I'll think you'll see, if you go back and check, that I've told you that you were wrong twice and that both times I explained specifically what I meant by that.
Neither am I necessarily impressed by education.This statement is factually true but does not apply to me in the least. The level of your education does not impress me in the slightest. I've seen people on this website who at least claim to have a PH.D. in theology and claim to be an employed professor of theology say some of the most mind blowingly idiotic things you can imagine, not to mention blasphemous.
Trust me, I've no hesitation in actually constructing arguments. As you can imagine I got cold feet about this, and it would have been much more courteous and respectful of me to simply say I'm no comfortable having a dialogue with you in particular. Yet I've decided instead to give at least one candid discussion a try; now I wasn't wont to do so in the first place because of the claims you're making, but I owe you more than a disrespectful cop-out at this point, and we're brothers in Christ most importantly.What impresses me is reason. Make an argument. I'm not interested in your opinion or how much money and time you've invested in formulating it. If you can't or won't make an argument then you're education is worthless. In fact, in such a case the education is worse than worthless because it likely has you entrenched into whatever belief system you've invested all that time and money into.
From what I've gathered, there have been a number of supralapsarians on this site (aka hyper-calvinists). I wouldn't say they are representative of most Calvinists, and let's not forget there is also such a thing as a four point Calvinist (e.g. unlimited atonement supporters like Augustus Hopkins Strong and Millard J. Erickson).That's them being nice to you. Push them on it and see what happens. Push hard enough an it won't be long before you're accused of denying the gospel itself. I've seen it right here on this website a hundred times.
And I'll be as cordial as I can.Now, if its all the same to you, I'd like to continue what was on its way to being a productive discussion. I'll be 100% as intellectually honest as you are.
Total Depravity: the belief that man not only will not but CANNOT believe unless God quickens him to be able to do so, which then saves him. Everything else flows from that. From that false foundation, the Gospel is rendered a sham and God is reduced to a liar and unjust judge. Hence the belief of many, myself included, that Calvinism is a literal cult with a false gospel and a blasphemous view of God.
Not at all. Just say what you think Clete and save me the time. You accuse God of causing sin. Place me on your ignore list bud. You're waisted.
As I ruminate my response to you, I have to realize that while I may not have heard the best things, that's no reason for me to be dismissive, condescending, or anything else of the kind. My apologies; I realize now that I can at least see how comfortable we are discussing this subject, and if either of us isn't getting much out of it I'm sure we can amicably move on in a Christian spirit.
:up:As I ruminate my response to you, I have to realize that while I may not have heard the best things, that's no reason for me to be dismissive, condescending, or anything else of the kind. My apologies; I realize now that I can at least see how comfortable we are discussing this subject, and if either of us isn't getting much out of it I'm sure we can amicably move on in a Christian spirit.
How so?In the spirit of being candid, though, your claims, and what you're saying you've read, don't seem to add up to me.
Of course! The problem is, (and please don't take my frankness as hostility), that I just don't care about it. As far as I am able to tell, its really nothing more than certain people trying to figure out what intellectual hoops have to be created and then jumped through in order to maintain certain core (pet) doctrines. And while its been quite a while ago, I have spent a lot of time sifting through these things trying to find out what people believe and why they believe it. In fact, it would not be inaccurate to say that pursuing a rational Christian worldview has been the theme of my life.Yes, it's clear what you meant. Just to be clear: I'm assuming that you were already aware of the difference between a supralapsarian and an infralapsarian?
The WCF on God's eternal decree:
I. God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass;[1] yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin,[2] nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established.[3]
II. Although God knows whatsoever may or can come to pass upon all supposed conditions;[4] yet has He not decreed anything because He foresaw it as future, or as that which would come to pass upon such conditions.[5]
III. By the decree of God, for the manifestation of His glory, some men and angels[6] are predestinated unto everlasting life; and others foreordained to everlasting death.[7]
VII. The rest of mankind God was pleased, according to the unsearchable counsel of His own will, whereby He extends or withholds mercy, as He pleases, for the glory of His sovereign power over His creatures, to pass by; and to ordain them to dishonor and wrath for their sin, to the praise of His glorious justice.[17]
The Canons of Dordt:
Article 4: A Twofold Response to the Gospel
Article 5: The Sources of Unbelief and of Faith
- God's anger remains on those who do not believe this gospel. But those who do accept it and embrace Jesus the Savior with a true and living faith are delivered through him from God's anger and from destruction, and receive the gift of eternal life.
Article 6: God's Eternal Decision
- The cause or blame for this unbelief, as well as for all other sins, is not at all in God, but in man. Faith in Jesus Christ, however, and salvation through him is a free gift of God. As Scripture says, It is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is a gift of God (Eph. 2:8). Likewise: It has been freely given to you to believe in Christ (Phil. 1:29).
Take a good hard look again at article five. That directly contradicts what Calvin has to say about the train of the ungodly. In general between both documents, what we can see described here are inactive causes for reprobation, not active causes as Calvin describes.
- The fact that some receive from God the gift of faith within time, and that others do not, stems from his eternal decision. For all his works are known to God from eternity (Acts 15:18; Eph. 1:11). In accordance with this decision he graciously softens the hearts, however hard, of his chosen ones and inclines them to believe, but by his just judgment he leaves in their wickedness and hardness of heart those who have not been chosen. And in this especially is disclosed to us his act--unfathomable, and as merciful as it is just--of distinguishing between people equally lost. This is the well-known decision of election and reprobation revealed in God's Word. This decision the wicked, impure, and unstable distort to their own ruin, but it provides holy and godly souls with comfort beyond words.
Right! I understand your point. I don't discount the value of education. There are several men that have forgotten more about the Bible than I'll ever learn and I respect them and their education very much. The point I was making, and with which you seem to be agreeing, is that just because someone has graduated from a school doesn't mean they know anything of value.Neither am I necessarily impressed by education.
Cool!Trust me, I've no hesitation in actually constructing arguments. As you can imagine I got cold feet about this, and it would have been much more courteous and respectful of me to simply say I'm not comfortable having a dialogue with you in particular. Yet I've decided instead to give at least one candid discussion a try; now I wasn't wont to do so in the first place because of the claims you're making, but I owe you more than a disrespectful cop-out at this point, and we're brothers in Christ most importantly.
There's no denying that Calvinists come in all colors, stripes and patterns. I would submit to you, however, that this is primarily so because there is a spectrum of intellectual consistency that exists within any group of people and that Calvinists are no exception. If you ask me, Arminius was just an EXTREMELY soft Calvinist. I say that because the foundations of Arminian theology proper is still the Neo-Platonist concept of immutability (and related concepts) and in that respect both systems are essentially Reformed Augustinianism. The differences come as a result of various intellectual inconsistencies between the two groups. Its the difference between one group holding predestination (sovereignty) as paramount while the other, God's justice. Both groups SAY they believe in the sovereignty of God and the will of man - BOTH groups do. It's just one group holds to one more consistently than the other which results in nearly opposite soteriological conclusions. It is because one of those groups hold more closely to one of God's qualitative attributes (i.e. how good God is) over His quantitative attributes (i.e. how much power, or knowledge God has) that they've come very much closer to the truth than the other has. I'll let you guess which one that is!From what I've gathered, there have been a number of supralapsarians on this site (aka hyper-calvinists). I wouldn't say they are representative of most Calvinists, and let's not forget there is also such a thing as a four point Calvinist (e.g. unlimited atonement supporters like Augustus Hopkins Strong and Millard J. Erickson.
How so?
I have no reason to make any of this stuff up. I couldn't get away with it for long if I did. I've been on this website for way more than a decade and have believed all of this for longer than that. No one has yet shown me a single thing to demonstrate that my understanding of Calvinism is anything but accurate.
Having said that and just for the sake of clarity, I do readily acknowledge that many, perhaps most people who self-identify as Calvinist do not believe that God set the world on fire (figuratively speaking) in order to rescue some and burn others. That is what Calvinism teaches but that doesn't mean most "Calvinists" realize that it teaches that.
Of course! The problem is, (and please don't take my frankness as hostility), that I just don't care about it. As far as I am able to tell, its really nothing more than certain people trying to figure out what intellectual hoops have to be created and then jumped through in order to maintain certain core (pet) doctrines.
I fully understand that Calvinists believe that God predestined everything AND that man has a will AND that God is not the cause of sin, etc.
I have often argued against Calvinist on just this exact point although I have found it tedious and ineffective and so its not my favorite tactic but it is no less valid!
You see, all that stuff is self-contradictory. It cannot all be true - it CANNOT all be true. If it could be true then reason is meaningless. If reason is meaningless then debate is a waste of time as would be simply attempting to convince anyone of anything because both debate and simple meaningful discourse cannot be done apart from reason.
Right! I understand your point. I don't discount the value of education. There are several men that have forgotten more about the Bible than I'll ever learn and I respect them and their education very much. The point I was making, and with which you seem to be agreeing, is that just because someone has graduated from a school doesn't mean they know anything of value.
There's no denying that Calvinists come in all colors, stripes and patterns. I would submit to you, however, that this is primarily so because there is a spectrum of intellectual consistency that exists within any group of people and that Calvinists are no exception. If you ask me, Arminius was just an EXTREMELY soft Calvinist.
I say that because the foundations of Arminian theology proper is still the Neo-Platonist concept of immutability (and related concepts) and in that respect both systems are essentially Reformed Augustinianism.
The differences come as a result of various intellectual inconsistencies between the two groups. Its the difference between one group holding predestination (sovereignty) as paramount while the other, God's justice. Both groups SAY they believe in the sovereignty of God and the will of man - BOTH groups do. It's just one group holds to one more consistently than the other which results in nearly opposite soteriological conclusions. It is because one of those groups hold more closely to one of God's qualitative attributes (i.e. how good God is) over His quantitative attributes (i.e. how much power, or knowledge God has) that they've come very much closer to the truth than the other has. I'll let you guess which one that is!![]()
And so, in conclusion and on the point of quoting Calvin on Calvinism, I challenge you to find a prominent Calvinist leader (R.C. Sproul, Pink or the like) that would read the quotes I've posted from Calvin's Institutes and disagree with them. I don't think you'll find one. At best, you'll find someone who says that the quote is true but it doesn't mean we aren't responsible for our sin. They won't explain how, they'll just state it and leave it be. And if challenged on it they'll pull out the 'mystery'/'antinomy' card which trumps anything because if you're being intentionally irrational, you don't have to make sense.
Ha! It's not me accusing God of causing sin, its Calvin and any Calvinist you want to name!
Did you not read the quote at the bottom of that post? Do you see my name cited there? Did I write Institutes of Christian Religion?
You want me to put you on my ignore list because I accuse God of being unjust! Where is the Calvinist who has come running to defend God's reputation? We've had a single Arminian do so but not a single Calvinist - so far!
Better wake up intojoy! If you're a Calvinist, its you that uphold the idea that God set the world on fire just to rescue some and not others and demand that we worship him for doing it. That's the God of John Calvin, Augustine and Plato not the God of Scripture who wanted and wants His creation to love Him, who counted such a love relationship at such an inestimable value that He paid the price with His own life in order to maintain and to repair it.
Resting in Him,
Total Depravity: the belief that man not only will not but CANNOT believe unless God quickens him to be able to do so, which then saves him. Everything else flows from that. From that false foundation, the Gospel is rendered a sham and God is reduced to a liar and unjust judge. Hence the belief of many, myself included, that Calvinism is a literal cult with a false gospel and a blasphemous view of God.
Intellectual dishonesty.
Why? Because if we can accuse God of being unjust because He must first quicken a person enabling that person to exercise their will against their (sin) nature to accept the gospel, then we can already blame God for allowing sin and death to have ever happened to begin with.
Of course anyone can offer an answer but I want to hear from the Calvinists in particular on the following question....
If someone sets your house on fire in the middle of the night and then, once the house is fully engulfed in flames, rushes in to rescue you and your 2nd child but decides to leave your wife and your other ten kids to burn in the fire, do you praise the man as a hero or condemn him as a murderer?
Would your answer be different if you were the wife or one of the other ten children?
Resting in Him,