No one was under the Law of Moses during the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
I never said they were.
But there was a time when a law/command did come to Adam.
Law/command with TKGE.
There was no law/command with the Tree of Live.
God expected them to obey His command. There was no sin until they disobeyed. The result of their sin was death. They lost their innocence. The loss of their innocence was the result of disobeying the command.
I believe that God expected that they would disobey.
Otherwise there would be no need for redemption from it.
Jesus was innocent having never sinned. He was tempted in all ways as we are however. But when you are tempted you have a choice what to do about it. Do not choose to disobey God in any area of your life.
Has anyone ever obeyed 100% other than Christ?
If there was ever a law/command given that could justify, then justification would come through the law.
But it doesn't.
The law justifies no one.
What Paul was talking about was how his flesh rebelled against God's command, when knowledge of the command came. I don't think Adam and Eve were in the same situation.
Why not?
Adam did not realize he was naked until the TKGE.
Paul did not realize coveting was wrong until the law.
It was a law/command that manifested both the shame of nakedness for Adam, and it was the law/command that manifested the shame of coveting to Paul.
I also believe God's commands are good.
They are so good that no one could pass.
Obey God's commands, and you will do well.
You can try it yourself and fail as all other besides Christ have done.
Under the law, all are found lacking.
You're right, it is a choice.
Be under the law and be bound to keep every jot and title of it, or be found guilty of all of it.
Or, you could put your trust and faith in the only
one that did have perfect righteousness and obedience, who imputes His perfect righteousness and obedience, as the risen Lord Jesus Christ told Paul to preach.
Galatians 3:11 KJV
(11) But that
no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for,
The just shall live by faith.
Galatians 3:12 KJV
(12) And
the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.
Choose wisely.