I have a question about observing God’s commands in light of New Testament scriptures


NO! You made some slanderous accusations about me. YOU go and post exactly what I said. Do not send me off to a post. You are the one who made slanderous accusations so you prove it.

I'm not sending you to any post. I quoted your post and that is all there is to it.

God's Truth

New member
By saying I have lost dignity you are putting me down. I have the dignity that God gave me and you can't take it away from me.

You said there was something greater than sacrifice. Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb of God, and there is NOTHING greater than that.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

God's Truth

New member
I'm not sending you to any post. I quoted your post and that is all there is to it.

YOU sent me to a post, and then you made MORE false accusations.

There are no accusations. Just a quote and my interpretation of what you are saying to me with me knowing it is not Biblical. See post #215. I do not need to wash in blood. Why do you say "just to go to the temple". You are acting like going to the temple is a drag or a chore or something. Again, unBiblical.

Stop telling untruths. You did send me to a post and you made even more false accusations.


YOU sent me to a post, and then you made MORE false accusations.

Stop telling untruths. You did send me to a post and you made even more false accusations.

Did you already read the post? I responded to a post of yours by pointing you to my quote of you. Did you read it? Here it is again. You said I slandered you, which to you cannot be argued against. You are the one who feels hurt. Then you said to prove what I said. I can't go anywhere else than the quote here. You can click on the link back to your post to see what it says.
Now answer carefully...how did the Jews clean themselves with blood so they could go to the temple to worship God?


Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb of God and there is nothing greater than that.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

I don't argue with this. But recently when you posted something like this your post said that I said something about something greater than sacrifice. Nope. You made that up. I'm not saying there is nothing greater than sacrifice either. But, both the sacrifice and the greater than are words you are putting in my mouth. This is not nice.

God is greater than all. Sacrifice is a part of His Law, the Law of Moses. Some believe the Law of Moses has been done away with or abolished. I believe Jesus did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets and that not even God abolished the Law.

Gentiles can have faith and if they observe the commands of God found in Acts 15 they will do well.


God's Truth

New member
These are the untruths you said about me.

You said I made up things about the Bible.

You said I have an evil view of the Old Testament.

You said I said you are supposed to be washed in blood.

You said I wish your demise or destruction.

You said I spoke things that were not biblical.

You said I said, "just to go to the temple".

You said I am acting like going to the temple is a drag or a chore or something.

Now quote me exactly what I said that warrants your accusations.


These are the untruths you said about me.

Show what I made up about the Bible.

You said I have an evil view of the Old Testament.

You said I said you are supposed to be washed in blood.

You said I wish your demise or destruction.

You said I spoke things that were not biblical.

You said I said, "just to go to the temple".

You I am acting like going to the temple is a drag or a chore or something.

Now quote me exactly what I said that warrants your accusations.

You implied that the Bible says Jews need to wash in blood to go to the temple.

You said I lost dignity in pointing out to you that what you said is wrong.

You said just to go to the temple to worship God.

God's Truth

New member
You implied that the Bible says Jews need to wash in blood to go to the temple.

You said I lost dignity in pointing out to you that what you said is wrong.

You said just to go to the temple to worship God.

Go to the post and quote me exactly and make sure you link back to the post!

God's Truth

New member
I don't argue with this. But recently when you posted something like this your post said that I said something about something greater than sacrifice. Nope. You made that up. I'm not saying there is nothing greater than sacrifice either. But, both the sacrifice and the greater than are words you are putting in my mouth. This is not nice.

God is greater than all. Sacrifice is a part of His Law, the Law of Moses. Some believe the Law of Moses has been done away with or abolished. I believe Jesus did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets and that not even God abolished the Law.

Gentiles can have faith and if they observe the commands of God found in Acts 15 they will do well.


Here is where you said it:

That the sacrifices are pictures of something greater than sacrifice.


I have not said the many things you have accused me of, and I have not edited anything of the kind.

Then someone else did. Maybe because you said I slandered you and then it was your words. I can only know what I have seen.

God bless.


God's Truth

New member
God is greater than sacrifice, but Jesus' substitutionary or atoning death is greater than any animal sacrifice. Just as the ministry of Jesus is greater than the ministry of Moses.

You slandered me by bearing false witness, and now instead of proving yourself, and, or admitting your error you are trying to cover it up.


You slandered me by bearing false witness, and now instead of proving yourself and admitting your error you are trying to cover it up.

I have no ability to cover anything up. I don't even know how I would.

What you are relying on is that I can't prove anything. And, it may be true that I can't prove anything to you. But you are priding yourself with your tactic whether you edited anything or not. It is only my word against yours.


God's Truth

New member
I have no ability to cover anything up. I don't even know how I would.

What you are relying on is that I can't prove anything. And, it may be true that I can't prove anything to you. But you are priding yourself with your tactic whether you edited anything or not. It is only my word against yours.


Good riddance to you.


Good riddance to you.

May you learn God's grace for you even in the Sabbath.

Slander is speaking against someone falsely or with false words. What should not happen is quoting someone's words to someone else.

I am sorry for making my displeasure with what you were saying known. This is a public apology. I do not know how to correct anyone without using words to either explain what they are doing or the words they are using and what they said. But these things are not as important as you knowing you are valued by God and that your salvation is only in Jesus.

You asked me what you said. I quoted your words. I am okay with not being able to prove it to you. Either you or someone else knows.

I hope everything is okay. I don't know how to make anything better. I can only say I wish the best for you, I have enjoyed having you on this thread despite the unpleasant back and forth, and that I hope to see you around.

Shalom. May you truly experience God's peace God's Truth.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I think you need to re-read my comments.
If you are a Christian of Jewish descent and wish to get in touch with your "Jewish roots" then, by all means, do so. Just be aware that there are some Messianic "congregations" that are insisting that Gentiles must become Jews.

Okay, well then what do Messianic congregations have to do with ""setting the stage" for end-times when "all Israel will be saved"?