MAD is a creation of taking scripture out of context, and a text taken out of context is nothing more than a pre-text.
That is all the troll has-stunning, as all of TOL is so impressed with these original, stock cliches, in his arsenal.
Jesus says.... I will stay with what Jesus said...I follow Jesus' commands...MAD ignores Jesus' commands...MAD ignores scripture...No what it does show is that those in MAD pick and chose what they WANT to believe and distort and pervert what they do not want to believe.
Jesus says"...
Raise the dead....Sell all you have...Go to Jerusalem 3 times/year to observe the feasts....Cast out devils....Heal the sick...Make the blind see....Make the lame walk....Offer the gift that Moses commanded................
"stay with what Jesus said"-do it.
You demonic fraud, poser, as you "ignore Jesus' commands," "ignore scripture," pick and chose what you WANT to believe and obey, and distort and pervert what you do not want to believe and obey, and throw out the baby with the bath water, wicked actress/hypocrite. Which side, again, of that demonic face do you want slapped?