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Hypocrites always fall for their own acting performance. They are actors upon the stage of life and they are their biggest fans. :chuckle:
"The Greek" for hypocrite in the AV is, the word "actor," in English. Jesus called the Pharisees "actors." I learned that from Nick M.


Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe View Post
Personally, I don't wish to be associated with unbelievers like
Meshak on TOL.

I am so glad that GM is not the judge of anyone, even though he seems to think he is qualified to do so.



Paul is the prime edifier and glue of the New Testament.

The whole railing against 'Pauline' teaching is just in steed of wanting to believe whatever suits the person.

Which is completely asinine. Let me put it in perspective:





Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There sure is a "motley crew" of strange and outlandish posters
on TOL. No doubt some of them could be useful on some kind
of abstract Sit-Com? We have a mixture of oddballs, cultists,
atheists/agnostics, ignoramuses, heretics, the insane, trolls,
trouble makers, space cadets, weirdo's, liberals, ego-maniacs,
phonies, actors, and perhaps one or two drunks and at least
one druggie. (By his own acknowledgement)

We also have a handful of "True Believers" who have faith:
1) In God.
2) The Trinity.
3) The True Gospel for today. (Paul's Gospel)
4) The entirety of the Bible.
5) Their own eternal life.
6) Their membership in the Body of Christ.

These are those who are the "True believers in Christ," His death
and resurrection, the sealing and indwelling of the Holy Spirit and
the baptism (not by water) of the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ.

Christ died for the sins of ALL mankind. However, only those who place
ALL of their faith in Christ as their Savior will reap the benefits.


New member
Why is there so much talk about rape and the "N" word on TOL
lately? Why is there no topics based on Biblical views, passages
of the Bible, opinions about singular verses of Scripture and the
truths of God's Holy Written Word? Instead, we get tons of nasty
talk, name calling, belligerence, hatred, anger and animosity.

There are a myriad of cultists, Atheists/Agnostics, spiritualists,
denominations, smart alecks, know-it-alls, Messianic Jews that
may or may not have Jewish heritage, and, we may even have
a few Satanists?

Then, there are a handful of Grace Gospel Believers. (Paul's
Gospel Followers.) I suppose the answer lies in the fact that,
MOST TOL participants find basic Bible study, boring and not
controversial enough? Here lately the most popular threads
have been based on the "Two Rs" Rape and Racism. I guess
when you put a mixed bag of belief systems together, this will
be the ultimate outcome?

Also, you never know who you're posting with? Posters get
banned, change their name and come back with the same
baggage that got them banned in the first place. You can
kind of tell who they are though. The "Newbies" usually
return aggressive, angry, and belligerent, right out of the

Copycat :)


Rape and racism are concerns.

So are many other things. The difference is that you can do something about the other things, and pretty much nothing for those.

Rape and racism are ancient, and they aren't going to disappear. So stop complaining that the sky is blue, that the grass is green, that the mountains are high and the oceans low :rolleyes:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Crucible said:
So are many other things.
Well, ya can't talk about everything at once.

The rape and racism threads have gotten several posts made by you as well.

Lot's of folks have chosen to talk about rape and racism because that is what they want to talk about.
It's not rocket science.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why is there so much talk about rape and the "N" word on TOL
lately? Why is there no topics based on Biblical views, passages
of the Bible, opinions about singular verses of Scripture and the
truths of God's Holy Written Word? Instead, we get tons of nasty
talk, name calling, belligerence, hatred, anger and animosity.

There are a myriad of cultists, Atheists/Agnostics, spiritualists,
denominations, smart alecks, know-it-alls, Messianic Jews that
may or may not have Jewish heritage, and, we may even have
a few Satanists?

Then, there are a handful of Grace Gospel Believers. (Paul's
Gospel Followers.) I suppose the answer lies in the fact that,
MOST TOL participants find basic Bible study, boring and not
controversial enough? Here lately the most popular threads
have been based on the "Two Rs" Rape and Racism. I guess
when you put a mixed bag of belief systems together, this will
be the ultimate outcome?

Also, you never know who you're posting with? Posters get
banned, change their name and come back with the same
baggage that got them banned in the first place. You can
kind of tell who they are though. The "Newbies" usually
return aggressive, angry, and belligerent, right out of the

did you just start another thread about rape and the n-word? :freak:


Well, ya can't talk about everything at once.

The rape and racism threads have gotten several posts made by you as well.

Lot's of folks have chosen to talk about rape and racism because that is what they want to talk about.
It's not rocket science.

Cool story.

Hasn't gotten very far, has it? May as well be complaining about the Earth being round. Choosing to talk about things that can't be cured over things that can means that there is an intrinsic animosity for others with solvable issues.

I've been saying it all through those threads, and was shown animosity for it.
Could I paint a clearer picture :rolleyes:


did you just start another thread about rape and the n-word? :freak:

It's hilarious how, when the subject of rape gets old, they go right to another subject just like it with the same pointless complaining. The finger remains pointed in the same general direction.

It just reinforces everything I've stated thus far through the past few months of this nonsense.
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