When you come back, and I do hope you come back, think to bring a verse. But I don't think you will be bringing one.
Coming back will always happen, if I can just figure out some floating standards this silliness will stop.
LORD, is a human word used to describe God's relationship to us. It is chosen because how a LORD's relationship with His "minions" or people on his land, reflects how God's relationship with us is. It's an Anthropomorphism. It is not a precise and complete definition of God, and it does NOT hold a definition that contradicts how the word is used amongst humanity.
That being said, the Lord owns the land. Everyone on the land is there at his suffrance. It is His will they are ALLOWED to be there. ANything they produce belongs to the LORD. ALL their work is for their LORD. Their very offspring is for their LORD to take off to battle and kill if they wish. They live at the mercy of their LORD. THIS is the word, God chose to use, to describe His relationship with Him.
Versal references. Use the Christ is the vine, the LORD God is the gardener, and we are the branches. A branch doesn't exist without the vine, without the vine's providence/nutrients/water nor without the Vine's command to grow and exist there. The branch doesn't pick where on the Vine it will go. It has a spot, and it is to learn to do the job as best it can in that spot. WHEN the Branch bears fruit, the VINE produces the fruit, the branch ONLY gets to bear it. Or, hold it, present it to the world. The Branch is a tool the vine uses to bring His fruit to the world.
Then you have the comment that we are His tools for righteousness. Maybe it's instruments, but an instrument is a tool however you look at it. You have the Fruits of the SPirit... Which are either there or they aren't. IF they are there, it's because of the Spirit, not yourself.
You have the commandment to love neighbor and God. Which the word for love there requires a work/demonstration to be with it.
You have Paul saying the biggest theological argument of His day was NOT important, but faith WORKING through love was. If we look at James' comments FAITH, will result in a work for God, who is Love.
If you go to the last chapter in Matt 25, the parable there, the ones who did the works for God, fed, clothed, etc... were the ones who were HIS. They were His tools for those other people, who God claimed as them doing work for Him.
Eph 4 says you are led by the Church to do works of service, and through those works, Christian Maturity comes. Those works, are executed by us, His tools.
The Church is described as a BODY, with Christ as the Mind. What are we? Toes, and fingers, and knees and buttocks, and.... What are those??? Those are tools the body uses. The fingers are used to hold the hammer or the food or the child. The feet are used to carry the body.
The body, doesn't take the mind places, the mind uses the tools to take IT places.
This is in 8 minutes off the top of my head. Praytell, do you want me to actually crack open the Bible? Tell me a book and chapter to start in and nearly every message/story, will back me up.
God isn't Santa Claus. We serve HIM, He doesn't serve us.
He is the LORD of lords, but tell me, does the Lord of a castle treat his children like serfs?
Do you let your toddler drive your car? We are Serfs. We exist to be His instruments of RIghteousness on earth. WE DO HIS WORK. Just like Serfs. We can ONLY produce if He gives us His blessing, just like a serf. (are you confusing serf with smurf? I can see an argument with smurf..... not with serf...) ((smile please))
How can you make the comparison with holy royal children who are of the same priesthood as Jesus, the priesthood of Melchizedek, kings and priests forever?
The High priest serves GOD. The priests serve the High Priest. How can you NOT make the comparison? A royal daughter is married off to serve the Kingdom to a man she doesn't even know. IF YOU ARE that royal daughter, you will go and be what you were bred to be, the best wife you could be and make a strong Union. A Royal Son is used to lead his LORD'S people to battle, and may die in the process. The MIND stays at the house, to be the mind, and sends a right arm on feet, to do His will in His name.
How can you compare God to that king and us to Robin-hood? That would be like comparing the king's son to the outlaw.
How could I not in the context I used it?
He is not God, then. God is omnipotent. I can not enforce anything on God. I can make no claims against Him, and I can take Him to no court if He doesn't meet my expectation. I ONLY exist at His mercy. Period. Anyway you slice it, that's that. If you think GOD OWES YOU SOMETHING, you have put yourself as more important than God, on something.
Tell me, what happened if a SERF stormed into the castle screaming, or speaking emphatically, that The King owed him a new cow cause his old one died! The King is going to send him off to jail or have him flogged or beheaded. You don't speak to the King like that. In fact, IF you were granted audience, you would be obeissant, not proud. You would be poor of Sprit, not sure of Spirit. You would depend on Him, not demand on Him. You would keep your eyes from meeting His out of respect and deference. That's how you acted around a KING.
Now, WE are talking the LORD OF LORDS, or the King of Kings. This is the most important of all of those other kings. This KING the OTHER Kings look upon as we look upon our kings.
He owes you nothing, and if He gives you anything, you will be happy and appreciative, and thank Him for His Mercy. Anything less, has you as thinking you are more than God. And would show, He's not yet your king. Want verses again? Blessed are the Poor in Spirit. matt 5:6ish. Look up the word for "poor" there.
He owes you the love of a Father because he made you in his image and likeness.
??? God has a debt. That's taking some guts to claim.
In Psalm 82 he warns you that the earth is turned out of course by those walking in darkness; that those who do not believe in a Father's love will die like men because they do not know they are the offspring of God. You can't leave a baby to run amok in your house like a little stranger or he will perish.
This verse doesn't mean your idea of that love is correct. 1 John 4:16-18 puts all of eternal life on one thing, Love.... the verses go together quite nicely. TY for the reference. If you think a Father's love means he owes you something, then it's not love, but it's a debt. It's not Grace but a fulfillment.
Jesus preached eternal security on earth, before the cross. He said stuff like "He that believeth in me shall never die", "never thirst" or "hunger again", so what is that but eternal security?
It's a different life. There is nothing that says it's eternal security. There is nothing that says it's not either. But, the truth is, you don't know what it is. So, if you are wrong, and stand before God, are you going to argue with Him? Or admit HE is LORD of Lords, and KING of Kings, and that you will gladly take what He will give?
You have to explain how a loving Father is going to reject children who know He's their father. You have to explain how that is going to work.
No, I don't. I don't have to explain why God would do anything. I am not HIS Keeper, HE is MY keeper.