That sounds all too famiilar. The Church has been on ice for the last fifty years. We need less chill and more heat. Whats your problem?Mr. 5020 said:Art, you and Wamba need to take a chill pill and relax, man.
That sounds all too famiilar. The Church has been on ice for the last fifty years. We need less chill and more heat. Whats your problem?Mr. 5020 said:Art, you and Wamba need to take a chill pill and relax, man.
I was mostly joking.Art Deco said:That sounds all too famiilar. The Church has been on ice for the last fifty years. We need less chill and more heat. Whats your problem?![]()
I would say God called her home for whatever His reasons. I do not believe we are cursed by God -- not yet anyway. God has much patience and forebearance.Art Deco said:Many prayers were offered on behalf of Terri Schiavo. God refused to save this women allowing the saints to search for answers. The answer is clear we as a nation are cursed by God. God's people are to blame for Terri's death. Our luke warm faith has displeased God.
As to pointing fingers. We (Christians) are primarily to blame. Secondarily, both political parties are responsible for Terri's death by their cowardly inaction. Where do we go from here? The worst is yet to come. The Church has been taken over by gutless cowards and spiritual lightweights. Only Second Chornicles 7:14 will reverse this trend.
Frank, Look around you. Look at the culture. 50% of the voters in the last election voted for a Political Party that can be honestly described as anti-God Secular Humanist supporting abortion and homosexual marriage. Read Isaiah chapter 3 and tell me there are no similarities between God's curses and life in America today.Frank Ernest I do not believe we are cursed by God -- not yet anyway. God has much patience and forebearance.
If the Church does not see that God has cursed them for their apostasy and abandonment of the fundamentals of the faith, what would compel the church to consider the message in Second Chronicles 7:14?2 Chronicles 7:14 -- Great :idea:! Let's see if it catches on.
Wamba the Fool said:I am disgusted. I am disgusted by the pro life movement. I am disgusted with the Republicans. I am disgusted with our jelly spined Christians who are saying that assisted suicide is alright! I am disgusted with talk show hosts: Hugh Hewit, with Sean Hannity, with Matt Drudge etc. etc. etc.
They hold majority rules and our wicked laws over God's law. I am infuriated. There are not many words to describe my anger.
Terri Schiavo is starving to death and our Republican, jelly spined Christians are saying that Jeb Bush was right not to break the law and take the National Guard and storm the building to give Terri Schiavo nourishment.
Some say that we were keeping her alive by artificial means but all they were doing was giving her food and water, not keeping her alive on an iron lung! And don't you eat? All need to eat.
This country is not going to Hell in a handbasket; it's going to Hell with jet rockets.
One man's whining is another man's persistence. Keeping this issue alive is an obligation owed to Terri Shindler. I can see why you want it swept under the rug...evil is hard to look at for any great lenghth of time. Suck it up tiger...granite1010 said:Whining about the problem doesn't change a thing.
Art, what are you personally doing to reverse the trend?
Art Deco said:One man's whining is another man's persistence. Keeping this issue alive is an obligation owed to Terri Shindler. I can see why you want it swept under the rug...evil is hard to look at for any great lenghth of time. Suck it up tiger...
The Republican Party will never escape the backlash that it justly deserves in the next general election. I don't want to hear anything more about "Compassionate Conservatism", that bromide is dead as a hammer. The howl will go up but not voting for a Republican candidate is like voting for a be it. Wallace was right after all, There's not a dimes worth of difference between a Republican and a Democrat. They both let Terri starve to death without water. America's soul died with Terri Schindler. Remember "Masada."
What a load of crap. You really ought to stop getting your information about what "democrats want" from republican blowhards. Try to be at least a little bit honest, ok?ChristisKing said:Are we living in the same country?
Here is the agenda the liberals want to achieve. They want Senators to filibuster any judicial nominee who will not support this agenda.
Approval of homosexual marriage
Legalizing euthanasia
Banning prayer in school
Banning the public display of the Ten Commandments
Banning the Pledge of Allegiance
Basing our laws on the laws of other nations
Maintaining abortion on demand
Forcing the Boy Scouts and similar organizations (including churches) to place homosexuals in positions of leadership
Complete protection for all kinds of pornography
Creating hate crimes laws to punish those who believe homosexuality is wrong
Denigrating Christianity to a secondary status
Making secularism the only legitimate religion
C'mon, at least be honest. This is exactly what the liberals want, don't run and hide when it is displayed publicly.PureX said:What a load of crap. You really ought to stop getting your information about what "democrats want" from republican blowhards. Try to be at least a little bit honest, ok?
Zakath said:CIK,
From where I sit, your list is a bit outdated since about half the "agenda items" have already been accomplished and are merely in maintenance mode at present.
The fundy religious right will effectively marginalize Christianity and denigrate it to secondary status if left to their own devices. You don't need liberals to handle that for you...
Only in the old stories in your religious text.ChristisKing said:Well we will keep fighting and lets wait and see who wins, my vote is on Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God....He always seems to win.
ChristisKing said:Are we living in the same country?
Here is the agenda the liberals want to achieve. They want Senators to filibuster any judicial nominee who will not support this agenda.
Approval of homosexual marriage
Legalizing euthanasia
Banning prayer in school
Banning the public display of the Ten Commandments
Banning the Pledge of Allegiance
Basing our laws on the laws of other nations
Maintaining abortion on demand
Forcing the Boy Scouts and similar organizations (including churches) to place homosexuals in positions of leadership
Complete protection for all kinds of pornography
Creating hate crimes laws to punish those who believe homosexuality is wrong
Denigrating Christianity to a secondary status
Making secularism the only legitimate religion
So if the Right Wing was really sticking to their guns, would we be better off? Personally I don't think there is any situation when it is OK for congress or the president to circumvent the constitution. Whether it's for a good cause or not, it's still tyranny, and sets a precedent of tyranny. If Christianity was in charge, would things be better?Wamba the Fool said:Yeah, I totally agree. I'm just as disgusted with Democrats, but the "Reblican Right" should not be supporting suicide and living wills or written directives. Those are just fancy terms for suicide. The Right Wing should know better. The Christians such as James Dobson should know better.
Matt. 15:14 ...if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Not fair Granite! You already knew where I was going with this one! :sheep:granite1010 said:Look at the track record.
Puritans: hanged, crushed, and ostracized their enemies
Women's temperance: gave us Prohibition
Southern Protestants: opposed emancipation, burned books, burned LPs, burned crosses
Can you give me a link. As far as I know and have learned that is a Lie.granite1010 said:Look at the track record.
Puritans: hanged, crushed, and ostracized their enemies
You are talking about the KKK.Southern Protestants: opposed emancipation, burned books, burned LPs, burned crosses