Our deepest self takes leave of the world, spiritually dies and then assumes a place near Jesus as God's ultimate earthly disclosure.
This becomes a well-spring, a place to focus one's spirit so it can live a little bit in some immortality for a tune up.
Then our physical, worldly self wakes up to live another day in the Creation God has established for us--the world in which he declared "It is good."
If I have made myself understood, I see it as a process that repeats in our lives like a heartbeat--blood back in, blood back out. Both actions are necessary.
This becomes a well-spring, a place to focus one's spirit so it can live a little bit in some immortality for a tune up.
Then our physical, worldly self wakes up to live another day in the Creation God has established for us--the world in which he declared "It is good."
If I have made myself understood, I see it as a process that repeats in our lives like a heartbeat--blood back in, blood back out. Both actions are necessary.