I’m not watching the State of the Union address


I’m not watching the State of the Union address

Because all it will be is more blah, blah, blah lots-of-words-but-nothing-said (that hasn’t been said before ad nauseum)-baloney.
I don’t want to waste time. As some wise person said once “Do not waste time, for that is the stuff of which life is made.”


FOX is running Duck Dynasty reruns during the Address for our conservative friends because for them, "that is the stuff of which life is made!”

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
No I don't.

Yesterday I was just pointing out the absurdity and self regard nature in pointing out what you won't be doing on any particular day.

Tomorrow I wont inserting peanut butter in my life nostril.
On Thursday I wont invade Poland
On Friday I wont make a blood sacrifice of a penguin to her majesty the queen whilst dressed in a toga.

All true, and all pointless and meaningless statements, just like the fact that someone points out they wont be watching the state of the union.

And you do on other days....no, stop, I don't want to know what kind of demented things you do. :shocked:


New member
I'd rather watch just about anything.. maybe even old Friends re-runs. I can't say for sure about that b/c i never watched Friends at all, just little snippets here & there while channel surfing. But i would rather watch it just the same, "that i can tell ya"
