I’m not watching the State of the Union address


New member
I’m not watching the State of the Union address

Because all it will be is more blah, blah, blah lots-of-words-but-nothing-said (that hasn’t been said before ad nauseum)-baloney.
I don’t want to waste time. As some wise person said once “Do not waste time, for that is the stuff of which life is made.”




New member
Me either. I literally have no interest in it or the Republican response speech.

i will be watching THAT. The Rs are the only sane ones, and of course, evn some of them are not too sane-looking these days, just rinos :( but maybe NIkki Haley is not one of those?


patrick jane

I’m not watching the State of the Union address

Because all it will be is more blah, blah, blah lots-of-words-but-nothing-said (that hasn’t been said before ad nauseum)-baloney.
I don’t want to waste time. As some wise person said once “Do not waste time, for that is the stuff of which life is made.”


No, you'll just watch hours of coverage and analysis of the speech on FOX


New member
i will be watching THAT. The Rs are the only sane ones, and of course, evn some of them are not too sane-looking these days, just rinos :( but maybe NIkki Haley is not one of those?


They've done a great job. (You'll need to read my sarcastic tone into the text.)


New member
They've done a great job. (You'll need to read my sarcastic tone into the text.)

that's why everyone should vote for Ted Cruz. He agrees with you (us). The Rs in WA are not Rs anymore, and i don't trust any of the R candidates save Ted Cruz, T least of all. I am beginning to think WA DC is just a big club for the wealthy and prestigious. Oh wait, that's not so.. not BEGINNING to think.. been thinking that for a LONG time



New member
There are no debates. There are things they call debates where a moderator asks a question, the candidate makes whatever statement they want to whether it relates to the question or not, then the moderator pushes their opinion.

Not to mention these "debates" are just there to give you the illusion that you get a choice in the matter. They just want you to feel powerful so you're easier to control.


New member
that's why everyone should vote for Ted Cruz. He agrees with you (us). The Rs in WA are not Rs anymore, and i don't trust any of the R candidates save Ted Cruz, T least of all. I am beginning to think WA DC is just a big club for the wealthy and prestigious. Oh wait, that's not so.. not BEGINNING to think.. been thinking that for a LONG time


Ted Cruz doesn't agree with me. He's a big government chickenhawk.


New member
There are no debates. There are things they call debates where a moderator asks a question, the candidate makes whatever statement they want to whether it relates to the question or not, then the moderator pushes their opinion.

Not to mention these "debates" are just there to give you the illusion that you get a choice in the matter. They just want you to feel powerful so you're easier to control.

do you have any proof of this or are you just a paranoid schizophrenic or something?



New member
do you have any proof of this or are you just a paranoid schizophrenic or something?


Watch Bush and Obama in the debates. You can see them on youtube. They did the opposite of what they said they would do. The powers that be will always get what they want. The proof is that the powers that be always get what they want. Show me some proof that your vote has any effect on policy whatsoever.


New member
Watch Bush and Obama in the debates. You can see them on youtube. They did the opposite of what they said they would do. The powers that be will always get what they want. The proof is that the powers that be always get what they want. Show me some proof that your vote has any effect on policy whatsoever.

the whole world knows what u say here about obama is true. But you can't write off everyone else just b/c of him and a few others. Again, the US has potential. And Cruz sticks to our Constitution. He doens't just TALK about it like the talking heads who bore the crud out of us b/c they are always saying the same old tired stuff and always LYING, and when they are not lying, they are twisting truth, which.. Why do i make a distinction between lying and twisting truth? I shouldn't.

Huckabee is probably trustworthy also, but the rest of them. Paul seems OK also, but he's not interested in helping people in other countries to get to Democracy. Of course, things are so complicated over there that--well, i don't know if the US is capable, at least not until we get someone in office like Ted Cruz



New member

the whole world knows what u say here about obama is true. But you can't write off everyone else just b/c of him and a few others. Again, the US has potential. And Cruz sticks to our Constitution. He doens't just TALK about it like the talking heads who bore the crud out of us b/c they are always saying the same old tired stuff and always LYING, and when they are not lying, they are twisting truth. Huckabee is probably trustworthy also, but the rest of them. Paul seems OK also, but he's not interested in helping people in other countries to get to Democracy. Of course, things are so complicated over there that--well, i don't know if the US is capable, at least not until we get someone in office like Ted Cruz


Even if you were right, how will some great trustworthy president make any major changes without massive executive orders like Obama? He could only make these sweeping changes you want if he circumvented congress, something Obama is rightly criticized for doing. Or if Congress all of sudden did something right, and we both know that won't happen.


New member
Even if you were right, how will some great trustworthy president make any major changes without massive executive orders like Obama? He could only make these sweeping changes you want if he circumvented congress, something Obama is rightly criticized for doing. Or if Congress all of sudden did something right, and we both know that won't happen.

the Rs wouldn't be so cowardly in Congress if the president were Cruz

he is the next Reagan--and better in some ways


patrick jane

Watch Bush and Obama in the debates. You can see them on youtube. They did the opposite of what they said they would do. The powers that be will always get what they want. The proof is that the powers that be always get what they want. Show me some proof that your vote has any effect on policy whatsoever.

It's true. We really don't get a choice