I suspect that this is correct. Trump is going down because he has made enemies of not only the Democrats but also of the establishment Republicans. Call them RINOs or whatever you want, but the fact remains that Mitch McConnell is the most powerful Republican in government today, and he would love to see Trump get taken down. So would a lot of other Republicans. They defended him from impeachment, but now that he's out of office he is nothing but trouble to them. They may not move against him publicly, but they will pull strings behind the scenes to help Democrats take him down. He is now more of a liability than an asset to them.
All of that ended when he looked like he was really seriously doing it.
This was a bad thing for the establishment because he was largely an unknown quantity...Liberal New York Republican underpinnings for sure but he was taking a more populist stance than normal, and he had too much money to bribe. They did their best to take him down with the moral finger wagging but Donny was a damn Mormon compared to Slick Willy...The fact he was a playboy was always known and the establishment had made a great deal of inroads into convincing people these things don't matter...And they still can't put him on the Island or the Plane.
If he had just...Well, I could write a list.
I admit that I had hopes for him...He was being given a chance to be more than what he is. Sometimes men are given this chance and either they rise to their better natures, or they allow their pride to let them assume themselves to be entitled the the gift they have been given.
Donny always was a child of entitlement.
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