ECT How much can I get away with?


Well-known member
Why do you take these verses out of their context to create your soteriology?

He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, (Titus 3:5 NASB)

This is one verse clearly showing your error. As I said previously, there's no need for further discourse. Your opinion is noted and rejected. The only reason I responded to your post is to point out that you can cut and paste scriptures and make them appear to teach something that they don't teach at all. Thanks for displaying that.

There is no verse anywhere in the bible that by itself teaches salvation by works.

Start your thread dude - "how to work for God do that you won't get burned". Hehe

Csu - corrupt soteriological untruth guy

And you just completely ignored the scriptures I provided - which before you didn't even recognize as scripture, showing just how unfamiliar you are with the scriptures. I can see there's no point in talking to you - you don't want to see the truth.


Even asking the question, how much can I get away with, reveals a heart centered on itself and not on a God. A heart that loves God is not looking for ways to avoid God's morals.

Some people get stuck in temptations and struggle with them. While your observation is correct it does not disqualify or delete the fact that everyone at some point asks this question whether he is living like a Pharisee and asks it from a judgmental heart towards his fellow man or if he is a publican who beats his chest in shame. The answer is there is nothing that can separate him from the love of God not even himself.


How much can I get away with?

And you just completely ignored the scriptures I provided - which before you didn't even recognize as scripture, showing just how unfamiliar you are with the scriptures. I can see there's no point in talking to you - you don't want to see the truth.

Goodbye csu :) thx for nothin


Well-known member
Nope. :)
Baby believers too! And carnal believers.

I disagree.

"Baby believers" are freshly delivered from the world....they have the simple faith of a child. Their thought is NOT how much sin they can get away with, but are rejoicing in how much sin has been forgiven them.

"Carnal believers" are still under the law...thus not believers at all. They aren't dead to sin, therefore they are still striving to enter into the rest by their own efforts.


I disagree.

"Baby believers" are freshly delivered from the world....they have the simple faith of a child. Their thought is NOT how much sin they can get away with, but are rejoicing in how much sin has been forgiven them.

"Carnal believers" are still under the law...thus not believers at all. They aren't dead to sin, therefore they are still striving to enter into the rest by their own efforts.

Those are nice observations. However the scriptures indicate clearly otherwise. For example Peter says to desire the milk of the word. The milk is designated as soteriological truth (including the doctrine of eternal security) by the writer of Hebrews. In that context milk is contrasted with the meat which was the Melchizadekian Priesthood. OSAS is a doctrine that was settled in my mind but it wasn't early in as a Christian.
The writer to the Hebrews says that the believers became dull of hearing. This indicates that they were not that way but something caused them to become carnal, dull of hearing.
Paul who wrote to the Corinthians reproved them as not moving on to maturity. The space of time from when Paul founded the church at Corinth and the writing if First Corinthians was 3-5 years. This indicates that babyhood need not last long. From the time a person gets saved he is a babe. The time to reach spiritual adulthood is 3-5 years. If the new believer does not mature he becomes a carnal believer and had to be re-taught the first principles if the faith - soteriological truth.
In my observation


How much sin can I get away with before I lose my salvation? Lying? Lusting? I think this should help to clear up the OSAS misunderstandings. How much can I get away with and still be saved?

Let's start by listing the 33 things that happens to a believer the moment he or she gets saved.
Otherwise known as Positional Truth.

1. Redemption

You cannot get away with anything. Listen to the Lord if you call yourself a Christian.


Lazy afternoon

Heb 3:12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.
Heb 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Heb 3:14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;


Heb 3:12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.
Heb 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Heb 3:14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;

Is that a spirit of fear brother lazy aft?


Let's examine this.

How much can this person you've quarreled with get away with - with you before she's unforgivable?

Since you work for your forgiveness, what work does she need to do to earn your forgiveness?

My forgiveness is nothing. They need Jesus' forgiveness which they will not get if they are disobedient.

Jesus commands us to repent of our unfaithfulness.


Me too buddy.

Well, you have been preaching that your works will not save you which is against Jesus' word of to be faithful to Him.

think about it, friend. You seem to be going backward as your faith years are going by. You need to redirect your path.