ECT How much can I get away with?


How much sin can I get away with before I lose my salvation? Lying? Lusting? I think this should help to clear up the OSAS misunderstandings. How much can I get away with and still be saved?

Let's start by listing the 33 things that happens to a believer the moment he or she gets saved.
Otherwise known as Positional Truth.

1. Redemption


4. Forgiveness
5. Justification
6. Glorification
7. Deliverance
8. Circumcision
9. Made acceptable to God
10. The First Fruits of the Holy Spirit
11. In the Eternal Plan of God
12. Based on the Rock
13. Made Nigh
14. Members of a Holy and Royal Priesthood
15. Transferred into God's Kingdom
16. A Chosen Generation
17. In the family of God
18. Adoption
19. The Children of God
20. Part of the fellowship of the Saints
21. Light in The Lord
22. Heavenly associations
23. Completion
24. In possession of every spiritual blessing
25. A gift from the Father to the Som
26. Messiah's inheritance
27. Heirs
28. Freed from the Law
29. From the judgment of the old man to a new walk
30. United to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
31. Access to God
32. Within the much more care of God

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Only a natural man of the flesh would even ask that question. :)

If he really wanted to know because he wanted to sin as much as he could, I'd agree with you. But that's not his point. His point is to show the absurdity of any doctrine that teaches that man can sin his way out of salvation.

Salvation being able to be "lost" requires it to be conditional. It requires Christ's sacrifice to fail to save some. That's wrong.


How much can I get away with?

If he really wanted to know because he wanted to sin as much as he could, I'd agree with you. But that's not his point. His point is to show the absurdity of any doctrine that teaches that man can sin his way out of salvation.

Salvation being able to be "lost" requires it to be conditional. It requires Christ's sacrifice to fail to save some. That's wrong.

Ok Calvinist
We agree on this one. But don't push ur luck (jk)


Motivated by love for those who struggle with uncertainty and sin, I hope to share God's truth about His infinite and omnipotent love of which I have become the object of.

Not be works of righteousness which we have done but by His great mercy He saved us.

If you are not saved and you want to be saved, if you think you are saved but not sure and you want to know it for sure, please discuss it here or pm me and the Word of God will reveal God's grace and mercy to you.

Into Christ


Well-known member
Its not about the amount - its about whether you choose to live your life according to the Spirit or the flesh. Its what you persevere in doing that matters, where your heart is.


Its not about the amount - its about whether you choose to live your life according to the Spirit or the flesh. Its what you persevere in doing that matters, where your heart is.

He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, (Titus 3:5 NASB)

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, (Titus 3:5 NASB)

While I won't say that open theism is a damnable heresy in and of itself, I feel like virtually every open theist ends up speaking damnable heresy at some point. Radical freewill systems fail to trust Christ and Christ alone for their salvation, they end up trusting their own will or their own works, showing themselves to be unregenerate.


Well-known member
He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, (Titus 3:5 NASB)

Only those who do the will of the Father, persevering to the end, will be saved. One must lose their life to save it. Faith without works is dead.


Only those who do the will of the Father, persevering to the end, will be saved. One must lose their life to save it. Faith without works is dead.

I understand your beliefs. I disagree. If you care to tell us how much sin is too much go right ahead. Otherwise your advocacy for salvation by human righteousness is noted and rejected. No need for further discourse. You might want to start a counter thread entitled "how to work for salvation".


Well-known member
I understand your beliefs. I disagree. If you care to tell us how much sin is too much go right ahead. Otherwise your advocacy for salvation by human righteousness is noted and rejected. No need for further discourse. You might want to start a counter thread entitled "how to work for salvation".

I just quoted pure scripture to you. If you disagree then you must admit that your theology is unbiblical.

And I told you that it is not a matter of how much one sins - it is a matter of what one perseveres in doing, where their heart is.


I just quoted pure scripture to you. If you disagree then you must admit that your theology is unbiblical.

And I told you that it is not a matter of how much one sins - it is a matter of what one perseveres in doing, where their heart is.

Can you repost your verses with book and chapters?


Well-known member
Can you repost your verses with book and chapters?

Only those who do the will of the Father , persevering to the end, will be saved (Matthew 7:21; Matthew 24:13). One must lose their life to save it (Matthew 16:24-26; Mark 8:34-36; Luke 9:23-25). Faith without works is dead (James 2:26 - I suggest reading the whole chapter).

There's many more verses that can be provided - but those were the specific ones I was referencing.

Hmmm silence
I guess we lost him

I'm sorry if it took more more than 1 minute to post a reply :dead:



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
How much sin can I get away with before I lose my salvation? Lying? Lusting? I think this should help to clear up the OSAS misunderstandings. How much can I get away with and still be saved?

Let's start by listing the 33 things that happens to a believer the moment he or she gets saved.
Otherwise known as Positional Truth.

1. Redemption

Even asking the question, how much can I get away with, reveals a heart centered on itself and not on a God. A heart that loves God is not looking for ways to avoid God's morals.


How much can I get away with?

Only those who do the will of the Father , persevering to the end, will be saved (Matthew 7:21; Matthew 24:13). One must lose their life to save it (Matthew 16:24-26; Mark 8:34-36; Luke 9:23-25). Faith without works is dead (James 2:26 - I suggest reading the whole chapter).

There's many more verses that can be provided - but those were the specific ones I was referencing.

I'm sorry if it took more more than 1 minute to post a reply :dead:


Why do you take these verses out of their context to create your soteriology?

He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, (Titus 3:5 NASB)

This is one verse clearly showing your error. As I said previously, there's no need for further discourse. Your opinion is noted and rejected. The only reason I responded to your post is to point out that you can cut and paste scriptures and make them appear to teach something that they don't teach at all. Thanks for displaying that.

There is no verse anywhere in the bible that by itself teaches salvation by works.

Start your thread dude - "how to work for God, what to do that you won't get burned". Hehe

Csu - corrupt soteriological untruth guy