is hetero gone yet?
Or you don't understand him. Or you're wrong in part or more.You ought to stop trusting AMR. He has tons of education and degrees, yet he does not know the principle of Christianity. He does not know that Jesus commands us to love your enemy.
That's a silly thing to say.He does not know that Christianity is all about Jesus and His teachings.
You think there's a shortage of uneducated idiots?And there are tons of educated idiots like AMR in mainstreamers.
And far less complicated and impossible than what you posit.Open your eyes, CL. Christianity is not as complicated as most mainstreamers are making it out to be.
AMR has publicly stated that he rid TOL of some of his writing that he later regretted and found untenable in advance. I think that's commendable. Now someone erasing posts or threads to hide from responsibility is another thing entirely.Really, AMR did that? I would have thought him the least likely to abuse whatever privleges he has..
Or you don't understand him. Or you're wrong in part or more.
I already explained that you are not worth taking time out of my day to whine about.
I have no idea whether Knight is able to squeeze a little revenue out of his efforts at TOL or not. I hope he is able, but my guess is he does well to break even.He is exempt from receiving infractions, let alone ever being banned again . . .
For only putting $500 in Knight's pocket.
What an ungodly scam . . .
i have a feeling gm's gonna be gone for a while
You ought to stop trusting AMR. He has tons of education and degrees, yet he does not know the principle of Christianity. He does not know that Jesus commands us to love your enemy.
He does not know that Christianity is all about Jesus and His teachings.
And there are tons of educated idiots like AMR in mainstreamers.
Open your eyes, CL. Christianity is not as complicated as most mainstreamers are making it out to be.
i have a feeling gm's gonna be gone for a while
Really, AMR did that? I would have thought him the least likely to abuse whatever privleges he has..
AMR has publicly stated that he rid TOL of some of his writing that he later regretted and found untenable in advance. I think that's commendable. Now someone erasing posts or threads to hide from responsibility is another thing entirely.
I think this is very sad. He asked for his ban, and they told him he could come back. It might be interesting to guess who the new GM might be.
Yes I did so state and did so do. In particular, since it has become the subject of discussion herein, I deleted my very first thread I started introducing myself at TOL many years ago. It was a thread that degenerated into more than the amount of animosity I preferred to cause and indeed contributed to from my own personal bad behavior. Over the years I came to regret and be ashamed of some of my behavior therein, so when the opportunity arose to obtain a Liftetime Membership at 50% off the usual cost I jumped at the chance.
The above is primarily the only benefit I have availed myself of for Liftetime membership. I could have taken advantage of may other benefits, but I will not mount an apophasis like argument explaining the same. Most who are discerning will get it.
I have no doubt I am but an unprofitable servant and when I get a chance to make amends I strive to do so. I also know I am a work in progress of the Lord that despite His efforts I do fail to meet the measure He has set for me. An un-examined life is one not worth living, so for those that feel every word they have spoken or written is not regrettable, I can only counsel that they have failed to take every word captive for the Lord they serve.
Lastly I will say to those that confuse giving money to TOL as some sort of sin that they have mistakenly valued money more than their time spent here. We can place a cost on all our efforts, the cost being measured in the currency of the realm or the currency of the Kingdom. For me the latter is the more valuable and the measure of sinning accompanying the time spent is easily seen to all that care to take an account thereof. So while some "currency" is being spent holding me up to ridicule by others, I am going to focus my attentions on being a good steward of the time and money God has shared in His abundance with me. That is between my Lord and myself as I construe the liberty He has granted me.
I don't think perma bans should be handed out on request. A guy derserves some cool down would think. :sigh:
Also, GM was exposing what needs exposing, so I'm hoping others will pick up his baton and carry on.
I salute you, GM. You were, without a doubt, in God's army, and a dear and trusted friend. :salute:
I don't think perma bans should be handed out on request. A guy derserves some cool down would think. :sigh:
Also, GM was exposing what needs exposing, so I'm hoping others will pick up his baton and carry on.
I salute you, GM. You were, without a doubt, in God's army, and a dear and trusted friend. :salute:
Open your eyes, CL. Christianity is not as complicated as most mainstreamers are making it out to be.
And yet it is still far above your comprehension...go figure. :think:
I've been having server problems all day. :think: Maybe that's the root of it. Anyone have any Blistex?Of course, you have to say that because you are disregarding everything what you don't want to adopt or practice.
You are just lip servers.
I've been having server problems all day. :think: Maybe that's the root of it. Anyone have any Blistex?
Speaking of gone. Has anyone seen chrys in a while?