How does God want us to respond when people ridicule us and call us names?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's The WORDS, - Not the REST, They Just show Mood!!!!

However, what you used for wording IS All You - Know-it-alls can do With any question, OR Statement; ONLY Act Just like that Cursed SATAN!!! - None of you Know Christ any Better than THAT!!!! ( And YOU Call~ yourself "CHRISTIANS")!!!!!

((((( Just Harass, ))))); That's ALL You ALL Know to do with the Truth / Christ!!! And that Killed HIM; - OH Happy You - with your Genius!!

(( Read the Book ))!!!!!!


(((Prove me wrong??)))) {{{then spit on your shoe lace}}}}

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I Don't NEED TOO!!!
You've Said NOTHING Pertaining to the Truth YET!!! There's No Questions to your (( FOOLISHNESS )), and Stupid LIES!!!


Alright, don't spit on your shoelace but, at least stare at the bottom
of your left shoe while eating a bologna sandwich without mustard,
for one hour straight?


New member
Remain calm and identify for ourselves privately if we perceive a spirit of the accuser at work. There is nothing to gain from arguing with someone who is relentlessly blaming and accusing, and it could be a temptation to lash back with a label or accusation or even to defend yourself.

We can see many times when Jesus remained quiet, walked away, or turned the other cheek. Sometimes, there is no need to reply, but when you feel the need to reply, do so with love. We are supposed to love others, even pray for our enemies, not curse them with the same mouth we praise God with. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and God is love.