Jesus IS God.
Jesus is not like us, He is God.
Jesus pretended to be tempted because He is God and God can not be tempted.
Jesus did not really die because God can not die, he just pretended He did.
Jesus IS God.
It's just madness isn't it? And believing that Jesus is God, goes directly against his own words, as he said that he was the son of God and that the father is greater than he and without the father he could do nothing, all which can't be true, if Jesus is God himself!Jesus is not like us, He is God.
Jesus pretended to be tempted because He is God and God can not be tempted.
Jesus did not really die because God can not die, he just pretended He did.
One of the vilest thoughts of hell are teaching others that regardless of what they do, they are going to heaven and that they are saved even if they carry on wilfully sinning and disobeying God. And no matter how you live, it doesn't matter your saved anyway. False doctrine, false teaching and stuff like this can only come from Satan the father of lies, only he would teach that your ok to carry on sinning before God and still live!It is so telling that out of the mouths of those who profess allegiance to Him come the vilest of thoughts of hell. They have made their own gods. Them and only them will they worship.
...Many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved (Mt 24:10–13).One of the vilest thoughts of hell are teaching others that regardless of what they do, they are going to heaven and that they are saved even if they carry on wilfully sinning and disobeying God. And no matter how you live, it doesn't matter your saved anyway. False doctrine, false teaching and stuff like this can only come from Satan the father of lies, only he would teach that your ok to carry on sinning before God and still live!
Those verses are the truth. And to me, if were born of God we will turn from sin and we will stop doing the things that we know are wrong. The holy spirit convicts my heart and my conscience pricks me so much and I can't do the things that I used to do and I am guided by God to live right. To me, we can't just carry living in the old sinful life we used to before we knew God. I want to please him, and I know that wilfully sinning doesn't please God, he wants to see the life of his son in us and if Christ is in us, then we will be turning away from the lusts of the flesh and this world....Many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved (Mt 24:10–13).
I love his law (Ps 119:165). :straight: The God-hater does not (1 Jn 5:3). :banana: This isn't rocket science. lain:Those verses are the truth. And to me, if were born of God we will turn from sin and we will stop doing the things that we know are wrong. The holy spirit convicts my heart and my conscience pricks me so much and I can't do the things that I used to do and I am guided by God to live right. To me, we can't just carry living in the old sinful life we used to before we knew God. I want to please him, and I know that wilfully sinning doesn't please God, he wants to see the life of his son in us and if Christ is in us, then we will be turning away from the lusts of the flesh and this world.
What do you believe?
I love his law (Ps 119:165). :straight: The God-hater does not (1 Jn 5:3). :banana: This isn't rocket science. lain:
God writes his laws upon the hearts and minds of those who belong to him...
His law is known by all. Most just don't give a damn (Mt 7:13-14). They are accusing :sigh: or excusing :banana: themselves (Ro 2:15).
1 Co 4:5, Re 14:10...t's better to look at ourselves first see if we are wrong and say, "is it I lord". That's why we are blessed that we have Jesus as an example, don't you think?