Some equate time and space (4 dimensions). In reality, time predates space since time as a concept co-exists from eternity as an aspect of God's endless experience, whereas the universe/creation had a distinct beginning.
J.R. Lucas in 'A treatise on time and space' elaborates more on this concept (time, change, unidirectional, concomitant of personality, etc.).
You're thinking God "experiences" something the way humans do.
Humans that are composed of essence and existence participate in existence.
As such we perceive "done existence" through our senses and our senses form a phantasm in our mind and from this phantasm we form premises in our reasoning that causes a conclusion to be known.
God as the first cause is not composed of essence and existence. His essence and existence are the same and he is wholly actual. He is "doing experience" and as such (as we only know through the relationship from how humans know something) He would will an end, but willing an end is not the cause of His willing the means, yet he wills an ordering of the means to the end.
The analogy of a human novelist conceiving and willing, all at once, the entire plot of his novel, in which perfect order demands that one event takes place after another.
(arrows represent causality)
Human intellect understanding the premises---->understanding the conclusion.
Divine intellect understanding----->[premise-->conclusion]
Human will willing the end---->willing the means
Divine will: willing------->[end---> mean]