How do you know you are saved.

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God's Truth

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All here who want to jump in on something that Meshak and I were discussing should use the quote feature to back track so they could understand what the discussion is about and not make ignorant assumptions about what I am saying.

Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead.

think about this verse.

That is what Meshak said.

I then told here that those not saved are the dead.

I also gave her a scripture showing that truth.

She went against me and said that the dead are not the unsaved.


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You admitted you would be deadly if you had to be.

Also, you are not going against me, you are going against Paul who spoke scripture.

Paul says plainly that we pay taxes to keep those in authority to handle evil doers.

You sound so hypocritical and confused.

Tell me how you would stop a kidnapper? Would you turn a rock into a weapon, or your car into a weapon?

As I have said, many times, I would use whatever was at hand to try and protect another from being seriously hurt by an attacker, but I would try to use non violence i where possible.

I saw a group of men beating up one man once, and they were kicking him in the head whilst he was lying on the floor, I ran up to him and lay on top of him covering his head, with the hope that they wouldn't hit a woman, and thank God they walked away. There are other ways to fight against violence, and we can overcome evil with good.

I'm saying that I don't believe in murder or execution. Premeditated killing us wrong before God.

And I've told you, I don't see those verses as you do, why do I have to, God is Spirit and his words are Spirit and they are life, not death! The only death that God wants to do is the death of sin within our hearts.

I'll quote Jesus again

and Jesus says

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.*But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you

We are to love our enemies, not kill them!


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As I have said, many times, I would use whatever was at hand to try and protect another from being seriously hurt by an attacker, but I would try to use non violence i where possible.

I saw a group of men beating up one man once, and they were kicking him in the head whilst he was lying on the floor, I ran up to him and lay on top of him covering his head, with the hope that they wouldn't hit a woman, and thank God they walked away. There are other ways to fight against violence, and we can overcome evil with good.

I'm saying that I don't believe in murder or execution. Premeditated killing us wrong before God.

And I've told you, I don't see those verses as you do, why do I have to, God is Spirit and his words are Spirit and they are life, not death! The only death that God wants to do is the death of sin within our hearts.

I'll quote Jesus again

and Jesus says

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.*But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you

We are to love our enemies, not kill them!

Ok, so I think We've gotten to the heart of the matter here. You think that the death penalty is wrong, correct?

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Ok, so I think We've gotten to the heart of the matter here. You think that the death penalty is wrong, correct?

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I think to purposely take a life for any reason is wrong, what do you think that Jesus meant by love your enemy, do good to those that hate you, bless those that curse you and pray for those who did dispitefully use you?

Jesus preached forgiveness not the death penalty!


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I think to purposely take a life for any reason is wrong, what do you think that Jesus meant by love your enemy, do good to those that hate you, bless those that curse you and pray for those who did dispitefully use you?

Jesus preached forgiveness not the death penalty!

Hook, line, and sinker.

So was it wrong for Jesus to die as punishment for our sins?

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