How do we make the world a better place?


Not quite. Before sunset Jerusalem time today, it was Day 16 Month 2. The second Passover was from Saturday 4th sunset to Sunday 5th sunset according to God's Lunar-Solar Calendar:

When Jesus returns for His 1000 year reign He will rule this Earth with a rod of iron. Evil will be utterly suppressed but it will still be in people but they will not dare to break any laws.

I did observe Passover this year.

I must admit that I do not know what you are talking about.





I observed in the month Aviv, the first month on the Jewish or Hebrew calendar.


What is the response of your fellow observant Jews, when you preach to them the Gospel that the Lord Jesus is risen? :think:


What is the response of your fellow observant Jews, when you preach to them the Gospel that the Lord Jesus is risen? :think:

That is a great question. Your question assumes or presumes or asks if it is true that I do this. I have not had much trouble with this. I would like to know more observant Jews. But not to share Christianity with them. I am a follower of Yeshua Messiah, who taught that we are to keep and teach the Commandments. That Yeshua died, was buried, rose from the dead, appeared to many, and ascended into heaven where He is at the right hand of the Father are truths we all should know, and believe.




then why did you ask the question?

You asked a question and got them. Why do you go onto something else?

I think that I do not understand what you are asking or why.

What do you mean by saying that I asked a question and got them? Why do you believe that I am moving on? Or moving on to something else?

Why did I ask what question?

What I do not know is if Jesus rules or will rule over the wicked.




My answer to your question was this:

You don't understand this simple statement?

Does this mean that the wicked will have been conquered and or made peaceful such that they are not wicked any longer? Or, is it possible that when Jesus reigns He reigns not only over the righteous, but the wicked too such that the wicked do not get away, and how all this relates to the kingdom, the idea of the kingdom, anything pertaining or related or relating to the kingdom. If the kingdom is only righteous, made up of righteous people, then does Jesus reign over those outside of the kingdom? Or, are some in the kingdom geographically, or something like that, not in the kingdom meaning being a part of the kingdom?

If the kingdom already came when Jesus did, why are there still wicked people? Or, did it not? Was there the kingdom when Jesus died, rose from the dead, ascended to God, the Spirit was poured out, or later?





Does this mean that the wicked will have been conquered and or made peaceful such that they are not wicked any longer? Or, is it possible that when Jesus reigns He reigns not only over the righteous, but the wicked too such that the wicked do not get away, and how all this relates to the kingdom, the idea of the kingdom, anything pertaining or related or relating to the kingdom. If the kingdom is only righteous, made up of righteous people, then does Jesus reign over those outside of the kingdom? Or, are some in the kingdom geographically, or something like that, not in the kingdom meaning being a part of the kingdom?

If the kingdom already came when Jesus did, why are there still wicked people? Or, did it not? Was there the kingdom when Jesus died, rose from the dead, ascended to God, the Spirit was poured out, or later?



good day Jacob.

Gary K

New member
Hi Jacob,

How do we make the world a better place? By doing exactly what you seem to be doing: living a life dedicated to following Jesus. That has more power to change the world than anything else for it shows just how much God can do in and for us. It shows just how much He loves us.

Shalom, Jacob.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Want to make the world a better place? Then follow these two simple commands from Jesus:
1) Love God with everything you've got.
2) Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

See a neighbor without enough to eat? Feed them (Would you want to be hungry? Then why let others go hungry.)
See a neighbor without a coat in the winter? Give them yours. (Would you want to be cold? Then why would you let other go cold.)
See a neighbor who is alone and lonesome? Share time with them. (Would you want to be alone with no one to talk to? Then why let others.)

Jesus told us to love and care for each other. If you want to make the world a better place then start loving and caring for others including all your neighbors whom you don't know.


Okay, it was just when you mentioned Sheni I thought you were saying you were partaking/celebrating that event.

No. I keep track of the days each week. Sheni means second. Today is Shlishli, 8-18. Shlishli means third. Day and the calendar day end at sundown.




Hi Jacob,

How do we make the world a better place? By doing exactly what you seem to be doing: living a life dedicated to following Jesus. That has more power to change the world than anything else for it shows just how much God can do in and for us. It shows just how much He loves us.

Shalom, Jacob.

Thank you. Is your name also Jacob?




Want to make the world a better place? Then follow these two simple commands from Jesus:
1) Love God with everything you've got.
2) Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

See a neighbor without enough to eat? Feed them (Would you want to be hungry? Then why let others go hungry.)
See a neighbor without a coat in the winter? Give them yours. (Would you want to be cold? Then why would you let other go cold.)
See a neighbor who is alone and lonesome? Share time with them. (Would you want to be alone with no one to talk to? Then why let others.)

Jesus told us to love and care for each other. If you want to make the world a better place then start loving and caring for others including all your neighbors whom you don't know.

Thank you.





This day is Sheni, the second day of the week, beginning with evening and night. It is the eighth month, the seventeenth day.

What can be done in the world to make it a better place?

I hear of the evil that is being perpetrated on a constant basis. Sometimes I do not know what happened. Other times I hear reports apparently of what happened. To live life without these occurrences would be good, but if something is happening or something or some things have happened, what are we to do about it or about that? A person is only a witness of what he has seen and heard. Then how do we help others recover and how do we prevent things like this from occurring?



"We" don't really need to do anything but start, maintain , and complete our relationship with Christ .

As the result of that relationship the Holy Spirit will be sealed into a faither. As the Holy Spirit takes more and more control of us , the more we will want to give . We will want to give to the point that we have to continuously give . The blessings God gives to us are not meant for us but for us to continue to give. The worst thing that can happen to a temple of the Holy Spirit is when they don't have anything to give.

With that said , if there were more true Spirit filled Christians in the world , (narrow path) the Spirit of Christ would cause the change through us. But since most of todays church world seeks to be blessed for themselves rather than being a blessing to others (wide path) .

It's been said we know if were truly His by the way we give.

Example : The Macedonians in biblical times were pillaged by the Romans when they left to conquer other countries , and they would pillage the Macedonians on their way back to Rome. The Macedonians were the poorest of the poor , yet when they were filled with the Spirit of Christ , they gave everything they had to others in need. When they had nothing left to give , the Scriptures tell us they " begged with much begging " that they might be able to continue to give. It's just the inevitable fruit of having the Spirit of Christ.

And if you have that , you definitely know it !


"We" don't really need to do anything but start, maintain , and complete our relationship with Christ .

As the result of that relationship the Holy Spirit will be sealed into a faither. As the Holy Spirit takes more and more control of us , the more we will want to give . We will want to give to the point that we have to continuously give . The blessings God gives to us are not meant for us but for us to continue to give. The worst thing that can happen to a temple of the Holy Spirit is when they don't have anything to give.

With that said , if there were more true Spirit filled Christians in the world , (narrow path) the Spirit of Christ would cause the change through us. But since most of todays church world seeks to be blessed for themselves rather than being a blessing to others (wide path) .

It's been said we know if were truly His by the way we give.

Example : The Macedonians in biblical times were pillaged by the Romans when they left to conquer other countries , and they would pillage the Macedonians on their way back to Rome. The Macedonians were the poorest of the poor , yet when they were filled with the Spirit of Christ , they gave everything they had to others in need. When they had nothing left to give , the Scriptures tell us they " begged with much begging " that they might be able to continue to give. It's just the inevitable fruit of having the Spirit of Christ.

And if you have that , you definitely know it !

I believe that you are saying that to make the world a better place starts with the individual and having a personal relationship with Christ. That those who have the Holy Spirit know that they do.



Gary K

New member

Thank you. Is your name also Jacob?



Sorry to confuse you. No, my name is not Jacob. I meant "Shalom, Jacob" like I had seen you on the street and walked up to you and shook your hand, and said, Hi, Jacob. Or we had been talking and were going our separate ways and I said, Goodbye, Jacob. I guess its just a cultural difference in communication.

I like the Jewish custom of leaving a blessing, even though I do it very rarely for it isn't done by the people I usually associate with. Thus I confused you through my ignorance of the custom.