Danoh, every person that is saved points to and witnesses about and for Jesus the Christ. What is the obsession with pointing others to Paul who himself pointed others to Jesus ?
At this point I see MAD as an UN-holy and UN-spiritual fixation on Paul not on the savior.
Paul addressed this same problem when he said some say I am of Apollos,Cephas etc, which goes right over the heads of those in MAD.
There are things in scripture that are real and true before they are ever revealed which in the econpmy and plan of God are progressive revelation.
Danoh, all cults marginalize Jesus and in many different ways and deceptions.
The very first warning sign
Jesus' teachings are replaced with Paul's. Paul mimicked what he was taught by Jesus, and somehow to those in MAD Paul has become the main focus.
The 2nd warning sign for me was when water baptism as taught by MAD no longer being valid, even though Jesus , the Apostles, Paul, and every person in the NT who got saved got water baptized and not ONE verse in all of scripture sets aside water baptism. Paul said follow me as I follow Jesus and Paul was baptized and baptized others.
The 3rdnd warning sign was the "2" gospel lie.
Paul said he preached the "faith" he once sought to destroy. Paul got saved and had been brought to understand GRACE by the Lord Jesus Himself , and Paul brought that brand new knowledge and faith in Jesus right back where it was already being taught before he got saved to the "faith" he once sought to destroy.
The 4th warning sign that MAD is a cult
MAD teaching that repentance was for Israel and not the B.O.C.
Jesus taught repentance, Paul taught repentance,all the Apostles taught repentance , and if a person does not "change their mind" and turn to God, stop loving their sin more than God, how can they be saved ?
The three principles you mentioned in your spoiler are man's approach to God and I would suggest you change them to depend on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
When anyone shows a scripture that clearly shows MAD to be deception and error the CONTEXT of the verse is destroyed to prop up MAD and no amount of discussion of both parties will change the truth.
ex. world in John 3:16 does not mean world
ex. whosoever in John 3:16 does not mean whosoever.
ex. they were in Christ" before me" as Paul said does not mean Paul was not the first.
YOU mentioned "pattern" like Paul was the only one who was a pattern of Jesus. How about Stephen, and all of the Apostles were they not patterns of and for Jesus?
If believing scripture over the deceptions of MAD is a misrepresentation in your opinion I would ask WHO are you following ?
Sincerely presenting the truth is NOT baiting nor is it the hope of "getting anyone" . Any person removed from deceptions and darkness through truth glorifies God not the one God uses to present that truth.
No, no, no, Dodge!!!! Out of context, as your Dodge-ism/Moses-ism/Peter-ism/God the Father-ism, exalts them over the Lord Jesus Christ,and is A LIE(NOTICE CAPS????!!)
What is your obsession with pointing others to Moses, God the Father, and Peter, who pointed others to the Lord Jesus Christ?
At this point I see Dodge-ism as an UN-holy and UN-spiritual fixation on Moses, Peter, God the Father, and not on the Saviour, from the third heaven.
You are replacing "the Lord from heaven"'s teachings with Peter's, and God the Father's teachings, and to those in Dodge-ism, Peter, Moses, and God the Father has become the main focus.
When anyone shows a scripture that clearly shows Dodge-ism to be deception and error the CONTEXT(NOTICE THE CAPS?!!!!) of the verse is destroyed to prop up Dodge-ism and no amount of discussion of both parties will change the truth.
Dodge, all cults like yours, marginalize the Lord from heaven, and in many different ways and deceptions.
MAD teaching that repentance was for Israel and not the B.O.C.
Jesus taught repentance, Paul taught repentance,all the Apostles taught repentance , and if a person does not "change their mind" and turn to God, stop loving their sin more than God, how can they be saved ?
Dodge-ism teaching that raising the dead, speaking in tongues, going to Jerusalem 3 times/year to keep the feasts, casting out devils, picking up deadly snakes, healing the sick, making the blind see...... was for Israel and not the B.O.C!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The Lord Jesus Christ, Paul taught raising the dead, speaking in tongues, going to Jerusalem 3 times/year to keep the feasts, casting out devils, picking up deadly snakes, healing the sick, making the blind see......
Do it. And, Dodge, Paul spoke in tongues, and taught speaking in tongues, as he was taught by the Lord from heaven. There is no record of the Saviour speaking in tongues!!! So, do you "follow Jesus," and thus do not speak in tongues, or do you speak in tongues, per the above "Paul taught................."??? Follow "Jesus," or Paul, or "pope" you?
The list is much more extensive but you get the point.
Yes, it is-the list not only includes water baptism, but also-Paul raised the dead, cast out devils, healed the sick, made the blind see, spoke in tongues...........
The list is much more extensive but you get the point.
Teach us....Please?
Scripture proves Dodge-ism/Moses-ism/God the Father-isms IS A LIE(notice the CAPS, which proves that I am right, which you taught us?!!!) When and if you learn to base what you believe on scripture instead of deceived men then you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And notice that I included "deceived men," as you taught us that only men deceive, not God!!!! We did not know that!!!!! And, "obviously," asserting, "instead of deceived men," clinches the debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please teach us...Please?
This ought to clinch it:
Obviously, you cannot "see" Romans-Philemon, or you would run from the cult/sect of Dodge-ism/Moses-ism/God the Father-ism. All verses in the bible proves that Dodge-ism/Moses-ism/God the Father-ism is a "man made" lie, in contrast to a "God made" lie!!! I thought all lies, were man made?
How can you stay in the lie of Dodge-ism, when the bible clearly says Dodge-ism is a LIE ?(NOTICE THE CAPS, which proves that DODGE-ISM IS A LIE?!!!!!).
How can you stay in a cult that the bible exposes as a lie ?
You, like Pharaoh, to Moses:How can you place your faith in Johnny come lately's, like the scriptures as revealed to Moses, who speak more about this alleged LORD God revealed to Moses, instead of the "god" of Egypt, and the heathen? Everyone knows that when you discover objective truth, determines if it is, in fact, veracity/objective truth? Why does Dodge-ism speak more about Moses, Peter, and God the Father, instead of the risen, ascended, glorified, seated Lord Jesus Christ, "the Lord from Heaven?"
Dodge-ism changes the context of every scripture that proves Dodge-ism is a lie and an invention of men, that marginalized God the Father, exalting Jesus over Him, and Moses, over Jesus, and Peter, over Jesus. and remove people from trusting Jesus' teachings and commands, such as raising the dead, healing the sick, going to Jerusalem 3 times/year, showing themselves to a Levitical priest, offering the gift Moses commanded, making the blind see, healing the sick, casting out devils, speaking in tongues, picking up deadly snakes, keeping all of the law.......If you read any of the Dodge-ism nonsense they treat Moses, God the Father like the King of Kings and Lord of Lords by ignoring and teaching Christians to not follow Jesus, and not follow God the Father, by refusing to raise the dead, refusing to heal the sick, refusing to go to Jerusalem 3 times/year, refusing to show themselves to a Levitical priest, refusing to offer the gift Moses commanded, refusing making the blind see, refusing to heal the sick, refusing to keep all of the law.....................and Dodge-ism teaches that these commands, these teachings of Jesus, were only for Israel, and not the B.O.C., which of course is a LIE. You rearranging what others say is a LIE ! And notice the CAPS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why you would just ignore any scripture and force it into the lie of Dodge-ism?When you cut off everyone including Jesus' teachings,such as dodge-ism does, you do yourself great harm. Dodge-ism tends to do a hatchet job on scripture. Why do you ignore "Jesus' teachings/commands," in Matthew-John? Dodge-ism has built in excuses to ignore Jesus. Dodge-ism is mock-ism, and scripture twisting, and is confusion and deception, and you would do well to place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop ignoring his commands/teachings!!!!
Dodge-ism has thrown off everything Jesus taught UNLESS they go to God the Father, and Moses. . Yes, Jesus chose Moses to be His spokesman, servant, but Dodge-ism has exalted God the Father and Moses above Jesus. You are completely blind to truth ! Dodge-ism is a lie! Dodge-ism completely destroys the truth and meaning of most of scripture! Dodge-ism actually ignores a large portion of scripture. Does Dodge-ism read the bible? It says what it says. Can Dodge-ism read? Dodge-ism is out of context!!! Dodge-ism follows lies, and errors!!! Dodge-ism teaches the doctrine of men, and ignore scriptures, to follow lies. DODGE-ISM(in CAPS) is deceived, and blind. My prayer for Dodge-ism is that it quits following other men who are trapped in lies and error. If Dodge-ism had a bible they might want to actually read it ! Dodge-ism is too busy creating a false gospel. I do not need to pervert the context of scripture to follow lies as do those in delusional Dodge-ism. The bible says Doge-ism is wrong ! I will stay with scripture. Obviously Dodge-ism uses Jesus and Paul as window dressing and follows neither in reality.Dodge-ism idolizes Peter and ignores Jesus. The answer is in scripture which Dodge-ism has become expert at "changing" to fit Dodge-ism. Dodge-ism interpretation is wrong. Dodge-ism needs to get a bible and read it-it is in the bible. Dodge-ism is deceived. Dodge-ism ignores scripture to follow lies. I have not made Peter my pope and I do not marginalize Jesus to elevate Peter, as that is uniquely Dodge-ism and Catholicism. Dodge-ism is delusional, has errors, and lies. Dodge-ism is a product of missing the TRUTH AND MEANING OF most OF THE SCRIPTURE.Dodge-ism perverts and changes Paul's teachings to follow other deceived men. Christians I will not ignore Jesus and His teachings to become Dodge-ites, who throws out the baby, with the bath water, and will not sell all that they have, will not how themselves to a Levitical priest, will not offer the gift that Moses commanded, will not raise the dead, will not heal the sick, will not make the blind see, will not cast out devils, will not pick up deadly serpents, will not go to Jerusalem 3 times per year, to keep the feasts,................................will not keep the law. Dodge-ism exalts God the Father's words, in Matthew-John, which the Lord Jesus Christ spoke,while on earth, not His own words, over the Lord Jesus Christ's words, as given by the apostle Paul, "the apostle of the Gentiles"(Romans 11:13), in Romans-Philemon, and exalts Moses' words, over the word of God!!!! Stop!!!! Why do you ignore the Lord Jesus Christ's words, as given by the apostle Paul, and make God the Father exalted over this "Jesus" you cite, in disrespect?Why do you make the Lord Jesus Christ's words, as given by the apostle Paul, in Romans-Philemon, "window dressing," for Moses, and God the Father, and thus exalt them over the Saviour? You cannot see the truth.
Lie much,Dodg-ites!
Remember.....Dodge-ism(fill in the blank is a LIE!!!!(Notice the CAPS, again, that prove that I am right?)