"How Can Mary be God's Mother" - Tim Staples


Active member
Why is this teaching nonsense?

Because its a belief rooted firmly in pagan gnosticism and Catholic philosophical mumbo jumbo. Mother Son worship is decidedly older than Christianity having its roots in ancient Babylon. The veneration of Mary is a form of this worship which has been promulgated by Catholicism for well over a 1000 years. Bottom line Mary was NOT the mother of God and neither was Jesus God. The Bible is VERY clear on this. But Catholic tradition has never cared much for whats in the Holy Scriptures. Catholicism has only ever cared about the promulgation of its own twisted quasi religious philsophy which frankly is entirely divorced from whats in the Bible.

I know this may seem a harsh assessment and it is. But im so tired of reading this nonsense thats passed off as religion by the Catholic Church along with any other so called Christian denomination that subscribes to these lies and half truths.


New member
The Catholic religion is the modern version of the Egyptian religion which venerated the sun god on the day of the sun.

The Egyptian religion came from the Babylonian religion which came from the Assyrian religion which came from the Sumerian religion.


It is just magical to watch religious people argue over the minutiae of their particular dogma. Whatever the religion, its particular deity never provides specific enough information to provide a solid base. Makes you wonder why not? Any god who cares for his creatures should provide enough to make sure everyone understands the basics.

Ben Masada

New member
It isn't so. It is only a fictitious doctrine of the Catholic Church. God has no mother.

Right! The idea that God has a mother is as fictitious as the Hellenistic one of Mat. 1:18 that Jesus was born of God with an earthly woman without a biological father. That's the Greek doctrine of the demigod which is the
son of a god with an earthly woman. Jesus was a Jew and Jews are born of biological fathers and mothers. Mat. 1:18 constitutes the strongest evidence that Matthew the apostle of Jesus never wrote that gospel.

Ben Masada

New member
It is just magical to watch religious people argue over the minutiae of their particular dogma. Whatever the religion, its particular deity never provides specific enough information to provide a solid base. Makes you wonder why not? Any god who cares for his creatures should provide enough to make sure everyone understands the basics.

I ceased wondering why after I read the NT. If you read II Cor. 5:7, Paul wanted that his followers aka Christians walk by faith and not by sight. Since to walk by sight is to walk with understanding, he made it sure his disciples walked by faith and left the understanding with him. That's why Christians, since then and up to our days can't discuss any thing without Christian preconceived notions. That's the Pauline power of persuasion that keeps Paul alive in the pages of the NT.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
John 1 - He became flesh and dwelt among us.

Jesus was fully God and fully man - two natures perfectly joined in the one person of Jesus


New member

Another great article by Tim Staples

How Can Mary Be God’s Mother?
In the same way that the Earth was the "mother" of Adam.
Adam's body was formed of the elements of the earth.
Jesus' body was formed of the elements of Mary's body.
God "breathed" into Adam and he became a son of God.
Except for the influence of the Female-God Ishtar of Babylon,
there would be no deification of the God-Mother Mary.