How a Frenchman has his charity to Mohammedans repayed

Feral Phoenician

New member
Also, sometimes the "bonkers" sites are the only sources covering stories.

Now, don't take that to mean head over to godlikeproductions (David Icke) and get your "news". I just mean CNN and others often "miss" stories.


Well-known member
Tip: don't waste time taking him at all seriously. Artie is too stupid and lazy to realize there are links within the linked story. He doesn't care because his attention span and comprehension are low. Headlines that he doesn't like are enough to put him into juvenile primate feces throwing mode.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tip: don't waste time taking him at all seriously. Artie is too stupid and lazy to realize there are links within the linked story. He doesn't care because his attention span and comprehension are low. Headlines that he doesn't like are enough to put him into juvenile primate feces throwing mode.

Oh please, you're a supposedly Christian man approaching fifty who acts like a puerile third grader. You & Nick M are like peas in a pod, a pair of immature, moronic bile filled windbags with as much compassion, sense and fruits of the spirit as a sewer.

You've already shown yourself to be beyond taken seriously with your ludicrous assertions that the UK would somehow be under Sharia law in a few decades. The only reason you start these type of threads is to perpetuate that gormless line of 'thinking' overall and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you use completely asinine sites such as in your OP.

There are always going to be nutcase stories and extremists. The difference is the sane can recognize it for what it is instead of swallowing scare mongering propaganda such as you dish out.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh please, you're a supposedly Christian man approaching fifty who acts like a puerile third grader. You & Nick M are like peas in a pod, a pair of immature, moronic bile filled windbags with as much compassion, sense and fruits of the spirit as a sewer.

You've already shown yourself to be beyond taken seriously with your ludicrous assertions that the UK would somehow be under Sharia law in a few decades. The only reason you start these type of threads is to perpetuate that gormless line of 'thinking' overall and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you use completely asinine sites such as in your OP.

There are always going to be nutcase stories and extremists. The difference is the sane can recognize it for what it is instead of swallowing scare mongering propaganda such as you dish out.

I have a serious question for you? I have the impression that most "Brits" don't care much for us "Yanks." Is that true or false?


Tip: don't waste time taking him at all seriously. Artie is too stupid and lazy to realize there are links within the linked story. He doesn't care because his attention span and comprehension are low. Headlines that he doesn't like are enough to put him into juvenile primate feces throwing mode.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I have a serious question for you? I have the impression that most "Brits" don't care much for us "Yanks." Is that true or false?

I can't speak for Brits in general but it's false in my case. I've no issue with people over their nationality whatsoever. I could care less if wingnuts like Nick M, Musty, Crucible are American, British, Egyptian or Outer Mongolian.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
See? More insensate poofling. So boring.

Your source was completely whacko. It would make the UK tabloids look half intelligent and objective by comparison. May as well get your news off the back of a crisp packet if that's a site you subscribe to with any regularity...then, what do you actually care anyway?


Well-known member


Well-known member
Wanna see him really fling some poo? Watch what he does when I tell him I have not read even one of his posts on this thread (because I have not) but still know he's added nothing of value. He'll stroke out.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wanna see him really fling some poo? Watch what he does when I tell him I have not read even one of his posts on this thread (because I have not) but still know he's added nothing of value. He'll stroke out.

Yet you felt the need to type all that out?

Wow, that's just kinda cute...
