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I have never in my many years met a *malicious* doctor. Blunt. Yes. Rude. Yes. Incompetent. Yes. Malicious. Not one.
You either won some kind of statistical lottery or you haven't met many.
Dr. F: (annoyed) “Listen, keep going up on the pit, even if she is contracting every 2-3 min. They aren’t strong enough. Keep going up. If we hyperstimulate her, we can just turn the pit down.” (Note: These were his exact words. I know this because I was so flabbergasted that he said it, I wrote it down in my notebook that very moment! The fact is sometimes the baby is in so much distress after hyperstimulating the uterus that just turning the pitocin down isn’t enough! And it really bothers me when doctors start sentences off with “Listen…” Grrrrr.) Me: (jaw dropped, completely dumfounded) If I turn the pit up anymore, I am GUARANTEED to hyperstim her.” Dr. F: “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I’ll be back around 4:00pm.” |
Doctors are human.
You just said it, doctors ARE human. Humans are capable of feeling maliciousness.
They take an oath.
Yes, of course Rusha, they take an oath not to feel certain emotions.
There is no good reason to believe that any doctor would set out to intentionally and maliciously harm this patient.
"Any" doctor?
Talking to a family about removing a *brain dead* patient from life support is not malicious.
They didn't "talk about removing her" they TOLD them, they had to say goodbye to her. They expected the family to accept her "fate" and let her die like they wanted her to on Friday, and now, since they won't accept that, unless they move her very quickly, they want pull the plug by "no later than" Tuesday.