Honor God's Son or Perish

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The purpose of religion is not to build faith in God or his Son Jesus Christ. The purpose of religion is to divert you away from the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and to cause you to focus upon yourself, who is a sinner. I have found that many who are members of the organized church don't know or understand the Gospel. They are Gospel illiterate, which is no surprise because the "Historical Gospel of Jesus Christ" is not preached or taught in today's organized church.

It is our faith in Jesus Christ and his Gospel that causes us to trust and rely upon Christ for our salvation. All that are trusting in Christ for their salvation are honoring God's Son. It is not religion plus the Gospel, it is the Gospel plus nothing.

In the Gospel Jesus comes into the world as God's new Adam and our new humanity. His mission is to do for fallen humanity what fallen humanity cannot do for its self. God requires two things for the salvation of fallen man.

1. A life of perfect obedience according to his holy law.
2. A perfect atonement for his sins and the sins of the whole world.

Jesus, in our name and on our behalf has fully met both of these conditions. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we can now stand before God's holy court as justified. Religion cannot do that for us, Christ and Christ alone is our representative and substitute savior.

Religion is a preoccupation with ones piety and works, which fail to justify. Jesus and Jesus alone is God's justifier, Romans 3:26. All that try to justify themselves by their piety and works will perish. Sinners cannot save themselves, nor can sinners save others. Many do not even believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. To not believe in the deity of Christ is to believe that Jesus was just a good man and a sinner like us, Jesus said,

"I said therefore unto you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you believe not that I am he (God or Lord) you shall die in your sins" John 8:24.

Many shall die in their sins because of unbelief and will perish. Faith in anything other than God's Son is unbelief. God is not going to honor your Calvinist or Catholic religion. The only thing that is going to stand in the judgment is the righteousness of Christ, everything else will perish. If you are not found to be "In Christ" trusting in him alone, you will perish.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
God is zealous for his Son Jesus Christ. If you try to present your righteousness, your religion or your good works in the judgment you will disappear in a puff of smoke.

"Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven" Matthew 7:21

The will of the Father is that you believe on his Son Jesus Christ for your salvation.

"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works?" Matthew 7:22.

This is a picture of a religious person. All that they can think or talk about is their works, their obedience and their religion, which is not worth much.

"And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me you that work iniquity" Matthew 7:23.

All of their piety, religion and good works sent them to hell. They were preoccupied with themselves, who are sinners, when they should have been preoccupied with Jesus Christ who was their savior. It is not going to be the Gospel plus your religion. It is going to be the Gospel of Jesus Christ plus nothing.


Well-known member
The will of the Father is that you believe on his Son Jesus Christ for your salvation.

Unless a person has been regenerated, born of God, nothing he does , including his own believing which is a work of the flesh, can please God Rom. 8:8 !

ergon, G2041:

II. any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind


First, a person must be Born of the Spirit, then the good work of Believing with his New Mind / Heart Ezek. 36:26 pleases God Rom. 8:9.


New member
What our fellow Clavinist spammers fail to acknowledge is that God works in a person's life long before conversion ever takes place. Conversion is the culmination of a long chain of events where God has been leading a sinner to himself step by step. This work is often unseen by others but those who are genuinely converted had been seeking light and truth long before the blessed event ever took place. So few Christians have genuine conversion experiences anymore so they can't articulate it just parrot what sounds good by those they idolize. And actually conversion is just the beginning, after that we have to grow up into Christ and mature. Many converted people get taken out long before maturity so it really is a narrow path fraught with danger at every step along the way. Those that haven't been converted have not even begun the race to eternal life.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
What our fellow Clavinist spammers fail to acknowledge is that God works in a person's life long before conversion ever takes place. Conversion is the culmination of a long chain of events where God has been leading a sinner to himself step by step. This work is often unseen by others but those who are genuinely converted had been seeking light and truth long before the blessed event ever took place. So few Christians have genuine conversion experiences anymore so they can't articulate it just parrot what sounds good by those they idolize. And actually conversion is just the beginning, after that we have to grow up into Christ and mature. Many converted people get taken out long before maturity so it really is a narrow path fraught with danger at every step along the way. Those that haven't been converted have not even begun the race to eternal life.

Your right.

That is how it was with me. It was a chain of events and then I was convicted of my need for Christ by the Holy Spirit and became a Christian.

Lazy afternoon

What our fellow Clavinist spammers fail to acknowledge is that God works in a person's life long before conversion ever takes place. Conversion is the culmination of a long chain of events where God has been leading a sinner to himself step by step. This work is often unseen by others but those who are genuinely converted had been seeking light and truth long before the blessed event ever took place. So few Christians have genuine conversion experiences anymore so they can't articulate it just parrot what sounds good by those they idolize. And actually conversion is just the beginning, after that we have to grow up into Christ and mature. Many converted people get taken out long before maturity so it really is a narrow path fraught with danger at every step along the way. Those that haven't been converted have not even begun the race to eternal life.



Robert Pate

Well-known member

Unless a person has been regenerated, born of God, nothing he does , including his own believing which is a work of the flesh, can please God Rom. 8:8 !

ergon, G2041:

II. any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind


First, a person must be Born of the Spirit, then the good work of Believing with his New Mind / Heart Ezek. 36:26 pleases God Rom. 8:9.

No one in the New Testament that was born again by the Holy Spirit, was born again without hearing and believing the Gospel. On the day of Pentecost 8,000 Jews heard and believed Peter's Gospel and were born again by the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:41 also Acts 4:4.

As usual, you stand refuted.


New member
Your right.

That is how it was with me. It was a chain of events and then I was convicted of my need for Christ by the Holy Spirit and became a Christian.

Clavinists make it out like someone is robbing a bank one day or playing gangster on the streets and then BOOM! they're converted. I'm not saying it could never happen that way but those who are being led by Christ are usually hated by the world not loved.


Well-known member
No one in the New Testament that was born again by the Holy Spirit, was born again without hearing and believing the Gospel.

False teaching!

According to the scriptures, unless a person is Born of God he is unable to spiritually hear God's Words.

John 8:43, 47

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Also, the natural man can't believe on Christ or obey the Gospel because his carnal mind is enmity against God Rom. 8:7-8.

His own faith / believing is worthless, unprofitable.

1 Cor. 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The only Faith that pleases God is a fruit of the Spirit given to one who has been Born of God Gal. 5:22.


New member
False teaching!

According to the scriptures, unless a person is Born of God he is unable to spiritually hear God's Words.

John 8:43, 47

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Also, the natural man can't believe on Christ or obey the Gospel because his carnal mind is enmity against God Rom. 8:7-8.

His own faith / believing is worthless, unprofitable.

1 Cor. 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The only Faith that pleases God is a fruit of the Spirit given to one who has been Born of God Gal. 5:22.

Are you born of God? A simple yes or no will suffice.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Gal. 4:29
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

You think that you are being persecuted? No one is persecuting you. What some of us are trying to do is correct you. You have embraced a false doctrine that is contrary to the Bible, the Gospel and justification by faith.

Your false doctrine makes God a tyrant and his Son a failure. If you do not repent you will most certainly perish.


Well-known member
You think that you are being persecuted? No one is persecuting you. What some of us are trying to do is correct you. You have embraced a false doctrine that is contrary to the Bible, the Gospel and justification by faith.

Your false doctrine makes God a tyrant and his Son a failure. If you do not repent you will most certainly perish.

Your being blinded to the Truth of scripture 2 Cor. 4:3-4 disqualifies you from correcting anyone in them.

John 8:47
He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Your being blinded to the Truth of scripture 2 Cor. 4:3-4 disqualifies you from correcting anyone in them.

John 8:47
He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Neither one of those scriptures support predestination and Calvinism. 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4. Concerns those who "BELIVE NOT" and are blinded to the Gospel. God does not blind people to the Gospel because God loves the world and is not willing that any should perish, 2 Peter 3:9.

In John 8:47 Jesus was speaking to the unbelieving Christ rejecting Pharisees. 8,000 Jews heard Peter's Gospel on the day of Pentecost and were saved. Some of who participated in the crucifixion of Christ.


Well-known member
Neither one of those scriptures support predestination and Calvinism. 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4. Concerns those who "BELIVE NOT" and are blinded to the Gospel. God does not blind people to the Gospel because God loves the world and is not willing that any should perish, 2 Peter 3:9.

In John 8:47 Jesus was speaking to the unbelieving Christ rejecting Pharisees. 8,000 Jews heard Peter's Gospel on the day of Pentecost and were saved. Some of who participated in the crucifixion of Christ.

You remain relentless in your false freewill gospel of salvation by works preaching!

The Truth is, those who Hear the Gospel have been Given hearing ears Prov. 20:12.

It's the result of them being Born of God John 8:47a:

"He that is of God heareth God's words"

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You remain relentless in your false freewill gospel of salvation by works preaching!

The Truth is, those who Hear the Gospel have been Given hearing ears Prov. 20:12.

It's the result of them being Born of God John 8:47a:

"He that is of God heareth God's words"

You are not hearing God's word. God's word says that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.

God's word says that Jesus has reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.


New member
You remain relentless in your false freewill gospel of salvation by works preaching!

The Truth is, those who Hear the Gospel have been Given hearing ears Prov. 20:12.

It's the result of them being Born of God John 8:47a:

"He that is of God heareth God's words"

Belief and freewill are not the same. The bible commands sinners to believe in Christ over and over and over. God commands sinners to believe in Christ which blows your Calvinist paradigm out of the water.