Honey to Trump:. Stop the Drain the swamp biz or face impeachment


New member
USSR was a totalitarian regime


Russia is a democracy

No, it isn't.

How long has Putin been in power, again?

yer living in the past

Not at all. The Russia of today resembles the Soviet Union in several key aspects, and inverts it in others. Every ideal that the Soviets had has been abolished, and rather than establish new ones, the Russian state wallows in self-pity and conspiracy theory. The elections they hold are neither fair nor free, the state exists to enrich only Putin and his shifting allies.

Putin is popular like Hitler was popular, like Saddam Hussein was popular, and all for the same reasons.


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Hall of Fame

U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3

Article 3 - The Judicial Branch
Section 3 - Treason

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Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Attempts to overthrow the government, IS treason. Thats only one aspect also, see this for full legal reference :




New member
Hall of Fame

I just don't even know how to respond to that. And that's a rarity.

Attempts to overthrow the government, IS treason. Thats only one aspect also, see this for full legal reference :



See the above post, the new york times likes to leave a lot of stuff off and just present the parts they like.


nork is threatening to send ABM nukes our way and it lobs rockets towards japan

iran threatens israel with its nuke program

and we took care of saddam - they're not our enemy anymore

why on earth would you want to label russia (not the USSR) our enemy?
Apparently "ok doser" was literally "out to lunch" when all of America's 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians were responsible for the DNC hacks which were leaked to influence the 2016 Election!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Apparently "ok doser" was literally "out to lunch" when all of America's 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians were responsible for the DNC hacks!

and that makes the entire country our enemy?

should we just nuke 'em and get it over with?


and that makes the entire country our enemy?

should we just nuke 'em and get it over with?
Given that 1945 was the last time anyone was "nuked," we can dispense with that "red herring!"

Anyone in Russia who has the courage to oppose Vladimir Putin ends up in jail, poisoned or dead - so what was former KGB head getting for the $10 million that he was paying Paul Manafort annually?

When Trump and his conservatives supporters, like "ok doser," start falling all over themselves, making excuses for Putin's efforts to influence the 2016 Election - WE HAVE OUR ANSWER!


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Given that 1945 was the last time anyone was "nuked," we can dispense with that "red herring!"

well, no

we both still have huge arsenals

if they're our "enemy", shouldn't we be trying to destroy them?

Anyone in Russia who has the courage to oppose Vladimir Putin ends up in jail, poisoned or dead -

meh :idunno:


like marbles on glass
For exactly the same reason I "want" to label other totalitarian regimes: He is a threat to the freedom and security of the entire world and the United States, and there's no country on earth with as widespread an attack on democracy outside their borders. Putin murders people for criticizing him, and for money and power. The only difference between him and Kim Jong Un in terms of brutality is how far he feels he needs to go. He acts with just as little impunity and restraint. Only, his nukes aren't hypothetical.

Here's another Putin victim:

Former Russian lawmaker who defected and became a Putin critic is gunned down in Ukraine

Days before his death, Putin critic said in interview he knew he was in danger

KIEV — In the plush, crimson-decked lobby bar of Kiev’s five-star Premier Palace Hotel, Denis Voronenkov, a Russian lawmaker who defected to Ukraine, knew he was in danger.

“For our personal safety, we can’t let them know where we are,” he said Monday evening as he sat with his wife for an interview with The Washington Post.

Less than 72 hours later, he was dead, shot twice in the head in broad daylight outside the same lobby bar. It was a particularly brazen assassination that recalled the post-Soviet gangland violence of the 1990s. His wife, dressed in black, sobbed as she stooped down to identify Voronenkov’s body, which lay beneath a black tarp in a pool of blood.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, just hours later, called the attack an “act of state terrorism by Russia.” As of Thursday evening, police had not identified the assailant, who died in police custody after being shot by Voronenkov’s bodyguard. Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, called the accusation a “fabrication.”

In the weeks before his death, Voronenkov, a former member of Russia’s pliant Communist Party, had told friends he was being targeted. Hackers had been trying to pry into his Twitter account and his wife’s email. He had received threatening text messages, and the police had recently assigned him a bodyguard. There were rumors he was under surveillance.

“It’s a totally amoral system, and in its anger it may go to extreme measures,” he said as he sat next to his wife, Maria Maksakova, a fellow parliamentarian who defected with him. “There’s been a demonization of us. It’s hard to say what will happen. The system has lost its mind. They say we are traitors in Russia.”

He said he could return only “when Putin is gone.”

At a time when the question of Russian influence dominates U.S. politics, Voronenkov’s death will add further scrutiny to the extent, and potential lethality, of Russia’s reach abroad. It remained unclear who might have wanted to killed Voronenkov — theories include Russian agents, Ukrainian nationalists or business interests — but the fact remains that he is just the latest Kremlin opponent to wind up dead.​

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
they're a new democracy - you gotta expect some growing pains

heck, they're what - 24 years old?

what were we doing when we were 24 years old?

oh yeah

fighting the british, the mexicans and the indians

stole all sorts of territory from the mexicans and the indians :banana:
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they're a new democrary - you gotta expect some growing pains

heck, they're what - 24 years old?

what were we doing when we were 24 years old?

oh yeah

fighting the british, the mexicans and the indians

stole all sorts of territory from the mexicans and the indians :banana:
"Ok doser" is providing all the proof we need as to why Paul Manafort was being paid $10 million annually as an unregistered Russian agent - to act as a "matchmaker" between Putin and American conservatives!


New member
they're a new democrary - you gotta expect some growing pains

heck, they're what - 24 years old?

what were we doing when we were 24 years old?

oh yeah

fighting the british, the mexicans and the indians

stole all sorts of territory from the mexicans and the indians :banana:

No, they're a fake democracy. There's a difference. As bad as American democracy started out, it had the feature defining of democracies: the ruled had the power to change their leaders. Yeltsin handed power to Putin, who has held it since then, at times handing it to Medvedev to work around legal limits before taking it back directly again. He has his opposition shot or thrown of buildings, or poisoned in foreign countries.

Is this really the system you want imported here?