Need we forget it was you who introduced the very topic of nature when you said...
You have cornered yourself with your own logic, that is on you. Not me.
The only one trapped in a corner is YOU for trying to justify that which is a perversion of nature. Remember me saying all nature is corrupted ?
One of your responses was- You are assuming that homosexuality is a distortion of nature, when it occurs naturally with other animals.
Same sex in animals or humans is perversion.
Comparing humans to animals to justify perversion is a well laid trap by those who love their sin more than they love God.
IS any sex worth eternity in hell ? Your only recourse is to deny God who created you or justify your sin by denying God.
At some point in the sin of same sex God will give those who refuse His GRACE a reprobate mind. Do you even know what a reprobate is or what the word means ? Reprobate= unable to make a sound judgement. Now if God gives someone a reprobate mind where can they go for healing from being a reprobate ? Answer= they cannot ever be healed.