Because children cannot consent to having sex.
I agree, but you know better than I that some homosexuals claim they very much can consent. How would you answer them?
Because children cannot consent to having sex.
Because children cannot consent to having sex.
Poppycock. Plenty of children have consented, and young girls have even gotten pregnant as pre-teens by having very consentual sex with very consentual boys. Iirc, I think I have heard of young girls getting pregnant at least as young as 9 having consentual sex.Because children cannot consent to having sex.
Again, I agree. But in your opinion does that make the act morally wrong to have with a child that is not harmed or forced per se, but is tricked or seduced into complying? Or is it merely a legal issue - that is, a minor can't legally consent?
When you claim that it doesn't matter that numerous leaders in the gay community agree on promoting pedophilia, and that this somehow isn't representative of the homosexual community, even when it's coming from Allyson Publications and even Out magazine, itself, you lose all credibility.It isn't a matter of counting individual statements (unless it reached a ridiculous excess), it's a matter of finding agreement among gays. Rather than looking at the name of an organization which claims to unite and represent gays, why not see if they have the membership of some majority of gays and are actually in a position to represent their views.
Children are generally in a position of subordination to adults, so it could be argued that an adult having sex with a child is an inherently coercive act. Even if it were legal for adults to have sex with children, it wouldn't change that fact and it would still be wrong.
Poppycock. Plenty of children have consented, and young girls have even gotten pregnant as pre-teens by having very consentual sex with very consentual boys. Iirc, I think I have heard of young girls getting pregnant at least as young as 9 having consentual sex.
So, that is certainly not a valid answer to his question.
Poppycock. Plenty of children have consented, and young girls have even gotten pregnant as pre-teens by having very consentual sex with very consentual boys. Iirc, I think I have heard of young girls getting pregnant at least as young as 9 having consentual sex.
So, that is certainly not a valid answer to his question.
So you're taking a somewhat moral stance against it. Good for you. Now write a letter to NAMBLA, would you?
Why would they be anymore likely to listen to me than to listen to you?
:jawdropPoppycock. Plenty of children have consented, and young girls have even gotten pregnant as pre-teens by having very consentual sex with very consentual boys. Iirc, I think I have heard of young girls getting pregnant at least as young as 9 having consentual sex.
So, that is certainly not a valid answer to his question.
I'm not homosexual, you are, so they'd have to listen to you over me. Besdies, don't you all have secret handshakes or winks or something?
When you claim that it doesn't matter that numerous leaders in the gay community agree on promoting pedophilia, and that this somehow isn't representative of the homosexual community, even when it's coming from Allyson Publications and even Out magazine, itself, you lose all credibility.
You make it sound like every homosexual in the world would have to agree in order for it to be "representative" of the gay community.
When many homosexual leaders openly advocate this in agreement with each other, and other homosexuals fail ... nay, refuse to rebuke them for it, then it certainly indicates it is representative of a significant part of the homosexual community.
And it is especially ludicrous for Besen to claim that there's no such thing as a homosexual molestor, inferring that men who molest boys are not doing so in a homosexual way. Utterly preposterous, and he instantly loses all credibility with that claim.
Listening to this guy Wayne Bessem made me want to pull my hair out.. Bob really didn't know how to contradict what he was saying.. Like when Wayne went into the classic "they are just repressed" monologue.. What Bob should have done is stopped him and said are you advocating discriminating against someone because you believe that they are really just "gay". Since that is just what he was advocating. If the person is really just a repressed "closeted" gay then their views and perspective should be thrown out simply on the basis that they are presumed to be a "gay".
Forget the fact that the simple mechanics of homosexual sex is - let's be honest - totally against nature. Certain body structures are clearly designed to perform certain functions that others were not designed for. No need to go into further detail there, you know what I mean.
My understanding is that most exclusive (non-bi) homosexuals were exposed to it by being tricked and seduced or molested outright at a relatively early, pre-adult age. The age range varies widely but it happens when one would still be considered a minor. Whether the victim gained any physical pleasure from the experience or not is beside the point - although many homosexuals claim they did so. They were still immature, incapable of accurately processing the feelings resulting from what happened, or the implications of the act itself, as an adult could (and even normal adults can sometimes find themselves confused in similar situations). Thus it would be understandable that much confusion and psychological warping could result; the result would be an adult homosexual who is truly convinced that he was "always this way," even thought that may not be true at all, and their committment to homosexuality is really the expression of victimization and deep damage. Is that possible?
The problem with your argument is you used the word "design". While teleology may be your answer to the world, metaphysical naturalism is generally how I explain most of the natural processes in the world.
The structure of the anus and rectum is naturally suited for sexual intercourse, in your view?
My view is that some human beings have found it pleasurable to have anal sex. In males, that pleasure is largely the result of its structure, since the prostate gland is easily stimulated via anal penetration.