homosexual thread


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So, you are trying to defend your obsession with things that have nothing whatsoever to do with you.

Why are you trying to impose your morality on others to outlaw alcohol?
When we outlawed alcohol, it created gangsters, who killed many more people than the alcohol killed.

being against alcohol just proves you aren't catholic
that doesn't mean you are christian


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
catholics have to work harder to prove they are christian

Brother Vinny 10
annabenedetti 9
Untellectual 7
Christian Liberty 4
Rusha 3
zoo22 2
Jukia 2
Lighthouse 2


Hall of Fame
So, you are trying to defend your obsession with things that have nothing whatsoever to do with you.

Nice try, but no cookie.

Why are you trying to impose your morality on others to outlaw alcohol? When we outlawed alcohol, it created gangsters, who killed many more people than the alcohol killed.

It's call S-A-R-C-A-S-M. I use it when addressing ridiculous *arguments*.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
just to remind you who is helping him

aCultureWarrior 1,243
Christian Liberty 433
alwight 314
Arthur Brain 253
lovemeorhateme 170
Eeset 85
Rusha 58
WizardofOz 48


New member
I never stated any such thing. Homosexuals are not *created* ... they just are ... the same as heterosexuals.
Heterosexuals are created through the act of procreation between a male and a female.

Homosexuals are often created by other homosexuals from normal heterosexuals, and alcohol is often involved in this creation because it is known to lower inhibitions.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
oh no, not another homosexual thread

Grosnick Marowbe 7
Lighthouse 5
Arthur Brain 4
zoo22 4
Doormat 3
alwight 2
FraterJoseph 1
Delmar 1

look who is keeping it going


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
who are the real christians?

Untellectual 12
Brother Vinny 10
annabenedetti 9
Christian Liberty 8
Doormat 8
genuineoriginal 8
Rusha 4
intojoy 3


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why did you start this thread?

to prove that I am a christian

but you are a catholic

why can't catholics hate homosexuals?

they still won't see you as a christian

so you have to hate homosexuals and not be catholic?

that's the way it is

this isn't going to be easy

you have to do what you have to do


Hall of Fame
Heterosexuals are created through the act of procreation between a male and a female.

Homosexuals are often created by other homosexuals from normal heterosexuals, and alcohol is often involved in this creation because it is known to lower inhibitions.

Uh huh ... your *opinion* has been noted.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Heterosexuals are created through the act of procreation between a male and a female.

Homosexuals are often created by other homosexuals from normal heterosexuals, and alcohol is often involved in this creation because it is known to lower inhibitions.

Can cigarettes/cigars have the same effect?


New member
Can cigarettes/cigars have the same effect?

Alcohol and drug use among homosexual men and women: epidemiology and population characteristics.
McKirnan DJ, Peterson PL.

University of Illinois, Department of Psychology, Chicago 60680.

Homosexual men and women have been described as at high risk for alcohol and drug abuse, due to psychosocial variables such as stress levels or the cultural importance of bar settings. However, there are few actual data in this regard. This paper presents the findings of a large (n = 3400) survey of a homosexual population regarding population characteristics and patterns of alcohol and drug use. Psychosocial variables that may account for substance use patterns both generally and in this population are discussed in an accompanying paper. Substantially higher proportions of the homosexual sample used alcohol, marijuana, or cocaine than was the case in the general population. Contrary to other reports, this was not accompanied by higher rates of heavy use, although homosexuals did show higher rates of alcohol problems. In the general population women consume less drugs and alcohol than do men, and substance use substantially declines with age. Neither of these patterns were found for the homosexual sample, thus creating overall higher rates of substance abuse. This may reflect differences between homosexuals and the general population in their adherence to sex-role stereotypes and age-related social role changes, as well as culturally specific stressors and vulnerability to substance use.​


Eclectic Theosophist
enlighten yourself......

enlighten yourself......


Hello all,

Granted that some here have a fascination with homosexuality, some dont seem to be aware that some churches accept GLBT persons in their congregations, as equal participants and contributors to the faith-community, since we are all God's children and are of equal value in Christ, furthermore there being no 'male' or 'female' in the Spirit, but we all being of one essence in 'God'. Distinctions and differentiations of 'gender' and their roles in creation and 'relating' do have their place in the natural scheme of things and in society, but also include same-sex attractions and unions, they having their own unique qualities and attributes in human experience. Like the analogy of the human body and its many parts, each part has a special role and function as it relates to the whole.

On another level, the principle of gender itself is universal. - it may express itself in various minds and bodies, in a versatile or paradoxical way even, yet the 'masculine' and 'feminine' aspects of soul continue their mode of attraction, ultimately working in 'synergy'.

The Principle of Gender.


One can access research on the Bible and Homosexuality Here (be sure to research all links. There are gay and trans-gender christians of various kinds and fashions, as well as pro-gay ministries and churches that are 'welcoming congregations', that accept people of all orientations who desire spiritual fellowship and community in Christ.)

I've also addressed the particular verses used against homosexuality in the "Queen James Bible' thread, I beginning my input Here to the very last post on that thread, at current.

One will see that love, truth and Spirit cuts across human misjudgments and denominations and includes all in its infinite embrace, since the value of each soul lies in its inner essence and personality, from which real and genuinely nurturing bonds can be had, no matter what gender-attraction or orientation a soul has in any given lifetime.

'God' looks at the heart.



New member
some dont seem to be aware that some churches accept GLBT persons in their congregations, as equal participants and contributors to the faith-community,
I am sure most of the people here are aware of this shameful act.

Churches are supposed to be filled with the repentant sinners that have turned to Jesus as their only hope.
Instead the churches are filled with the children of rebellion that honor God with their lips while their hearts are far from Him.



Hello all,

Granted that some here have a fascination with homosexuality, some dont seem to be aware that some churches accept GLBT persons in their congregations, as equal participants and contributors to the faith-community, since we are all God's children and are of equal value in Christ, furthermore there being no 'male' or 'female' in the Spirit, but we all being of one essence in 'God'. Distinctions and differentiations of 'gender' and their roles in creation and 'relating' do have their place in the natural scheme of things and in society, but also include same-sex attractions and unions, they having their own unique qualities and attributes in human experience. Like the analogy of the human body and its many parts, each part has a special role and function as it relates to the whole.

On another level, the principle of gender itself is universal. - it may express itself in various minds and bodies, in a versatile or paradoxical way even, yet the 'masculine' and 'feminine' aspects of soul continue their mode of attraction, ultimately working in 'synergy'.

The Principle of Gender.


One can access research on the Bible and Homosexuality Here (be sure to research all links. There are gay and trans-gender christians of various kinds and fashions, as well as pro-gay ministries and churches that are 'welcoming congregations', that accept people of all orientations who desire spiritual fellowship and community in Christ.)

I've also addressed the particular verses used against homosexuality in the "Queen James Bible' thread, I beginning my input Here to the very last post on that thread, at current.

One will see that love, truth and Spirit cuts across human misjudgments and denominations and includes all in its infinite embrace, since the value of each soul lies in its inner essence and personality, from which real and genuinely nurturing bonds can be had, no matter what gender-attraction or orientation a soul has in any given lifetime.

'God' looks at the heart.


Is there a question there?

Posted from the TOL App!


Eclectic Theosophist
Is there a question there?

The former post gives you an opportunity to research what the Bible really teaches about homosexuality from all points of view most true to the meaning and context of the text itself, which reflect the cultural-context, beliefs and norms limited to that society, up against the current knowledge and definition of homosexuality that we know today, which is a more comprehensive knowledge.

Would you agree a proper education is preferable over ignorance?



No I would not. Because the bible is not a text book in that sense. It should not be used by those who aren't born again as they cannot discern spiritual truth. Sorry.

Posted from the TOL App!


Eclectic Theosophist
think for yourself......

think for yourself......

No I would not.

Any education or 'light' on a matter that absolves ignorance is perferable than remaining uninformed, no matter the subject-matter.

Because the bible is not a text book in that sense.

The Bible is a collection of books put together by at least 2 or more differing religious communities, by persons of various temperments and dispositions, from a number of authors spanning from different time periods or dispensations, so that it contains much that is 'human' in origin and character, regardless of what divine inspiration or heavenly wisdom some portions of the collection might have. It is therefore subject to 'interpretation' and 'scrutiny' noting its cultural-context and its bias within the persons or communities that have compiled such documents for their own use.

Also dont forget that an infinite God is not limited or restricted to only one religious cult-ure or collection of writings, but has impressed and inspired prophets of many other different religious traditions (as well as their 'scriptures'), for no degree of knowledge or wisdom can exist anywhere except for God's presence and infinite intelligence making such available. No single 'cult' has a monopoly on 'truth'.

It should not be used by those who aren't born again as they cannot discern spiritual truth. Sorry.

Well,...you might recall this 'book' has been used to justify slavery, genocide, bigotry, defamation, wars, murder in the name of 'God', division, sectarianism, oppression, etc. It is therefore subject to human interpretation and manipulation.
