Homosexual Men ‘Divorce’ to Become Threesome, Now Plan to Use Sisters as Surrogates


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Hall of Fame
A fact and statistic he doesn't cite. Can't imagine why.

Sure he did, its at the bottom of the page.

Ill quote the reference in more detail for you though :


28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308."


New member
Hall of Fame
That reference doesn't appear anywhere on that page. I searched through it and found nothing. Are we looking at the same thing?

Sorry, i had 2 pages open, the psychology today references here:
But studies by Michael Bailey, by my own colleagues, and by other researchers repeatedly find that homosexual men are most attracted to men in their late teens and early twenties, and they don’t care much about status, instead prioritizing physical attractiveness. All this suggests that the old “social learning” theories don’t apply well to homosexual preferences—if so, gay guys would learn from media and the social environment what makes for an attractive man, and go after the same features that women find attractive.

He is following with that(there are links within the paragraphs). At any rate its been well proven that homosexual men are the most promiscuous of all men.


New member
Sorry, i had 2 pages open, the psychology today references here:

He is following with that(there are links within the paragraphs). At any rate its been well proven that homosexual men are the most promiscuous of all men.
Ehhhh... I am not convinced. I think his conclusion is fudged a bit by a preconceived notion. But, I will agree and say that men, in general terms, have a higher probability of being promiscuous. Homosexual or otherwise.


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Hall of Fame
Ehhhh... I am not convinced. I think his conclusion is fudged a bit by a preconceived notion. But, I will agree and say that men, in general terms, have a higher probability of being promiscuous. Homosexual or otherwise.

False, you already saw the numbers in the other reference i posted.

I understand why they wanted those numbers hidden though, doesn't work well when you demand marriage (all that promiscuity doesnt look good while demanding that). The goal was never marriage.


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A classic, large-scale study by Bell and Weinberg conducted during the 1970s and published by the Kinsey Institute found that forty-three percent (43%) of white male homosexuals had had sex with 500 or more partners, and twenty-eight percent (28%) had had sex with 1,000 or more partners. Seventy-nine percent (79%) said that more than half of their sexual partners had been strangers. In 1985, Pollack found that gay men averaged “several dozen partners a year” and “some hundreds in a lifetime” with “tremendous promiscuity.”[ii] In their 1997 study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven, et al., found that “the modal range for number of sexual partners was 101-500.” In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners.[iii]

[iii] Paul Van de Ven et al., "A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men," Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997).


New member
False, you already saw the numbers in the other reference i posted.

I understand why they wanted those numbers hidden though, doesn't work well when you demand marriage (all that promiscuity doesnt look good while demanding that). The goal was never marriage.
Let's talk about those guys for a minute. Few things, first it was published in the 70s. Next, they used a scale that they made up to give people a homosexual/heterosexual "rating". Finally, it was dismissed by many others in the field at the time. Here are a few samples:

John P. DeCecco, Professor of Psychology and Human Sexuality, dismissed Homosexualities, writing that while its authors presented it as a definitive study of homosexuality, it was a hurried retreat "behind computer statistics" and showed "theoretical nakedness". DeCecco found the book to be an example of the "theoretical blindness" that in his view has dominated research on homosexuality in the United States since the early 1970s.

Psychology professors Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse observe that Homosexualities is one of the most influential studies ever conducted on homosexuality, but that like several other iconic studies, including those by Hooker, Kinsey, J. Michael Bailey, and Richard Pillard, its authors' conclusions were based on convenience samples, which have no known representativeness.

And finally...

Some of Bell and Weinberg's findings are outdated.[42][43][44] Philosopher John Corvino writes that Homosexualities is the study most commonly cited to prove that gay men are sexually promiscuous, but adds that it was not based on a broad sample and that a more recent and extensive University of Chicago study, Edward O. Laumann et al.'s The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States, produced different results.

In short, their numbers are bogus.


New member
Hall of Fame
Let's talk about those guys for a minute. Few things, first it was published in the 70s. Next, they used a scale that they made up to give people a homosexual/heterosexual "rating". Finally, it was dismissed by many others in the field at the time. Here are a few samples:

And finally...

In short, their numbers are bogus.

Yes, the kinsey institute is bogus right? So is that study from 1997.

Your word on it being bogus is irrelevant, your study that directly contradicts those published studies and shows them false?


New member
Hall of Fame
Let's talk about those guys for a minute. Few things, first it was published in the 70s. Next, they used a scale that they made up to give people a homosexual/heterosexual "rating". Finally, it was dismissed by many others in the field at the time. Here are a few samples:

And finally...

In short, their numbers are bogus.

Yes, the kinsey institute on sex is bogus right (most liberals love it)? So is that study from 1997.

Your word on it being bogus is irrelevant, your study that directly contradicts those published studies and shows them false?

Im sure psychology today has good reason to lie also, not.


New member
Yes, the kinsey institute is bogus right? So is that study from 1997.

Your word on it being bogus is irrelevant, your study that directly contradicts those published studies and shows them false?
Bell and Weinberg's studies have been proven inaccurate. Period.


New member
Kinsey institute who has published them doesnt seem to think so, where is your evidence? You demand it, but i dont see yours discrediting them.
Some of Bell and Weinberg's findings are outdated.[42][43][44] Philosopher John Corvino writes that Homosexualities is the study most commonly cited to prove that gay men are sexually promiscuous, but adds that it was not based on a broad sample and that a more recent and extensive University of Chicago study, Edward O. Laumann et al.'s The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States, produced different results.
Corvino, John (1997). Soble, Alan, ed. The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-8476-8481-4.


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Hall of Fame
Corvino, John (1997). Soble, Alan, ed. The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-8476-8481-4.

A statement of 'Some' proves it wrong? :rotfl: Then there is the more recent 1997 study. Good luck with that. Also thats his opinion without fact:

Alan Gerald Soble is an American philosopher not a psychologist. He was also the editor of his own book. (you know self published opinion)


New member
A statement of 'Some' proves it wrong? :rotfl: Then there is the more recent 1997 study. Good luck with that. Also thats his opinion without fact:

Alan Gerald Soble is an American philosopher
Jones and DeCecco also dismiss his work. I get the idea that it doesn't matter what I present, you are already set. That's okay, I will just head to bed instead. Night.


New member
Bell and Weinberg's studies have been proven inaccurate. Period.

Chill out. There are plenty of studies about it. Gays themselves admit it.


"The results of their study show that of those 156 couples, only seven had been able to maintain sexual fidelity. Furthermore, of those seven couples, none had been together more than 5 years. In other words, the researchers were unable to find a single male couple that was able to maintain sexual fidelity for more than five years. They reported:

The expectation for outside sexual activity was the rule for male couples and the exception for heterosexuals. Heterosexual couples lived with some expectation that their relationships were to last “until death do us part,” whereas gay couples wondered if their relationships could survive. (p.3)

McWhirter and Mattison admit that sexual activity outside the relationship often raises issues of trust, self-esteem, and dependency. However, they believe that

“the single most important factor that keeps couples together past the ten-year mark is the lack of possessiveness they feel. Many couples learn very early in their relationship that ownership of each other sexually can become the greatest internal threat to their staying together. (p. 256)

Other researchers have also seen sexual freedom as beneficial to gay relationships (Harry 1978, Peplau, 1982)."


New member
Excerpted from Surveys Reveal Sex Practices of Homosexuals, published Sept 15, 2006, by Agape Press:

…A survey by The Advocate, a homosexual magazine, revealed that promiscuity is a reality among homosexuals. The poll found that 20 percent of homosexuals said they had had 51-300 different sex partners in their lifetime, with an additional 8 percent having had more than 300…

Here are the actual stats for question 9:

Homosexual males only (2294 responses)
104 or 4.5% had 0 same-sex partners in their lifetime
79 or 3.4% had only 1 same-sex partner
330 or 14.4% had 2-5 same-sex partners
264 or 11.5% had 6-10 same-sex partners
306 or 13.3% had 11-20 same-sex partners
399 or 17.4% had 21-50 same-sex partners
288 or 12.6% had 51-100 same-sex partners
276 or 12.0% had 101-300 same-sex partners
248 or 10.8% had more than 300 same-sex partners

(The total of homosexual males in this study reporting more than 50 sex partners in their lifetime is 35.4%. See The Advocate’s website for lesbian-only and combined male and female stats.)



New member
One study of faithfulness in marriage reported that 75% of men and 85% of women self-reported as being faithful to their spouse, but in a similar study of homosexual men, only 4.5% self-reported as being faithful to their partner.[ix] German sexologist Martin Dannecker, who is himself homosexual, says fidelity between homosexual men living in a “committed relationship” is a myth. Dannecker interviewed 900 male respondents living in a “steady” relationship in Bonn, Germany, and 83 percent of them (747 men) said that they had had frequent homosexual contacts outside their “steady” relationship within the past 12 months.


New member
Okay, if we take your evidence in combination with A4T's, I will be willing to concede (for now) that homosexuals have a greater probability of living a more promiscuous lifestyle.

However, on thinking about it some more I want to loop back to what Bybee said. I think I dismissed her idea as a knee jerk a bit too quickly. If legal precedence is created with this case and they are successful, it does make for a very abstract definition of what marriage is. Doesn't it?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I wonder how long before perversion like this becomes commonplace in America?

Homosexuality, incest, adultery, all in one. How much further can the envelope be pushed?

there's no reason not to allow this now, the way the law is interpreted and the willingness by those involved in the law to allow it without objection :idunno: