Homeschool myths...


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I've actually heard someone we go to church with use the excuse that her daughter "will not get to go to prom" as an excuse not to homeschool.

If I remember correctly, I think I responded with, "Exactly!"

Homeschool myth #6 - Your children will miss out on the prom, school dances, "dating", sports, etc.

Great response!


Proverbs 31:10
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Hall of Fame
Homeschool myth #6 - Your children will miss out on the prom, school dances, "dating", sports, etc.

Great response!

I went to public school and didn't do any of those things, despite my mother trying to marry me off into a well-to-do when I was sixteen.

Anyway, schools are nothing more than highly glorified day-care centers. My daughter was in a Christian school for kindergarten and first grade, public school for two weeks in second grade, homeschooled through third grade, public school for one semester of fourth grade, homeschooled through fifth grade, Christian school for a semester in sixth grade (while I taught a Spanish class), and homeschooled through twelfth grade (she finished last December).


Well-known member
Myth #4: Some people can't afford it.

If I had to send my oldest daughter to public school (God forbid), it would cost far, far more than it costs to homeschool her. But I suppose some people hold to that myth because both parents work outside the home.

Parents should consider the real cost of not homeschooling their kids. Even if it costs more, they should consider making the sacrifices necessary to teach their children themselves.

Homeschooling has allowed us to have more time with our children; time that otherwise would have been spent essentially with strangers...

Strangers with candy.


Silver Member
Silver Subscriber
This one cracks me up

Homeschool myth #7-Your children will not learn how to line up and walk in a single file line.
View attachment 13323

They seem to be doing a pretty good job.

Not to mention how darn cute they are! My mother-in-law actually uses this one for the reason you should send your kids to preschool - so when they get to kindergarten they'll already know how to line up! :doh: