Jefferson said:
Secular Humanism in the U.S. is a religion also. And the result? Millions of abortions, a taxation rate equivalent to theft, legalized adutery and homosexuality, etc.
We're not talking about secular humanism, we're talking about
your religion and
your agenda. If Christians quit having abortions proportional to the rest of the population, stopped whoring themselves for poltical access, and didn't get embroiled in sex scandals, perhaps you'd have a leg to stand on here.
Abortion? Murder. No question. Taxes? The way they are, exorbiant. "Adultery" and homosexuality? Quit worrying about who's boinking who, Jeff. The problem with Christianity, among many others, is that its obsession with sex winds up overriding greater issues.
You don't need Christianity to get lower taxes or stop killing your own.