I am not intolerant to any religion as such.
Yes, you are. You are intolerant of evangelical Christianity. I'll explain below...
I am not intolerant to Jesus Christ. I have said it in the previous post that I have read Bible and I pray to Jesus Christ too (yes I do, for me he is son of God and someone to be glorified) but I am a Hindu and I will remain one.
Did you miss the countless passages in the Bible where God expresses that He is the only God that actually exists, that all other "gods" are false (idols), and that worshipping other gods makes Him very angry?
And did you miss where Jesus claimed no one comes to the Father but by Him?
You cannot love God but remain a Hindu any more than a woman can love her husband but sleep with a different man every night.
What I don't understand is the desire to "force" people into your religion.
You put
force in quotes, but who has said it? What Christian desires to "force" people to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour? It can't even be done.
We may have some miscommunication here. I have no problems if you want to make others aware of your beliefs and faiths, that is all right, as long as you don't persuade them to convert.
Persuading someone is not forcing. Convincing someone of the truth though presenting evidence and sound reason, for example, is not the same as putting a gun to someone's head and telling them to recite a scripted prayer. (The latter would not force anyone to become a Christian, by the way, because Christianity isn't about what a person disingenuously says, whether by coercion or any other means, but it's about what a person believes in his heart.)
Why do you have a problem with Christians who know that the God of the Bible is the only true and living God and that Christ rose from the dead trying to convince others that these things are true? Would you rather we keep it a secret so that you die in your sins and are separated from God for eternity just so that we don't offend your sensibilities? Would that be loving?
If you asleep in your home and your house was on fire sleeping in a burning building, and your neighbor woke you up to warn you, would you complain that he disturbed your slumber?
The decision should be left to the person.
It is. It always is. That's unavoidable. But what's wrong with presenting the evidence and explaining the consequences of the decision? What's wrong with helping a person make an
informed decision?
As I said before most of the missionaries are good but not all. I hate the zealots who are ready to use any means to convert people.
India has huge population of Christians and we all live together because we really don't care which God you worship, we just care if you are a good person or a bad person. I can not speak for all Hindus/Indians but I speak for the ones I know.
Being a "good person" will not save you, because everyone has sinned and is therefore unworthy of God. But God sent His Son to die to atone for our sins, and He rose from the dead on the third day. Our salvation does not depend on how good we behave (because we could never behave perfectly) but on whether we humbly accept the free gift of grace offered through Christ's shed blood.
This is the gospel. We are instructed by God to preach it and to give a defense for our beliefs. Who are you to demand that we don't? proselytize
Don't you realize that you're trying to push your belief that
it's wrong to push your beliefs on others on us. And while claiming to oppose religious intolerance, you are being intolerant of our religion. Proselytizing is an important aspect of our religion and you are telling us that we shouldn't proselytize. You're being hypocritical.
Let me ask you one thing Turbo, I have an open mind and that's why I have read almost all spiritual books and I have adopted good practices from them (praying to god at personal level, praying before food, treating God as your saviour, teachings in bibles, the list is long)
By what standard do you judge which practices are good and which are not?
Apparently you reject God's claims that other gods do not exist, His admonitions against worshipping other gods, and Christ's teachings that salvation is through Him alone. Correct?
but have you read Bhagavad Gita? How open are you to others thoughts?
I was not raised as a Christian and entered adulthood as an agnostic evolutionist. But I was open minded enough to consider the evidence (which I was unaware of growing up) that molecules-to-man evolution is impossible and that the Bible's account of Creation and the Flood are plausible. That opened my mind to the possibility that the Bible as a whole is true and that Christ actually rose from the dead, and after investigating that evidence I became a Christian. No one forced me, but I was persuaded by the evidence and chose to humble myself before God.
I am open minded, but I am not open to every idea. I am not open to the notion that the moon is made out of cheese, for instance. And I am not open to the idea of worshipping what I already know for a fact are false gods.